
Immortal Throne

David remained a virgin until his death, yet his soul awakened in the ruins of an alien world and accidentally inherited the Immortal Throne. His heritage included but was not limited to: a mini sun of infinite energy; three slumbering ancient guardian gods; a loyal and beautiful maiden named Lynn. With Lynn's assistance, Davi nurtured the strongest magical body, took it as the vessel of his soul, and embarked on a journey to conquer this fantastical world. Savage beasts roamed wildly, demons gathered in multitudes. To survive, he must hone his strength continuously!

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30 Chs

Final Sprint to the Finish

The coach observed everyone coldly from horseback.

"Huff, huff!"

With 3 km left to the finish, many in the lengthy running column had depleted their strength, falling behind with flushed faces gasping for air.

"This is too hard. Ah, I really can't run anymore!"

"Ugh, these chains are too heavy. Are the people ahead monsters? How can they still run!"

Most wore exhausted expressions, faces red as they gritted their teeth and persevered.

But there were always outstanding ones jogging steadily in the group with calm expressions.

"Woman, we meet again!" Victor intentionally ran up to Emma, a wicked smile at his lips.

"Piss off, no time for you!" Emma's brows furrowed as she snarled ferociously.

"Still no shame. I was gonna let you off since you're a beauty, but seems you need more discipline!" Victor's expression chilled as he shook his head in disappointment.

"Do it!"

At his command, the two lackeys by his side revealed cold grins, secretly speeding up.

They suddenly accelerated and slammed into Emma from both sides.


"Ah!" Emma stumbled with the 50 kg weight on her. The heavy slam threw her off balance and sent her crashing to the ground.

"Hey, what's going on!" Those behind her had to swerve, causing turmoil in the column.

"Stupid woman, even tripping while running. I knew she'd jinx us!" Those unaware complained irritably.

"Emma!" Up ahead, Leah sensed the situation but was carried forth by the crowd, unable to turn back for now.

"Damn!" Emma crawled up in a sorry state, feeling sore all over with scraped arms and covered in dirt.

She tried to catch up but couldn't stand steadily after a few attempts, clearly having injured her leg with disrupted energy flow.

Glancing up ahead, her gaze met Victor's. He laughed while flipping her off before accelerating away until out of sight.

"Bastard!" Anger was useless now. The priority was calming her churning energy to regain mobility in her leg.


People rushed by in both directions. She was accidentally slammed again by someone behind, stumbling and falling once more.

"Hey idiot woman, don't stop here. It's dangerous!" That person also cursed as they ran past.

"Geez, all in a rush to die!" Emma's eyes narrowed as she took deep breaths to calm herself.

"Miss, a-are you okay!" Just then a square-faced tall man ran over and stopped by her, warily eyeing the oncoming crowd.

Emma looked at him and recognized this square-faced man. Despite his large build, he had been berated earlier by the coach for unable to stand steady.

"What, you wanna help me?"

"Ah, of course! Falling here is really dangerous!" George's face reddened as he spoke awkwardly.

"Actually, I saw everything earlier...you were bullied by Victor's group right..." he added softly.

"You could say that. Those bastards, I'll deal with them eventually!" Emma still gnashed her teeth in anger remembering them.

"Can you stand? I'll watch for the others behind you, take your time." George didn't take her hand or try to help her up, only asking.

"Should be fine, thanks." Emma tried getting up. With no interruptions this time, she succeeded.

She tested her ankle's flexibility. The earlier sprain didn't seem to affect the bone or tendons, still able to exert force smoothly.

"Let's go, we're losing the group."

"Mm!" George firmly acknowledged.

Emma began running again. Seeing she was unharmed, George also gradually accelerated.

Clearly they were elites in the group. Despite the long delay, they could still catch up.

Up ahead, an intense battle was unfolding at the very front!

"Hey hey, David, only 2 km left. Don't tell me this is your limit! The first to the finish will definitely be me! Hahaha!" The blonde Lawrence ran alone at the very front, keeping a body length ahead of David.

"You keeping up is already impressive considering you're only ten. But now, farewell!" Lawrence steadied his breathing and sprinted further, gradually leaving David behind.

David remained immersed in that profound meditative state, paying no heed to anything external.

Moreover, his body had truly reached its limit. Even with Lynn's aid, accelerating further was difficult.

"Big brother, you okay?" Christina was also among the frontrunners, blending in to constantly monitor David's state.

"I'm good, don't worry about me. Don't focus too much on me. This is a good chance to test my limits!" David didn't turn back, only glancing at Christina from the corner of his eye.

"Mm!" Christina firmly acknowledged, a satisfied expression on her cute face.

All this time, she had suppressed her power solely to take care of David.

But now it seemed that despite earlier trouble, David had adapted and needed no care from her.

"I never liked that blonde bitch. How dare he speak so arrogantly to my big brother!" Excitement crept into Christina's smile. Her amber eyes dilated slightly like a predatory cat on the hunt.

