

What does fate have in hold for him after his parents disappear immediately after sealing his powers? Our MC, born as the reincarnation of the Immortal King finds himself far from the Immortal Realm. He has to cultivate the methods of the martial world in order to fully break the chains sealing his powers. He finds out of his parents identity and also his. He then sets out for the cultivation journey. His goal being to recover his throne and save his parents. He also realizes that he needs allies in the mortal realm to help in conquering the Immortal Realm.

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103 Chs

Chapter 34. Findings

Seth's teeth rattled together as his every muscle twithced on its own. He could already feel the pain that was yet to come. How many poles could he break? He just hoped he could break them all or he was going to die.

He could not help but wonder where he went wrong. Maybe it was when Alaric started going out with Aurora. Then when he came back with the beast cores, he felt jealous.

He had been searching for Matthew to join him and raise his status but his ignorance was causing him suffering. Dammit! He had drifted away! He felt the pole strike him and he heard a cracking sound.

He broke the second one! His inside rejoiced knowing he now only had to break five more. He wondered why he was feeling no pain yet but the answer was about to come clear to him.

He felt something drop on his thighs. He then felt a continuous flow of a liquid and the pain suddenly hit him. He was bleeding! His skull was broken...

The loudest scream filled the room as a throbbing headache attacked him. He felt the blood flow fluently between his eyes.

He lifted his head and saw Matthew staring at the pole. It had not even cracked...

"Ah, here I thought that you had a hard head. A shame I had removed the entire collection," Matthew said making a wronged face.

"I think he has had enough. All he need now is a few bones broken and he will be fit to answer the questions," Curtis said as he picked one pole.

" I take the right side and you take the left," Matthew said as they each took their sides.

Seth felt his voice leave him. A few broken bones? Had they not had enough of him yet? They had even broken his skull! It was probably going to take months to heal.

He watched as the two took their respective sides each raising their pole. Then in sync, they landed on his thighs. The pain brought his voice back and he actually wet his pants which further increased their laughter.

"His bones are pretty hard though. It only takes one strike to break the thigh bones," Matthew said .

"I wonder if his balls will survive two strikes," Curtis said as they lowered their second strike on his thighs.

Two cracking sounds filled the room as Seth collapsed. He was in too much pain that one would mistaken him as dead. Breaking the thigh bones was extremely painful.

"Sorry to inform you but you can't sleep through this," Matthew said as he stood infront of Seth who had his legs apart.

He raised the pole again and aimed. His destination clear. This was surely going to wake him up. He smiled and struck at his loins and cracking like that of breaking an egg filled the room.

The fainted guy woke up but his eyes were blinded and appeared to be whitish. His scream surely split his vocal chords. He wailed hoarsely as he could not even beg.

" That's enough for a lesson. Give him the ultimate healing pill so we can hear what he came to say," Matthew said and Curtis came with a white pill that appeared to be shiny.

Ultimate pills could be said to be First Grade pills. Curtis forced the pill into Seth's mouth and made him swallow it. It was going to heal his injuries in about thirty minutes.

Though, only one testicle had been damaged. Maybe he would still manage to get children. Loin injuries like the one Seth received were usually difficult to heal.It would only be done by a First Grade pill made by a moon expert. First grade pills were required to have 98-100% purity.

Matthew sat on his bed and Curtis sat on the floor as they waited for seth to heal up. He had fallen unconscious again but after one hour, they forced him to wake up by poking his loins.

"Please... I will tell you everything," Seth spoke immediately he woke up. He could feel all the pain in his bones had disappeared but the pain between his legs still lingered not daring to reduce.

"I love the spirit. We are now willing to listen," Matthew said. Seth nodded his head though he felt his pain resurge, he spoke without hesitation.

"His name is Alaric and he lacks a surname. He comes from the Lotus City which is a week away from here. During his awakening, he awakened the lightning that shook the world. He is the owner of the lightning god manifestation.

"He came from a relative middle class family and his father works a s a guard in a factory. I do not know the details. He is the only son but rumour in the city has it that his mother was barren and he came into that family when he was five years old.

