
immortal warrior and orphan

story of a warrior cursed with immortality wanting to die and an orphan kid who cannot use mana with dream of happy life crosses path in unstable kingdom

Swadesi_Jugad · Fantasi
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1 Chs

The escape

Rex woke up to the sound of his own heartbeat, the blood rushing through his veins like a river of ice. He could feel the cold metal of the handcuffs biting into his wrists, and the rough hands of the guards dragging him across the floor. He tried to fight, to pull free and escape, but it was no use. He was too weak, too exhausted, and too alone.

He looked around, trying to get his bearings, but all he could see was a blur of faces and a swirl of colors. He could hear the jeers of the crowd, the insults and the curses raining down on him like a hail of stones. He could feel the hatred and the disgust emanating from them, and he knew there was no hope for him.

He was just a poor orphan, accused of a crime he didn't commit. He was just a thief, doomed to a life of misery and suffering. He was just a nobody, forgotten by the world and forsaken by the gods.

He had been surviving for as long as he could remember by fighting for every scrap of food and every shred of dignity. He had been barely surviving in the streets, in the alleys, in the shadows.

As the guards dragged Rex through the crowded streets, he couldn't help but think about all the things he had always wanted but had never had. He thought about a peaceful village nestled in the rolling hills, where the air was clean and the sky was blue. He thought about owning warm and cozy home, filled with laughter and love. He thought about a family who cared for him and cherished him, and who showed him the kindness and compassion that he longed.

But most of all, he thought about freedom. Freedom to live his life as he chose, without the constant fear of hunger and poverty. Freedom to be more than just a forgotten orphan, condemned to a life of misery and suffering.

He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, and he vowed that he would escape. He would find a way out, no matter what it took. He would fight, he would run, he would hide, and he would survive.

When he was dragged through the crowded market square, he saw his chance. A group of merchants was blocking the way, their carts filled with goods and their voices raised in argument. The guards slowed down, their attention distracted,he saw a small gap in their formation and Rex knew this was his moment.

Despite his thin and malnourished frame, he summoned all of his strength and yanked his arms free from the guards' grasp and took off running. He didn't know where he was going, but he didn't care. He bolted, sprinting down the narrow alleyways as fast as his legs would carry him.

He felt a surge of hope as he ran, his heart racing with excitement. He knew he had to keep moving, to stay one step ahead of his pursuers. And for a moment, it seemed like he just might be able to outrun them.

But Rex's luck ran out. As he turned a corner, he stumbled upon a man standing in his path. He tried to stop, to avoid him, but it was too late. He collided with the man and fell, his foot catching on a loose cobblestone.

He hit the ground hard, his breath escaping him in a gasp. He tried to get up, to keep running, but it was no use. The guards were upon him, their heavy boots thudding on the ground as they closed in. They grabbed him by the arms and yanked him to his feet, their faces twisted with triumph.

Rex glared at them, his eyes blazing with defiance. He wouldn't give up, not yet. He would find a way out, even if it was the last thing he did.

But as he looked around, he saw something that made his heart skip a beat. The man he had stumbled upon was still standing a few feet away, watching the scene with a look of shock and confusion on his face. He was tall and lean, with piercing blue eyes and a head of disheveled black hair. He wore a long coat of shimmering black, adorned with silver runes, and a pair of silver gauntlets on his hands.

Rex couldn't help but feel a spark of recognition as he looked at the man. There was something about him, something powerful and capable, that made Rex feel like he was in the presence of a true warrior. But at the same time, Rex also felt a deep resentment towards the man. It was his fault that Rex's escape attempt had failed, and Rex couldn't help but blame him for it.

He opened his mouth to speak, to vent his anger, but the words died on his lips as the guards yanked him away. They shackled his feet as well, making it impossible for him to escape again. He glared at the man, hoping to convey his hostility, and then he was taken away by the guards and the scene ended.

The man remained on the scene, still shocked and confused by the turn of events but more than either he was curious about the kid