In the final kilometer with everyone barely persevering through willpower, Christina instead accelerated, her petite body incredibly agile!

"What's going on, how's this kid suddenly so fast!"

"Crazy right, why are only kids at the front? Is it cuz they're lighter?"

"...Then why don't you say their legs are shorter too!" Someone retorted speechlessly.

Those barely hanging on, exerting everything just for some standing, despaired seeing another kid rocket forth.

She was simply too fast to chase!

"Hm? Someone's keeping pace with me?" Up ahead, Lawrence also felt the pressure behind him. His gaze sank as he glanced back.

He saw Christina leaning forward, running fluidly like a nimble leopard chasing prey up ahead.

"How, how is this possible!" Lawrence's pupils shrunk, watching Christina rapidly close in.

He secretly swallowed. A sudden terror arose. This thing chasing wasn't human, but a true predator!

"Tsk, another kid? No way I'll lose to a kid!" After a brief hesitation, Lawrence's proud ego refused to concede, potential exploding forth to accelerate as well.

With cultivator vision, the finish was in sight - the coach awaited on horseback!

The race became bizarre from their clash.

Lawrence far ahead kept pushing himself faster.

Yet no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake Christina gradually overtaking him!

Far behind them was David leading the pack by a huge margin.

Only then came the neck-to-neck strugglers sweating buckets with gritted teeth!

"Seems some outstanding ones among these trainees." The coach at the finish smiled in anticipation.

"Lawrence is already excellent, but those ten-year-old twins are just abnormal!"

"Aaahhhhh!" Lawrence's face was bright red now, eyes closed as he threw all caution to the wind and sprinted with everything he had.

The finish was right there. No way would he lose to a child!

Christina's eyes shimmered slightly as excitement flushed her cute face. Revealing sharp teeth, her predatory nature showed through her parted lips.

"You're gonna lose, blonde bitch!"

Suddenly, the eyes-closed Lawrence heard a mocking murmur by his ear.

Drenched in cold sweat, he opened his eyes wide in disbelief.

Christina was now beside Lawrence. Her leg muscles bulged as she powerfully kicked off, the ground slightly depressed by her steps.


Dust flew as Christina leapt forth at the final moment like an arrow shot ahead.


She steadily landed with the finish right before her, kicking up dried leaves.

Standing past the finish line, she slowly looked back, peculiar lights flickering in her amber eyes as she confidently met Lawrence's gaze.

"Ahhh!" Lawrence lost. It felt like the sky was collapsing. His previously handsome face drooped as if all vigor vanished.

The stamina consumed by the weighted run nowfeedback in full, leaving him spent.

Powerless, he shambled past the finish, eyes wide and vacant as he stared dumbly at Christina, unable to speak for some time.

"I, I actually lost to a little girl!!"

Soon, third place arrived.


David had just crossed when he dove flat to the ground, sliding several meters from momentum before simply lying prone to rest.

"Damn...so tired..."

With David's arrival, the main group also began crossing the line.

By now, standings no longer mattered. Some didn't even bother crossing, just sitting down to rest where they were.

"Argh, that was brutal!"

"Bloody knackered. I feel my soul's been sublimated!"

"So thirsty, anyone got water?"


"Ahem, quiet!" At this time, the coach dismounted and gestured for silence.

"Well done persisting to the end, you who stand here!"

"However, we will still allow chances for those disqualified!"

"Rest twenty minutes and wait for them. There's a creek nearby to drink from. Return after twenty minutes for some theory talk!"

"But remember, don't remove your weights without permission!"

With the coach's instructions, the crowd stirred.

"Ugh, how long do we have to wear these!"

"Whatever, gonna find water first!"

David lay like a dead pig beneath a big tree. If not for his breathing, he might have been dragged off for medical aid.

"You alright, big brother?" Christina gently squatted by him and patted his back.

Clearly she remained energetic with ample strength left.

"Damn it all, my weight was 100 kg!" David said resentfully, pounding the ground in frustration.

Christina was briefly surprised before giving an understanding smile.

"It's fine now. You made it to the end!" She comforted him by gently ruffling his hair.

On the other side, Leah and Clara met up with Emma.

"Emma, you aren't hurt right?" Leah ran over and held her hand in concern.

"Of course I'm fine, just tripped by accident." Emma casually downplayed it, but careful inspection revealed her legs trembling uncontrollably from overexertion.

"That despicable bastard. I'll kill him once I rank up!" Clara said coldly. Usually aloof, her eyes now gleamed with killing intent.

"Uh, no need for that..." Emma waved her hand dismissively.

But her eyes quickly hardened as she swore softly, "I definitely won't let him off easy!"

"Er, I advise you to avoid Victor!" George, who had observed them, spoke up hesitantly.

"Victor's family seems to have some influence here!"

"He already successfully ranked to 2nd Initiation. His strength is remarkable."

"Most importantly, he has two loyal followers. They're both 3rd Initiation, ensuring no one dares provoke them here!" George earnestly explained to everyone.