" We came here together with a girl called Kate. Thats all I know about him. I know the important question you had is whether he has a backing of not. The answer is that he does not and he is just an arrogant bastard from a poor family." Seth spoke as he concluded.

" So he has no backing? And he dares to act so arrogant," Matthew spoke scratching his chin.

" That means we are free to do whatever we want to him," Curtis said triumphantly and Matthew nodded.

"There is one more thing you actually don't know which is very important to this plan of yours," Seth started after a slight silence.

"And what could that be?" Matthew asked his curiosity rising.

"When I was investigating about the four of you, I realized that every one of them is also carrying out this research. Its fit to say that tomorrow you might have a meeting to form an alliance with them in order to act against that guy, Alaric," Seth said.

" You really are useful. I could recruit you into my ranks," Matthew said as he continued to fall deep in thoughts. If that alliance really happened, the task would be a walk in the park. Now, he knew he had information none of the others had with them.

He was loving where this was heading.

" Seth, do you wish to join my ranks? You can be my personal informant. You are also a First Grade which is why you cannot work as a fighter," Matthew started.

Upon hearing these words, Seth felt joy and his anger to them dissipated. All he had needed was for them to accept him and they actually did.

"I will serve you to the best I can and uphold my loyalty you," Seth said and Matthew just laughed .

" If you agree , you can now become part of Matthew's gang," Curtis said.

" I have no second thoughts about joining you," Seth said and Curtis untied him.

" You should realize that from today forward, this chair only belongs to boss. Never make the mistake of sitting on it again," Curtis said and Seth nodded in realization. So that was what had led him to face all that?


At sunset. In the room labelled F.12R5. There sat a group of six. One seated on a chair and five on the ground.

"State your findings," Matthew said after they were settled.

Roy spoke first. He had been assigned the other guy.

" His name is Reynolds Fernades the fifth son of Jahlick Fernades the current leader of Phoenix Sect. This means that his background makes him invincible. He is both a fire and darkness elementist.

"He has only taken smithing classes since he joined and he comes from the room F.7R8. Rumour has it that they became friends immediately they met." Roy said.

" Maybe its because of his friends background he thinks he can act as he wishes," Curtis said.

" He will soon learn that this world has no place for weaklings like him," Matthew said.

Next was Keith. He was to follow them the whole day.

" I found nothing of importance about them. It apears that Alaric and that Reynolds guy are great friends. They have this unusual habit of using words to fight each other," Keith said as he concluded his findings.

" I get it now, they immediately became friends and they were punished for insulting Morgan and a female library attendant. They have been punished for three months by the headmaster," Seth said.

" You mean the headmaster already knows about him?" Matthew asked. " This is going to be tough then, but we are not backing down."

Next to state his business wand Andrew though most of the information he gave had been stated by Seth the only thing he added was that he came from the room F.7R7.

Next was Julius who had been tasked with the most important task of finding out about how Alaric and Aurora met.

" It is said that the two, Alaric and Reynolds, went to the female dorms. They were only twelve years old and when the ladies saw first years who had only finished three months in the academy in their premises started making fun of them calling them perverts.

"Aurora who was also twelve at the moment also joined in making fun of their manhood but her words seemed to have effect on him. He was annoyed and he decided to make a move on her.

"Rumour has it that they marched together to meet each other on the center and the guy forced her to the wall and he asked her to let him prove to her he was a man of he could perform. Rumour has it that it was at this moment that she gave her heart to him.

"Though he left her. She was embarassed and ran to her room. It is said that the following day during array class, she confessed her feelings to him and he returned her feelings. Since then they have been in love and partners in ever practical class," Julius stated his findings.

Then he added words that made everyone boil in rage.

" I heard that he oftenly takes her to his room and he also visits her's," he said equally angry as every in the room.

" He really has some nerves to think he can have my Aurora. He will have to repent with his life," Matthew said and the rest nodded in agreement. They had to make that guy pay. If they failed in such a simple mission how could they call themselves men?