

What does fate have in hold for him after his parents disappear immediately after sealing his powers? Our MC, born as the reincarnation of the Immortal King finds himself far from the Immortal Realm. He has to cultivate the methods of the martial world in order to fully break the chains sealing his powers. He finds out of his parents identity and also his. He then sets out for the cultivation journey. His goal being to recover his throne and save his parents. He also realizes that he needs allies in the mortal realm to help in conquering the Immortal Realm.

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103 Chs

Chapter 63. Spar

Two days later. Today was the D-Day. The academy had been refurnished in the past few days. The whole place was a bustling with activities. The academy gates were fully open to everyone during this special day. Parents who could make it were allowed to come.

The higher ups were everywhere trying to make sure that everything went according to the plan. The first event was going to be a prize giving ceremony and speeches from the higherups. Later in the evening was going to be a party which would take place in the academy hall.

The prize giving and speeches would be done in the Martial Pit. That was everyone's destination at the moment. Those who had bought new clothes actually bought two pairs. One for the official dressing code and the other was for the evening party.

During such events, students were required to wear a grey and white. Girls would wear a grey coat and a white blouse underneath. They were then to wear a grey skirt according to ones liking. Many preferred short skirts that accentuated outwards and showed most of their thighs.

Boys were supposed to wear the same with the only difference being that they wore trausers instead of skirts. They also had to wear black shoes. Those who would feel like it would wear ties. This was the official school uniform of the academy which was supposed to be put on every third day of the week.

It was also compulsory for one to attend the ceremony. It was going to take around five hours for the ceremony to end and it was starting at 9 o'clock. The number of students was huge and many especially girls usually scrambled for the first rows.

Few like Alaric and Rey loved being behind and Alaric usually took his time when he was called forward to receive his present. Alaric had always been a joker in his studies but when it came to array, he never lost the first position. This year he had lost because he did not take the exams. Also , he was not attending.

Aurora and her friends were seated in the first row. She was usually never excited about getting presents for they were usually things she could afford if she wanted to. She was also among the first to arrive. The students flowed inside the Martial Pit for almost two hours before it was fully stacked.

The stadium usually never had more or less seats and was usually ever full during such occasions. The VIPs arrived later and the few parents who considered making an appearance did not even number more than 30. It was actually a huge number compared to the past years.

The headmaster arrived last and was followed by the mayor. They proceeded and took seats in the first row and the ceremony was going to start. The order of events was well known to everyone. The masters of ceremony were also students. They were to take action after the headmaster opened the ceremony.

Knowing he was being awaited to announce the start, he stood up and spoke briefly. His voice was not loud but everyone heard him with the same volume.

"There is no need for any thorough introductions. The ceremony will begin now. I will just welcome you all and thank you for your attendance," he said and sat down. The students clapped and shouted.

One could have thought they were appreciating the headmaster's speech but they could care less about its importance. Nothing he said would actually happen. Not any time soon anyway. They were clapping because their favourite students were the masters of ceremony.

The two were actually the top students and had ranked first during the inter academy competitions of the middle stages of the Cryptic Plane four years ago. The two were a guy standing at 6'4 and a girl who was standing at 5'6. The two were enough to cause an uproar in the hearts of everyone.

The girl was actually a beauty. Wearing a skirt that did not fully cover her thighs and was accentuating outwards daring to reveal. She was wearing white socks with grey strips that reached her knees. She was their belle. Blue eyes with light blue hair. She was now in her second last year and would be leaving the academy soon. There were cheers from the crowd some boys could not hold back and shouted on top of their voices.

"We love you Irene." Was the word that echoed from both genders in the crowd.

The guy was actually one of the most handsome in the academy if not number one. Alaric actually lost to him reason being as one's cultivation progressed, their features also got more refined.

The guy had white hair and his chiseled jawline made him irresistible to many. His eyes appeared to be red. His skin pale and almost white. He waved at the crowd which was now uncontrollable. Especially girls.

"I love you Jackson."

"Please marry me."

"I would like to carry your child."

" I would do anything for you."

"You two look good together."

" I wish you two a happy ending."


The two were actually a couple. The two kissed infront of the public which caused even a louder uproar. They kissed for like five seconds and the crowd took almost two minutes to finally calm down and the murmurs took almost five minutes to quieten. The couple had been trying to ask them to shut up but their efforts had proved to be futile and let them calm down on their own.

After silence, the couple spoke with Irene speaking first.

"We won't waste any more time and will go straight to the first activity in place." She started and Jackson continued.

"We want on the stage to welcome our first fighters for today's match. We will be having a total of five matches today." He stopped and Irene took over.

