Kassandra died by a mysterious truck rain and got reincarnated in a very crazy world, Marvel, DC, Manga, webtoons and anime, what a weird world combination, what can go wrong?
(Kassandra POV, One week later)
It has been one week since I met my love, Kara Zor-el, in this mid time most of my mind thought about her. But there's also a very important thing in my mind, building my house, in this week I started to draw the plans for our house. Two floors 5 rooms and 3 bathrooms, too much? Yup, but I have money to spend and we never know when a new family member might be added/adopted, so it's good to have extra rooms, a very big kitchen, cuz you know, food.
It was about 3pm, I was drawing the plans and Clementine was doing her usual stuff, sleeping, someone knocked on the door and it didn't even made her flinch. I got up and went to see who it was, to my surprised it was Kara, when I saw her I got nervous and I felt my face starting to get hot, she was also a bit red when I saw her.
With a smile on her face she looked at me in the eyes and hugged me "Hey Kassandra, how are you? I'm here to talk about the land for your house" still not letting go of me my heart raced even faster than it was before, but trying not to loose my cool I also hugged her, she flinched a bit and realized what she did s few seconds later, making her blush wildly "H-huh, c-can I come in?" she said nervously
"S-sure" We both stuttered while talking and made this conversation pretty embarrassing, but this was the perfect opportunity for my move. I leaned down to her ear and whispered in a sensual way "Try not to make noise" Kara's entire body tensed up and all her face was red as a tomato "We don't want to wake her up, right" when I finished my phrase, Kara raised her hand reaching for my face, I did the same thing, but unfortunately we were interrupted
*cough cough* "Aren't you forgetting about something? Maybe a third person that's in this room?" To our surprise Clementine woke up from her hibernation
(A.N. Need to say this before I forget, what would you guys think would be a good title for that Original novel about the romance, *more information two chapters ago* I've been thinking about something like "Her Mask" or something related, get it? Cuz one of the characters would always behind a mask of fake happiness and stuff, at least this was one idea I had this afternoon. I will think of better plot things in my own time but I wouldn't complain about any suggestions)
"Of course I didn't forgot about you, I just thought you wouldn't wake up from you little hibernation" I said nonchalantly but Kara laughed, I think this is a symptom of love, laughing and thinking that everything the loved one says is funny "Kara's here to talk with me about our house, we won't take to long"
We sat on the bed with the bed plans for hours, time passed so fast that I only realized we were taking to long when Cleo was giving us a angry look.
I stood up and clapped my hands "Kara, it's getting late, and I think someone here is hungry and sleepy" I looked at Clementine "I would ask to walk you home but I can't leave her alone in here so, let's leave it for another day ok?" she just slightly smiled at me and walked to the door
"Bye Kassandra, bye Clementine, until next time" Even if she smiled and kindly left our room, I could sense it, she didn't want to smiled, I would dare to say that she was angry
(Kara POV)
As I got further and further away from the inn I started to get more disappointed and slightly angrier
'What would've happened if Clementine didn't interrupted us? Would we've, k-kissed? Is this even right? In Krypton it was very rare to se homossexual couples, everyone that I know said that it would be wrong for me to be in a relationship with another woman but I never actually thought it was 100% wrong' Lost in my thoughts in my way home, I bumped into a very weird and suspicious man
"Sorry ma'am" he just apologized and walked away. He was wearing black pants and a black shirt, yes a shirt (Her surprise on seeing a shirt is that it was more of a "modern" shirt or T-shirt I don't know the difference, and I don't know what people wore in this time but probably not t-shirts) and a oddly tall and large hat with a hole on top of it, the hat seemed like it was made of metal, all of sudden my instincts catched up with the situation and started to scream for me only one thing, "Run" this man in front of me, is dangerous, very dangerous.
I raised the pace of my walking, going fast but not fast enough for him to realize I'm running from him, when I no longer heard his footsteps I resumed my normal walk and it didn't took long for me to get home. I immediately went to take a shower and took that moment to put my thoughts on order.
"Who in the world was the man? That intense fear that I felt, a normal human being wouldn't possibly make a adult Kryptonian almost tremble in fear just by having a look at the man. Of all people I've seen, this one is way more dangerous than all of them together, but the thing that scares me the most is, that I got like that just by looking at him, he didn't even bothered to look at me, and that wasn't even 1% of that thing's power, I can feel that he will be a lot of trouble in the future" I took my shower and went to my bed "*sigh* When am I going to see her again?"
(?#@/?! POV)
"Oh, I see... things are about to get interesting... haha...HAHAHA" (This was supposed to be a evil laugh) A completely white and faceless silhouette was laughing looking down, other silhouettes started to approach the White one.
The Black silhouette spoke to White " Hey Dio, what the hell are you laughing at? Your bothering our poker game dude" White or Dio looked at Black and grey teeth formed a psychotic smile on his face "Nothing... kekeke... just entertaining myself a bit, sorry for interrupting your poker game, I'll be silent"
"You better be" Black walked away with his group of people.
Dio continued to look down with that smile, watching his custom television "This fight is going to be insane"
A lot of characters are going to be from another works like Webtoons, manga, other novels and TV shows, just like this suspicious man but I don't want to say who he is so I don't spoil the story