

I, your father has awakened. No I am just kidding but I did wake up and now it is time to tell more about my self since

I kinda just started this without thinking. My appearance is that of a commoner, I am average but ever since I transformed

in terms of the bloodline I kinda now look better. I have dark black hair and now pale skin which used to be just white

but not the pale white that it is now, I also have natural black eyes that now have a tinge of red in them, I am also

sixteen years of age. Well that's that, now let's get this story started.

I wake up and get out of my bed while getting ready for school. Couple hours later, I walk out of the house while my

mother says bye to me... I arrive in front of the school that is called Welf High-School. I walk inside as there are

whole bunch of students going to their classes but a lot of people stare at me with wierd looks as if I killed there

mother. I walk to my class which is english by the way did I tell you that I live in america, well now you know.

Once I walk in I sit at my seat and wait for class to start...

Mean while in a very dark place a red light shines while a white light appears as well

Red Light- "Why have you given that boy a blessing but at the same time a curse?"

White Light- "You must be patient after all only with time will we be able to tell if he is worthy of becoming "The One"..."



Class just ended while everyone thinks I am some kind of transfer student because of my new appearance but I show them

my student ID and then they realize that it is just I, ordinary john well I ain't ordinary anymore. Well one thing I can

tell you is that I literally have no friends, why? Well I don't really know I suppose it's because I like being alone.

I walk out of school but notice a sound and it seems to be coming from back from the school so I turn around and boom!

An explosion, sounds of guns going off. I turn around as my eyes turn from that black with a tinge of red in them to a

fully blood red and I run back into school. First thing I notice is that there are two men one that is quite tall

and another that is of short height.

Tall man- Boss man told us to secure the children and take what we need for the-"

The short man interrupted him while saying "Dude shut the fuck up, you're literally about to spill everything whilst saying

it out loud..."

I smirk as I notice the tall man that I am going to call criminal one, to be quite dumb and the other guy to be more of

the brain while criminal 1 is more of the muscle and so I advise a plan in my head and walk towards them.

"Hey idiots!"

They look towards me and before they could react I run and then jump while punching the tall guy right in the face.

Boom! a loud noise erupts from that punch as waves of sound ring out seeming to be everlasting but as surreal as

all this sounds it actually happened and so with that punch came only death as the tall guys head literally exploded.

short dude - "W-what the fuck?"
