
Chapter 3

Peter, who fell unconscious during the trip through limbo, awoke to find himself in a bed in a room that for a moment he thought was his apartment. Except for the wooden cabin walls that was old yet updated with a fresh woody smell, while a TV was mounted over the fireplace and near it Peter saw a rocking chair. Sitting on the chair watching silly cartoons on the screen was two familiar people that brought a smile to Peter's lips. "MJ?" He said and his beautiful red hair, green eye wife Mary Jane immediately got up from the seat and rushed over with their few month old daughter May in her arms. MJ wore a outfit similar to her regular Spinneret outfit, though her mask was off and her hair was down.

"Thank god, you're alright." She said after kissing her husband passionately. "Yeah no thanks to Stark and Reed spoiling the surprise of our secret and Shield destroying our home with a stinking rocket." Said Peter giving May a kiss on her cheek. "Da." May giggled. Mary Jane gave a smile. "Yes our house is gone with everything inside. But do you recall what Lee Greenwood said at the beginning of his most famous song?" "Enlighten me." Peter asked "Even if you loose everything you worked for you, while a life you can start a new with your family by your side." Peter returns the smile. "God I love you so much." "Me too Tiger. Oh by the way." Mary Jane lean in conspiratorially. "Sue is now part of this family as well." Peter nodded in understanding "Did she manage to get…?" He ask and MJ nodded "Yes she did." And Peter sigh in relief as as he look out the window and saw the familiar landscape of the Abby's grounds and recognize the location. "We're near Agatha Cabin?"

"Actually this is Agatha Cabin. But I don't think I'm the best to explain things, because it still makes my head hurt and will do you when you stepped outside the Tardis. I'm going put May in the living room." Said Mary Jane as she left the bedroom. Sighing Peter got out of bed and was about to head to the dresser for some clothes when he noticed a new Spider suit folded at the foot of his bed. It was similar to his old one but must have been made by the Forge for it was sort of armor like as well with two new web shooters that were not exactly electrical. 'So that EMP won't work on theses, good.' Peter thought as he also found some clippers and looked at his mess up burned hair in the mirror. "Need some help hubby?" Asked Mary Jane with amusement from the doorway and Peter smiled. "You are always better when it comes to hairstyles than me darling."

So as May clapped to silly cartoons in the living room Mary Jane trimmed Peter's burned locks until his hair was more spiky. Then Peter showered and put on the new suit and web shooters. Exiting he saw that Mary Jane had put on her own Forge web shooters and was ready to go. Peter took May from her, did a raspberry on her stomach to make their daughter squealed in happiness then did one on Mary Jane neck, making her giggle before she kissed him as payback and then they left the cabin. And now Peter understood what Mary Jane meant by Tardis for on inside it was two maybe three stories cabin, while on the outside it look like Agatha was a one room cabin. "Smaller on the outside." Peter quoted from Doctor Who. "Okay That is a first." Mary Jane finished with a smirk. "So I'm guessing now that everyone knows our secret Jameson is leaping for joy?" Peter asked as they went down the hill. "Actually for once he been defending us." Said Mary Jane sounding like she still couldn't believe it. "Really?" Peter questioned and she nodded "He said that there nothing in the Act that say Stark had the authority to reveal heroes identities without their consent, or for Shield to destroy public buildings with rockets or execute unregistered heroes Judge Dredd style. Spider-Man, Spinneret and the other Web Warriors may be menaces, but not the type to be murder in cold blood. Been protesting against the SHRA since none stop pointing out the good of our sides and the evil of Stark that the Bulge wouldn't before."

"Wow I'm really touched by how much Jameson really cares." Peter said as they moved through the Everflowing Glade. "Unfortunately our exposure seem to have brought some over to Stark side instead of against it." Said Mary Jane with a disappointed look appearing on her face and Peter realized who it could have been. "No. Not Miles?" Mary Jane blinked. "What no. Miles is here along with Gwen and Kevin. No it's Ben, Peter." Peter was shocked but also kinda not surprised at the same time. "Well Ben was always more willing to be recognized as his own person and not just the Third Spider-Man." Mary Jane nodded. "He was always jealous of you and Miles and figures becoming Stark's Spider-Man could give him ownership of the name. While capturing a couple of the other web warriors, which a course now only proven to make him unworthy of the Spider on his chest." There came a voice from nearby that said. "Ahem my sister." Looking up they saw the younger alternate version of Peter, who goes by Kevin Parker who had ice powers shown by the ice stick he was twirling in his fingers. While wearing a blue hoodie, jeans and combat boots as he leaned against a tree smiling at the couple as he ate an apple.

Crouching in some of the nearby trees wearing outfits similar to their original one, but just like Peter and Mary Jane with a layer of armor added, were Miles Morales aka Spider-Man and Gwen Stacy aka Ghost Spider. Who jumped down to give Peter a hug, and a kiss on the cheek from Gwen, before the question was asked "Did we really make Ben feel unwelcome that much?" There was some worried in Gwen's voice. "I mean I know Miles always got in fights with Ben because they kept trying to one up each other. But I honestly thought Ben would be here with us and wouldn't have given Aunt May to Stark." "Stark has May?!" Peter asked a bit too loudly which surprised May and making her start to cry, her parents immediately went to comforting her and calmed her down quickly before Peter looked at his friends for answers. "Not in a prison cell but definitely a golden cage." Said Miles. "Ben must have been visiting her and when Shield arrived he must've saw his chance to bargain with Stark by giving Aunt May to him as a chip." Kevin crushed the ice stick he been twirling in anger as he add. "And of course we know that Stark will give the offer us the 'chance' to surrender, or Aunty will be put into a cell with Doc Ock."

