
Immortal Throne

David remained a virgin until his death, yet his soul awakened in the ruins of an alien world and accidentally inherited the Immortal Throne. His heritage included but was not limited to: a mini sun of infinite energy; three slumbering ancient guardian gods; a loyal and beautiful maiden named Lynn. With Lynn's assistance, Davi nurtured the strongest magical body, took it as the vessel of his soul, and embarked on a journey to conquer this fantastical world. Savage beasts roamed wildly, demons gathered in multitudes. To survive, he must hone his strength continuously!

Brest · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

Overloaded Challenge


The coach stood at the front of the training grounds, his stern gaze sweeping over everyone.

"You dim-witted fools, don't think this is some fun game. Don't get cocky for being cultivators. From now on, this is a battlefield!" He began lecturing, his voice booming like thunder.

"If anyone is hoping to take shortcuts or have an easy time, leave now and don't waste my time and energy!"

"You may have some talent, but laziness and weakness will only make you fodder for the forest beasts. Don't want to be shit out as manure, then desperately cultivate! I'll bring you endless pain in the coming time!"

The coach's voice was like piercing arctic winds. His eyes flashed with unwavering conviction, exuding utmost prestige through his aura.

"Everybody stand at attention!"

This roar made many of the new recruits tremble as they reflexively stood upright.

David had gone through military drills in his past life even with that frail physique. Now with his Chaos Body as a true cultivator, standing straight was nothing.

"Hey you, what are you doing? What's your name? Are you very afraid?" The coach walked by each person, his sharp gaze suddenly falling on a tall young man with a square face.

That was the square-faced fellow. Although he had straightened his back, for some reason his legs kept trembling. Now facing the coach's stare, he was sweating bullets.

"I, I'm George. I'm not afraid, just...a bit nervous!"


The coach's expression was stern as he kicked out without another word, sending the square-faced George sprawling to the ground, hugging his leg and grimacing in pain.

"Still nervous now?"

"No, not nervous..." The square-faced man hurriedly got back up, gritting his teeth as he forced himself to endure until his legs finally stopped shaking.

After the coach's harsh inspection, the newcomers were thoroughly frightened, shivering as they desperately performed, afraid of getting hit.

Emma's group had done some farm work back in the village, so their fitness wasn't too bad.

Moreover, they now shouldered the mission of liberating the village saintess. Along with having survived a brush with death already, the resolute determination in their serious eyes made them seem even better than many others present.

Even faced with such a strict coach, he gave an approving nod.

"Now, prepare for weighted running, 50 kg per person for a 10 km run!" the coach ordered.

"Tsk!" With his command, some in the crowd sucked in a breath, cries of shock arising immediately.

"Did I hear that right, 50 kg? So intense right off the bat?" someone couldn't help but mutter softly.

"Heh, that's lenient. Once you get used to it after a few days, the weight will be increased!" someone who had trained here for a while laughed.

"Less chatter, go line up to take your weights!" the coach scolded.

Everyone jogged to line up, taking weights from the nearby warehouse.


They were piles of black iron chains, 50 kg worth bound over each person's shoulders, thighs, and waist.

"Gah, isn't this too heavy!" someone couldn't help but complain. "Even as cultivators, this is too much!"

50 kg exceeded everyone's expectations. They had thought that as cultivators now with physiques far beyond normal people, they wouldn't have to suffer such torturous physical training again!

"Yo Geoffrey, give them some motivation!" Victor ordered the lackey beside him in line, a wicked smile on his face.

Geoffrey was puzzled at first but quickly understood his boss' intent and hurriedly nodded.

"Hmph, that dumb kid dared provoke our boss. Let's see him suffer today and get a taste of our might!" Geoffrey said arrogantly.

He observed the line's pace, loitered around a bit, then cut in several spots back when people weren't paying attention, finally stopping just ahead of David's group.

"Heh heh, let's see how long you can endure!" When it was Geoffrey's turn, he first took 50 kg of chains for himself. Then he grabbed a 100 kg weight from the heavy pile beside and left it for the line behind.

He had placed it very deliberately so that the fourth person in line would get that 100 kg overload!

And that fourth person was none other than David!

"Hmm...something's not right!" As David picked up the iron chains for his weight, preparing to bind them like everyone else, he noticed something amiss.

"Why is this so heavy..." Even with his Chaos Body at the 1st rank Initiation, he felt somewhat strained.

"Hey kid, if you can't lift it then don't force yourself. Hurry and drop out, don't hold us up!" Someone behind him in line urged.

David had no choice. Time was tight and the vicious coach kept yelling at the entrance.

He didn't want to become a target on the first day. His instincts told him this was over 50 kg, but he forced himself to take it anyway.

Soon everyone had their weights on and stood in two columns before the forest.

"Captain Daniel, take the lead. You can stop after reaching the 10 km mark!" the coach instructed, then rode alongside them on horseback to supervise.

"Yes sir!" Captain Daniel responded firmly.

"Hahaha, look at that dumb kid carrying 100 kg chains. His load's way bigger than everyone else's and he hasn't noticed?" Victor and his lackeys laughed and gossiped nearby.

"Let's watch the show of him dropping out halfway. The coach doesn't mess around!"

The run soon officially started, circling the forest outskirts. Towering trees constantly whipped by.

