
Immortal Emperor Return Earth

Immortal Emperor Meng Yue starts the Expedition of No Return in the year 7058. Paragons follow his lead, but when they entered the black hole that leads to the exotic land, they never come back. When he wakes up, Meng Yue realizes he has returned in the past, the year 2029 of Earth-One year before the dimensions emerge to destroy the world! “I've returned! This time, I’ll not allow Earth to be destroyed. No matter what awaits me, let the tempest strike!” Meng Yue vows to protect Earth from its foregone destruction, as he uses his experience and knowledge to seek disciples around the continents. He accepts disciples to make them the guardians of the land, heaven, and earth. Follow Meng Yue on his exploration of the vast universe along with his fellow earthlings! ... Note: I assure you that no nationalism will happen here! I'll not dwell and meddle about politics as this novel is pure entertainment. The last thing, the setting would be modern but with cultivation. In book 2, they would start exploring the vast universe and meet with other races. It will be an exciting journey! The prologue is a huge spoiler, so careful if you wish to read it; it'll be up to you if you want to take a peek inside it.

MaoYongDun · Fantasi
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Milky Way Galaxy looked like a massive divine palace with countless stars shrouding it. Strangely enough, there were no destructive particles that surrounds it. When meteorites came near the galaxy's boundary, they would be repelled by strong stellar energies which immediately disintegrated the meteorites.

Within it, planets stretched far and wide, forming a bridge of systems. Unlike any other low-level galaxies, Milky Way seemed to be in better shape. Planets have much longer vitality and their growth process even speeds up multiple times; its growth process could even compare with high-level galaxies!

But out of all the systems inside the Milky Way, they couldn't compare to the Solar System. Right now, the growth process of the solar system was ten times faster than any other system.

Despite that, the restoration speed was helpless to revive the once vibrant solar system. The once eight planets revolving around the sun had now turned into meteorites devoid of color. Clearly, every planet was dead.

Though dead, the planets seemed to be restoring their vitality. Stellar energies were madly gushing all around as the planets absorbed them.

But the planet that benefitted the most was the one that had the mix of blue and green. Although this planet was still forming, the stellar energies surrounded it like a group of fish, seemingly limitless.

To be specific, the stellar energies were obeying the command of the figure that was standing in the void. Two hovering voids were beneath his feet as his palms stretched out, transporting the stellar energies into the planet.

After a while, the figure lowered his palm, as so the madly stellar energies stop circulating.

As he looked at the devastating appearance of earth, he softly sighed.

"Oh, my home planet, earth. This is all Meng Yue can do for you. Don't worry, before leaving, this Emperor had placed a defensive formation around the Milky Way. There'll be no black holes or any destructive particles that could enter here. After one cycle, the Milky Way will flourish, and so the solar system."

Meng Yue smiled as he looked at Earth. The memories of his past flashed in his eyes, and he felt quite emotional.

Five thousand years ago, Earth had experienced its most devastating crisis. Tornados, typhoons, Tsunamis and et cetera had wiped out almost all the human population.

Some smaller countries were even annihilated!

After the crisis was over, everyone believed that life would return to normal, but they were mistaken.

Dimensions appeared all around the world, and terrifying monsters invaded earth, threatening to eliminate the entire population. As Earth had no idea about supernatural powers nor cultivation, they had fallen to the brink of extinction in the span of one year!

The ten billion population was instantly depleted into a mere hundred million people!

Meng Yue treasured these memories. As one of the hundred million, he had met many friends and comrades during those days.

That year, everyone was working together, helping each other. However, as they were mortals, the alliance of a hundred million became ten thousand, until Meng Yue was the only sole survivor of earthlings!

Miraculously, he had survived for two years. At that time, Meng Yue thought he would eventually die but never expected fate to change his life.

When he almost passed out, a dimensional gate appeared in front of him. What came out in the gate weren't monsters, but people wearing ancient clothes.

"Senior Brother, there's a human here!" A young man noticed the dying Meng Yue and immediately shouted.

"Where? Let me see."

Quickly, a tall youth appeared with a flash. He looked around and saw Meng Yue. When he saw his wounds, the tall youth's eyes flashed in anger.

"These damn exotic beasts! Quick, treat this young man!"

After the order, numerous disciples flew towards Meng Yue. They took out a miraculous pill as they forced them into the mouth of Meng Yue.

Because of that, when Meng Yue had awoken, he realized he was no longer on earth. Humans from another planet saved him and explained everything which transpired on earth. Thereafter, Meng Yue walked to the path of cultivation, eventually attaining his current achievement.

Yet even after five thousand years, Meng Yue couldn't forget the earth. This was his home planet! He missed his family, friends, family, and his lover!

No matter how powerful he was now, Meng Yue felt lonely and solitary!

"Wait for me, everyone. When I unrivaled the secret beyond the universe, I would definitely resurrect each of you! So, just a little more time..."

As Meng Yue was lost in his emotions, a rift appeared near him.

Meng Yue closed his eyes, and when he opened them, his eyes became cold.

"Is everyone ready?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. Everyone is waiting for your command,"

A woman's voice replied.

Looking at her, Meng Yue nodded and waved his sleeve. That small action instantly rip the void as if it was a thin fabric.

Meng Yue stepped into the void. Before he left, he commanded, "I'll be counting on you."

"I'll do my best, Your Majesty."

The woman watched Meng Yue vanish within the void. Her eyes somehow betrayed her emotions. She stared blankly and then shook her head.

"I'll wish you the best of luck on your expedition, Your Majesty."

The woman bowed where Meng Yue vanished and lifted her head to look at the solar system.

"Your Majesty, I'll protect your homeland for eternity. In the name of Xue Hongyan, I'll swear in my heart!"


With Meng Yue's current attainment, he could instantly travel around the universe. With a single step, he already appeared at the end of the universe.

Around the end, there was a large black hole. Even with his power, Meng Yue felt he had lost his sense of hearing. Moreover, the black hole emitted chilling frosts that even affected his perfect body.

Because of this chilling frost, the powerful beings that had come even stood far away, as they constantly frowned.

Meng Yue looked at them and waves his hand. Instantly, terrifying force expanded from his body, stopping the chilling frost that the black hole emitted. Only then did the powerful beings notice him, and they immediately bowed respectfully.

"Greetings, Immortal Emperor!"

"Heavenly Fire Paragon greets Senior Meng!"

"Brother Meng."

Meng Yue nodded at them and waved his hand, "Everyone, please don't be so courteous. Now that we're exploring the unknown, we'll be working together, so it'll be awkward for each of you to remain distant."

Everyone hesitated before nodding their head.

"Very well, Brother Meng, we'll be counting on you."

"That's better."

Meng Yue smiled and looked at the black hole. Then, he said slowly, "Legend has it this wormhole leads to THAT realm. "

"Nuwa had stepped onto the wormhole countless cycle ago, but we've never heard any news of her.

Everyone felt emotional as they listened silently.

"Hence, this Emperor would initiate the second expedition of no return!"

Meng Yue glanced at them one by one. "Everyone, are you prepared?"

The powerful beings didn't immediately reply. They all closed their eyes for 10 straight days. The next day, they all opened their eyes which now shone a determined glint.

"Brother Meng, we are ready."

"This paragon isn't afraid of death. Brother Meng, let's go."


Meng Yue nodded his head. As the first one to take lead, he stepped inside the void.

—Year 7058 of the Meng Era, the Immortal Emperor Meng Yue commenced the second expedition to the Realm of Legends.