
Chapter 9

"Well, that went better than I expected." Peter said as he, Mary Jane, Sue and Ororo left the War Room. "I didn't really expect Stark or Hill to see reason with their selfishness and closed eyes, but opening Carol's eyes and her talking to the President about the wrongs of the Registration could be a big help to our side." The ladies nodded in agreement, "Carol is a good woman, though she did consult with Stark in revealing the Web Warriors identities. I think she on her way to regaining our trust." Sue said as they entered the common room and nearly got swarmed by the heroes and families members waiting there, who wanted details that they didn't hear shouted. So Peter explained and most of the people were satisfied with the answers, though some, like Riri, were still in disbelief that Stark was still being so pigheaded and ignorant.

Afterwards, while the other heroes delightfully talked to a return Ororo, though she was both interested about learning about her forgotten past yet also nervous about it, and his wives went to breastfeed the babies, Peter decided to go for a stroll on the Abbey grounds and was joined by Johnny Storm. "So. You and my sister huh?" He asked, Peter knew this was coming and agreed with Sue to just be honest. "Yes, I love her, she love me and we want to be together raising our daughter." Johnny raised an eyebrow "And Mary Jane is completely fine with this?" To which Peter answered with "Yes, in fact it was her idea to ask her to join our family… I'm sorry we didn't consult with you about it." Peter added as he knew that they should've had asked for Johnny's blessing since he was Sue's brother.

Who was glad that Peter had picked up the gist of the conversation and did looked stern for a moment before his expression softened, "It's okay Pete. Ben, Lyja and me discuss the likelihood that you and Susan would get together." Peter looked at him a bit surprise "Really?" Johnny nodded "Yes, you have the whole Arachnid incident. Sue and Reed relationship became cold, with them getting into arguments and especially when Sue learned that she was pregnant with your child. Reed wanted her to get rid of it, but Sue refused and both Me and Lyja backed her, while Ben was neutral in order to keep Reed calm, because, despite who the father might been, my sister always wanted a child and not many people know this, But…" Johnny paused "But what?" Peter pushed "But Sue would have a slime chance to have another baby ever, this was kinda proven since she and Reed wasn't having any luck before Arachnid. Though a course he wasn't really trying and it took a lot of effort to convince him that no one would know that you were Valeria's real father and would believe him to be."

Johnny took a deep breath "When Reed up and immediately agreed to help Stark in exposing your identity, me and the others realized that he was never convinced. That all this time he held a grudge against you for having sex with his wife, even though he agreed to Arachnid conditions in order to save Sue from pain. Probably the fact that she was still strongly in love with you even after and you being there for Valeria's birth while he couldn't, made Reed grudge become a hate that I'm assuming why the Shield Agents used rockets and attempted to kill instead of capture you." "How do you mean Johnny?" Peter questioned confused "Though Hill is the shoot first ask question later woman, she wouldn't be that stupid in having her Agents use rockets in civilian high areas. Yet the Agents did so as if you were a very high level threat and while you are a powerful person Peter, you wouldn't be that high unless someone made you and there are only a few with the highest clearance to put the level. Those being Stark, Hill and Reed, while Stark was a massive jerk in revealing your identity. Just doing that would be enough, and as I said before Hill is gung-ho but not too nuts to have you execute when she could capture you instead. That just leaves Reed."

"And I'm guessing that the reason why Stark and Hill haven't said that they didn't do the missile order is because of both pride and that they don't want Reed to know that they know." Peter said "If they do know, but yes that's my opinion, me and Ben had discuss this with Cap and when the time comes we'll deal with Reed. Though the sooner the better because now that he's had learned about you and Sue engagement, he will be more hard pressed to hurt you so be careful Pete." Peter nodded before Johnny added "Oh and also." And the Human Torch hugged him "Congratulations, I know you'll make my sister more happy than before." Peter smiled at the knowledge that Johnny had just given his blessing and hugged his best friend, now future brother-in-law, back. After a few minutes the two heroes pulled away, but before they could say anything else a voice shouted "My Dear!" And something slammed into Peter's back hard enough to make him fall onto the ground. What ever had tackled Peter was laying on top of him and what felt like soft pillows were pressing against his shoulder blades, but he quickly realized that they weren't pillows as Peter felt a pair of soft lips touch the back of his neck.

"What the?! Hey get off of him!" Johnny said after he got over his surprise and managed to pull the person off Peter, who rolled around to see Johnny holding the shoulders of quite beautiful woman. She was tall with a statuette shape body that was slender with pair of breasts that shape and size rivaled any of Peter's wives, who the woman shared another characteristic with long hair that was slightly darker than Mary Jane's and looked the same color as a rose. The difference the woman had was the fact that her pure smooth skin wasn't fair, but instead a leafy green color that made her hair and red lips stand out. Peter guessed she must've been one of the Greek Warriors because of the dark green cuirass on top of a red toga with silvery lines forming overlapping leaf patterns on the both the chest piece and the bracers and greaves on the woman's limbs.