"Huff, huff!" After just 1 km, some were already panting heavily, clearly lacking regular exercise.

"Tsk, what trash my age-mates are. Only I'm so outstanding!" A blonde boy ran easily, unable to help mocking those slower than him.

"Shaddup you sissy, such a loud mouth!" Some couldn't stand his attitude and retorted.

"Hm? This is noble elegance. You peasants wouldn't understand," the blonde arrogantly stated.

He had carefully styled blonde hair and wore refined clothes, carrying himself with the airs of high society. Clearly a pampered noble's son.

David was among those struggling to keep up through sheer willpower and not fall behind.

"You okay?" Christina seemed to be running just fine, intentionally slowing to keep pace with David.

"Managing!" Seeing Christina's ease, David felt deeply discouraged, realizing their physiques were the same. He pushed himself even harder.

Time seemed to slow in this moment. David was drenched in sweat, even starting to feel dizzy with dry heaving.

Unknowingly, his speed dropped until he fell behind the group. His age also meant he had to try harder just to keep up normally. Now he was clearly detached.

"Hey pipsqueak, you're done already? I won't go easy on you for your age!" The coach had slowed his horse to check on the stragglers.

David didn't respond. His mouth was parched and he felt dizzy and blinded, his mind a complete blank as he forced his body onward.

"I knew this kid was useless. Must be some young master relying on piles of pills and elixirs to rank up to Initiate!"

"Heh, now his true ability is revealed. No background will help and all his shortcuts are vomited out!" Seeing David's state, some couldn't help but mock.

David also hadn't expected to hit his limit so quickly. His will seemed beyond his control as he teetered on the edge of collapse.

"Master, do you require my assistance?" Lynn asked at this time within his mind.

"Based on calculations, your load is approximately 100 kg. A 1st rank Initiate is estimated to have around 5 times normal human endurance..."

"You have never specially trained. Feeling exhausted is normal."

"I knew the weight was off. How can you even help me?" David had no choice but to bitterly laugh while asking.

"I am but a consciousness without any power, unable to provide direct aid," Lynn explained.

"However, if you permit, I can control this body, rationally numbing and filtering sensations and negative reactions."

"Do whatever you must, just make it easier for me!" David was already beyond thinking, latching onto her words like a lifeline.


"Increasing heart rate..."

"Deepening breath, raising respiratory rate..."

After Lynn's adjustments, David immediately snapped back to alertness. Though still fatigued, he felt much better with a numbed body that simply kept running forward.

At the same time, a boiling sensation gradually arose below his navel as spirit energy began flowing through his body's meridians, reigniting the tree diagrams from last night into a positive cycle!

"This...it's directly activated spirit energy digestion mode!" David exclaimed in surprise.

With the tree diagram's energy circulation, he suddenly felt capable of anything. His legs sharply accelerated as if back at the starting line, breaking into a full sprint.

"That dumb kid take the wrong meds? Sprinting already when there's so far to go!" Others saw and were slightly astonished.

"Kids will be kids, still immature. Used up all his strength already. Let's see how he runs later!"

But David persevered in his sprint, ignoring their voices.

His body seemed to burn, wishing to fly into the sky. His speed directly overtook many people as he gradually caught up with the group, even reaching the middle now.

"Huh? How'd he catch up?" Victor was incredulous seeing David again.

"That's impossible! He's clearly carrying 100 kg..." Geoffrey hurriedly explained.

Squinting to observe David, he saw the other's steps were swift yet heavy, confirming the 100 kg chains!

"How can he still run like this..."

"Hmph, he better pray he doesn't drop dead. Cultivators dropping in runs is disgraceful!" Victor's expression gradually darkened as he coldly cursed.

David paid them no mind, fully focused on the path ahead while maintaining orderly breathing and circulation through Lynn's help!

"Nice one David!" Emma deliberately gave a thumbs up when she saw him, having been worried after he initially fell behind.

"Go go!" Leah cheered.

The three saintesses were also keeping up fine, maintaining the front section.

Born in the True King's village and raised as saintesses for years, they naturally had talents beyond ordinary people.

The goddess had also directly helped them rank up to Initiation, so of course they were stronger than normal.

Most importantly, they were at least 16 years old. In many aspects they weren't inferior to adults, lacking no disadvantage in leg length.

David couldn't bother with them, focused wholly on his sprint.

The boiling sensation had become constant. This was a great chance to digest spirit energy, his strength visibly growing as he neared the 2nd rank of Initiation!

Soon he even reached the very front, shocking everyone.

"Oh? Seems there's finally someone my age who can compare with me!" The blonde boy had steadily led the pack. Seeing David catch up, he slightly lowered his gaze, staring at David aggressively.

"He looks even younger than me...no, this guy's just a kid!" Even the arrogant blonde couldn't help but admire seeing David for the first time.

"Hey kid, how old are you?" He intentionally ran alongside David to show he still had energy to spare.

"10 years old. David. Don't disturb me!" David was forced close, nearly losing pace as he dodged aside reflexively.

He had caught wind of this blonde noble's son when nearing the front earlier.

He wanted nothing to do with such people, directly stating his age and name to prevent more questions. Talking could easily disrupt his breathing!

"Oh? Interesting. First time this young lord's seen someone so cocky...I'm Lawrence, 14 years old!" The blonde Lawrence also reported his name and age, clearly wanting to compete with David on even ground.