" You all know who they are. Lets not was time and welcome Michael and Jasper for the first spar," Irene said and there was silence in the crowd. Then from the back seats, one could see a duo springing in the air diving to the centre of the stadium. The two landed simultaneously and when the crowd saw them, murmurs once again and cheers reigned

" Michael and Jasper took the first and second place in the early stages of the Cryptic Plane competitions four years ago."

" During this years competitions, they ranked tenth and ninth."

" They actually ranked that poorly because their opponents were in the twelfth stage and they were in the tenth stage."

" The two are geniuses I wonder how they will rank during the inter academy tournaments."

" Irene and Jackson are surely going to rank first this time also."

" I can't wait to see them outperform every other academy."



The murmurs were endless but they had to focus on what was standing before them. Jasper was 6'5 with black hair and brown eyes. He was an earh elementalist and also a darkness elementist.Michael was 6'4 with brown hair and eyes. He was a lightning elementalist. They both were First Grades.

Irene and Jackson left the platform and went to stand on another platform. The stadium could host five competitions at a time.

"Let them begin," Irene said and the two took a stance.

Michael was the first to attack. He was direct and flashed. Those of the lower levels could not keep up with his speed.

" Too fast."

" I can only see a streak."

" He is a First Grade."

" I bet I can't probably block that."

" A true genius."


Those who could not keep up started praising. They watched and waited to see Jasper's reaction. The two had been twenty meters apart but in a fraction of a second, Michael had bridged the gap and his fist was colliding with Jasper.

Seeing the attack, Jasper quickly created a defensive earth wall and the fist crushed with the wall leaving no crack on it. The floor was untouched but Michael's t-shirt was torn to shreds by the impact of the collision. He leapt back very fast as a black orb landed where he had been standing.

"Fast reaction speed."

"Dual elementalist."

"I couldn't have blocked that."

"He actually dodged that attack."


More murmurs as the fight raged on. The battle had turned to offensives with the first exchange. Michael flashed again and appeared on Jasper's right with a fist aimed for his ribs. Jasper seemed to be ready for this and instantly covered himself with a layer of earth that crumbled when Michael's fist landed.

Seeing that his prey had taken the bait, Jasper laced his fist with darkness and punched at Michael in the stomach. The weight of the fist was enough to break all ribs if not well handled. Seeing he had fallen to a trap and there was no escaping it, he covered his body with lightning and took the attack head on.

The fist landed cleanly on his belly and he was sent flying ten meters away. He slid on the ground backwards almost five meters before he stopped. His eyes had turned serious and he seemed to have suffered from the impact. Jasper had a triumphant smile as he watched the angered Michael.

"Bring it on," he said happily as he jogged on the platform. He instantly stopped and was sent flying. Not many realized what had happened. Those who did could only shiver.

Michael had moved at a speed faster than before and had appeared behind Jasper.

Realizing that he could not block it, he just covered himself with earth element and also took an attack. Since he was caught off guard, the attack landed cleanly on his back and he was sent flying. He fell on the ground and rolled several times before he stopped.

He quickly stood up and looked at Michael who was now jogging.

"How about that, did you like it?" Michael asked and his laugh was clear to all. Everyone had heard Jasper ask him to bring it on. He actually had done it. Now it was Jasper's turn to have an ugly expression.

This time, both were charging at each other. No one was holding back. Jasper's right hand was coated with darkness and the other one was covered with a globe of brown earth. His movement were traceable. On the other side was a streak which many could not follow. Those who could saw the fist that was coated with silver lightning.

The impact occured in less tham a milli second mostly because of Michael's speed and there were two clashes. Brown dust filled the platform and a white steam covered them. There was silence as they waited for the after effect to die down and see the results.

The five seconds seemed like forever and then when all was clear, they could only suck in cold breaths. Neither of them was hurt and they seemed to have a pleased smile. As if in tacit agreement, the two started throwing punches at each other not laced with elements. Their speed was the same and both would attack and defend at the same time.

It was a beautiful sight to see as they exchanged fists and none managing to land a blow on the other. This should have angered them but it only seemed to fuel them as they increased their speed and smiled even wider. It was getting even more difficult to keep up with them.

Even those watching and could keep up could not understand how they managing to keep track of each other's movement. The two jumped behind and again charged as their fists collided. It was like two tectonic plates hit each other from the impact of the collision. The attacks were enough to destroy the floor of the platform.

The two gave a maniacal laugh as the leapt behind again and charged. Their fists collided again and another flurry of fists went at each other and others could only watch with their mouths agape. If this continued, there was going to be no winner at all. When the exchange ended they bowed and Irene and Jackson came forward.

The exchange barely took two minutes but the two minutes were a very long time especially to elementalist. Even a fraction of a second matttered in every fight. It could determine one's life and death. The people cheered and clapped as the two walked back headed for their seats.