Who fought against Johnny's grip, but he held firm until suddenly the woman's green eyes glowed and ground beneath them trembled. Then suddenly a group of vines came shooting out to grab onto Johnny and throw him across the clearing, "Johnny!" Peter yelled getting to his feet, but had barely did so before the woman was on him again and he found himself once more on the ground this time with the woman on top. She straddled him and grabbed hold of his face with her hands to keep Peter from moving his head, "Wait…!" He tried to protest but the woman had already leaned down and pressed her red lips against his normal pink ones. Her mouth quivered like a leaf in a breeze, and her eyes sparkled with something Peter never saw in human eyes before.

Then the woman's mouth fastened onto his and almost immediately Peter's heart pounded like crazy, what felt like green fire raced through his veins to make his back arch forward to push his chest against the woman's. Who sticked out her tongue and Peter finding himself opening his mouth to let her in as he felt like his blood was singing of waterfalls, of sunrises in the springtime, of the cool green that lived for no reason other than love of live itself. During this Peter felt something familiar, a feeling that his soul was reaching out in the form of a chain to this woman, who own soul reached out to his and when the two chain made contact with each other they immediately fused together. All of this happening in just seconds and Peter realized that, just as his soul was connected with Ororo, he had formed a new bond with this strange green human, if she was really human as she finally pulled her mouth away. The strange nature feeling dying down though the woman was still breathtaking to Peter, who found himself tongue until the silence was broken by Johnny coming back fully flamed on. "Alright lady, I don't know who you are but you are about to be buried." The woman eyes narrowed and her hand started to glow with green light, sensing that the strange woman was about to do something to Johnny that would most likely kill him. Peter immediately shouted "Stop!" Johnny and the woman looked at him confused "Both of you stand down." Peter ordered, almost immediately the woman obey as the energy disappeared from her hand, "Johnny, power down." Peter said "But…" Johnny tried to protest "Now!" Peter urged and once the Human Torch was human again Peter looked at the woman still straddling him.

"Now, what's your name?" To which the woman answered "My name is Pamela Isley, but you may call me Pam." Peter nodded as he sensed the truth through the new bond that he now shared with this woman name Pam. "And who are you?" Peter asked and Pam replied at once "I'm servant of Demeter, blessed with the goddess gift. I am one of nature's protectors, I defend against those who seek to harm the Earth green. Including from fire body men." Pam added giving Johnny a dirty look until Peter, in a hope to deflect her, "I take that you were captured by Typhon?" Hearing the name of the Titan Pam clenched her teeth and the underneath Peter shook until he, like with Ororo, placed a hand on Pam's thigh and the trembling stopped as she calmed down before replying with angry still in her voice. "Yes, the Mad Titan did manage to imprison me and used my powers to cause destruction. That is until I was freed and brought to this strange place." She looked around the Abbey ground with interest "And why did you attack and out right kissed Peter?" Johnny asked, Pam didn't looked like she was going to answer until Peter said "Pam?" And she gave her reply. "As I slept I felt like I was both here and not, like my spirit was slowly floating away from the Earth. I didn't know what to do until I received a mysterious visitor to my bed, a figure who features was hidden beneath a cloak. Who told me that I would be given a chance to stay in this reality, but it wouldn't be for long and the only way I could make it permanent, was to find someone on theses grounds. The visitor showed me a vision of you Peter and told me that if I kiss you, then a bond would be forged between us and you would become my anchor to the world. I'm sorry for attacking you, but I was unsure that I would have enough time to explain all this before I vanished, I'm sorry."

Pam bowed her head and Peter sighed as he said "I forgive you, Pam." She looked surprised at his words and more so as he continued to speak "Believe or not you're not the only one who we rescued from Typhon that somehow created an anchor down reality bond with me. So it's alright." Pam's mouth rose up into a big smile and grabbing his head again she kissed him, this time with a passion that Peter might've had returned if not for Johnny giving a cough and ruining the moment. Pulling away Pam again looked like she wanted to kill the Human Torch but Peter calmed her down before getting to his feet with Pam hanging on until he was up and told her that she could let go of him. Which Pam did reluctantly and slowly as she tried to savor the feeling of Peter's quite well built body as must as she could before finally pulling away fully, "Johnny, why don't you go fly ahead to the Abbey. Tell them that the infirmary escapee had been found, before another search party is sent out." Peter said and Johnny agreed though he didn't look keen on the idea of leaving Peter alone with Pam, "I'll be fine, we'll be just behind you." Seeing the insurance in his best friend eyes, Johnny took off to the Abbey as Peter looked at Pam and felt something through their new bond. "I can sense your nervousness, your confusion about this world and how it is different from what ever one you came from. I'm also guessing that you have memories from there but from also before that, though those ones are foggy?" Pam looked at him in astonishment "How…?" She started to asked before she remembered "Oh right, you have another bond. I can feel it, but also I feel two other bonds but not as anchors like mine yet still strong. Who else are you pair-bond with Peter?" Pam asked and Peter smiled as he offered her his arm, "Come with me Pam, I want to introduce you to some people, including three special woman, who you might like." Pam hesitated for a moment before she took his arm, "I know we only just met Peter, but wherever you go I will follow."