"She actually prefer that than whatever Stark giving her." Peter said with a chuckle and shutter as he remembered how his Aunt had actually nearly married the many limb villain. "But nothing we can do about it right now. So who of the other Web Warriors are here?" Peter asked. "Silk was forced to join Stark to insure the safety of her family, and Kaine been captured and thrown in a cell after hospitalizing at least ten Agents." Said Kevin with a smirk. "Though Ben is Stark's Spider, we stand by the true owner of the Spider mantle. We follow you Peter." Peter look around at the others with the Spider gift and felt touch by their loyalty. "As do we." Came another familiar voice and turning Peter smile grew as he saw five people coming up the path. The first was Johnny Storm, the Human Torch, who holding hands with a green hair, green skin woman that was his Skrull wife Lyja. Next to them and the biggest in the group was the humanoid rock known as the Thing to the world and Ben Grimm to his friends and family, who last members walked ahead of the group. Sue Storm, with her long blonde hair tied into a messy ponytail, stood tall and beautiful even in her new Forge outfit that still bored the number 4 on her chest. Which was point of curiosity for the fifth member of the group that Sue held in her arms, a baby girl who looked about the same age as May though they were born a week apart. The girl name was Valeria, who almost a spitting image of her mother though her blue eyes were identical to both the half sister and the father holding her that Sue stopped a few feet away from.

Not including those present and a few trusted people like Steve and Aunt May, no one knew about the Arachnid event that ended with Sue becoming pregnant and despite Reed 'requests' for her to have an abortion, Sue chose to keep and, with Peter and May present at the hospital, have the baby. Who's Uncles and Aunts had not too much of an issue with and smiled as Peter and Sue looked at each other as she spoke in a quiet voice, "I'm so happy that you are okay, when you fell unconscious I feared…" Her voice started to break and tears build up in her eyes when Peter reached out to take her free hand, stopping her from speaking as he pulled her into a hug and whispering into her ear. "I'm okay. Sorry for scaring you, I promise to try and not do so again. If I do, you can murder me right after MJ." This made Sue laugh a bit even as tears of joy fell down her face as she returned the hug while their children played with each other hands. The hug went on a bit longer than it probably should have only until Johnny gave a cough did the two separated. But not before Peter gave both a kiss on Sue's wet cheek and whispered the words "I love you." Into her ear, which made Sue's heart flutter in joy as she also kissed Peter's cheek before wiping away the tears from hers as Johnny spoke. "Anyway… Cap is having the heroes here form into their own group, in order for them to be able to work together more better. The members of the Fantastic Four are choosing my sister lead the group, but we will also follow you Pete… Unless because of what Reed done you don't wan-." Peter stopped his best friend from continuing by handing May to his wife and enfolding Johnny in a backslapping hug. "What Reed did was none of yours fault and I will never blame any of you for the mistake your former leader did. We're family." Peter's words resulted in the Web Warriors and Fantastic Four coming together for a big group hug.

"So what's else been going on since the Spider Identities crap hit the fan?" Peter asked as the group separated and headed for the Abby. "Because this place definitely got a make over since last time I was here." He noted the less haunted feel of the place and more like summer camp feel. "Well after you and the Midnight Suns put Cthon down and with the need of sanctuary for the heroes being hunted. The Abby grounds on its own expanded while keep several important land marks to remain, but allowing new building to be made or it makes on it own fancy depending upon the circumstances. According to Hunter and the Suns this indicates that there a new threat about to rise but no one knows what is yet." Said Ben before muttering. "It's confusing, all this magic mumbo jumbo stuff." Peter understood how magic could unnerved people who prefer science and grounded facts, since when it comes to magic that usually stuff get thrown out the window then catch fire by a passing dragon. "Careful Ben. You don't want to upset the spirits of these grounds." Peter joked as they entered a new village in the style of a Transia building and he only knew that because he been in such a village before.

It's wasn't big more like the size of a small medieval village might have been but it looked cozy enough. With cabins similar to Peter's and Mary Jane's one. "These are yours?" Asked Peter. "Yep and I say for old fashioned cabin style, these magical Tardises they are very good at making one's dream cabin." Johnny said and Lyja rolled her eyes but was smiling as she rubbed her belly that Peter just noticed was slightly rounded and smiled as he commented. "He got a point there." Peter then asked "Which is yours Sue?" And Sue pointed at a much smaller house than the rest. "It's good enough for me and Valeria." She said with a smile yet Peter caught the signs of loneliness in her eyes without her needing to say a word and Peter shared a brief glance with his wife, who nodded in agreement to the silent plan that she knew her husband wanted to do soon. For the moment however, Peter asked "Who else lives here?" Because there is more buildings here then there needs to be and Gwen answered "No one yet. According to Caretaker the areas and houses chose their owners. Which means we can't go in the none occupied ones to use for any reason because they are waiting for their chosen tenants. But the Cages, Daredevil, Cloak, Dagger, Iron Fist, basically most of New York's main heroes live here." "What are the other areas like?" Asked Peter, when bells ranged out across the air. "We can show some of them to you as we head towards the feasting hall for dinner." Mary Jane said taking her husband hand.