
Chapter 101: Qi Refinement, Fifth Level (Five Updates)_1

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Elder Yu's expression was severe when he entered, but as he left, his face had visibly lightened, and Mo Shan could even make out a faint hint of a smile on his face.

Having known Elder Yu for so long, Mo Shan recalled that the Elder was always somewhat irritable, with a stern demeanor and not the best temper. He had never seen him with an expression like today's.

"Mo Shan, you've raised a good son!"

Elder Yu broke precedent and praised Mo Shan for the first time.

Mo Shan was startled, even somewhat flattered. No matter how well he had previously mastered the Taoist skills or how many monster beasts he had slain, Elder Yu had never complimented him, and Mo Shan had thought the Elder was strict and never praised anyone.

Now, this sudden praise caught him off guard, and for a moment, he didn't quite know what to say.

After finishing his remark, Elder Yu didn't wait for Mo Shan's response. He nodded to Liu Ruhua and walked out the door on his own.