
Alexander The Great, Genghis Khan and many more

336 BC

Kas Adg or by this time he went by Alexander The Great, was now assumed the throne of the kingdom of Macedon.

After he order a assassination on his so called fake father. He used his new found authorities to launch a project that will involve him assuming the leadership position to all the Greeks in his conquest of Persia.

During those thousands years, before he became Alexander, he earn new set of power and identity through history by shapeshifter. He was architect name Imhotep who built the first pyramid of Giza with help of his new powers, matter manipulation and other, not only did he build in a matter of seconds. He also create the Nil. As he saw a new way to gain follower. The people soon build near the Nil and worshiped him as a god. He created a new identity "Ra" the so call first god of Egypt and a story for the priest to the his followers.

But even before that, with his tribe, he became bored of them and wiped all them out. He became arrogant and more powerful than ever. If something bored him then he would take it out.

As Alexander now, he invaded the Persian Empire in a few months of preparation and succeeded, he wanted to see if he could conquer the world with only his leadership and not his godly powers.

Following his conquest of the Asia Minor, Alexander broke the power between Issus and Gaugamela. He soon overthrew King Darius III and conquered the rest of the Persia Empire. But his conquest didn't end there. He decided that in this new identity he wanted to conquer all the world and unified into one great empire, and so he began to invaded India and succeeded in a matter of weeks. He also wanted to conquer Egypt as it was one his paradise that he created, but they refused him and fought back.

Enraged by his followers betrayed him he unleashed his true power and destroy the Tyre. His power also revealed to his form of égyptien people as Ra the first god. They quietly surrender to him without lifting their head. His troops later established their power over Egypt and helped the people to build.

But he realized that he used his powers instead of intellect to conquer. It proved him that he wasn't invincible since he used his powers. He should of been the best yet he decided to break his own rules. Feeling disgusted, he became rusty and didn't try to win the war anymore sending his kingdom to their demise.

As he began his invasion of Aribia, his troops began to die. He soon made it seem that he failed the invasion and took a loss on his side. Alexander decided to fake his death by assassination and create a exact copy of himself with blood everywhere on the room. His empire that he built was crumbled from the inside, but he didn't care as most were corrupt.

After faking his own death, he travelled into India where he heard of unknown land on the far East. Interested by the rumours of those people talking. He prepared his prepare his travels expenses and went to the far East of the world.

There he found, China and was interested of this new culture that he hasn't created himself. After many years of staying, he decide to take all of China. He changed his name yet again his name like it was nothing and became Qin Shi Huang.

During his years as Qin Shi Huang, his time was somewhat relaxing, as he wanted to slowly conquer without the use of his power. After he conquered and united all China at the age 25. (Fake years, since he immortal) He began used the slave who he conquered in building the "Great Wall of China" as he named it into a wall to protect against the Mongol invaders after hearing of their annoying attempts to China.

In 211 BC, Qin Shi Huang had enough of ruling, for his first time in his thousand years of life, he decide stay peaceful until it was time to conquer once more. With that in his mind, he decide to create a prophecy of himself. He summoned a meteor and crash in Dongjun and manipulate a random stranger into making a fake prophecy of his death and rule one last year.

With that a year has passed, and faked his death yet again. This time by mercury pills.

He went into deep North into Mongolian territory and went into hibernation for hundreds of years in deep cave, where there is no sunlight that can shine in deep cave with his new abilities self-sustenance.

In his dream, he saw thousands if not million of corpse of human that he has slain through his history. As he walk further, he saw a hall. A hall full of appearance, his appearance that had been seen throughout history. Angel, god, demon, emperor, king, queen, architecture and many more.

His power allowed him to become god and write his story through history. He saw humans as nothing more but just sheep who needed his guidance and was created to entertained for him. He also created some religion and myth through history, but now he rarely did it.

After hundred years passed, he open his eyes and saw nothing but darkness around him. As he move, his body cracked. Seeing that he had stayed so long without moving or sunlight touching him. He use his self regeneration and healed his entire body like it was nothing.

He got out of the cave his surroundings change, with tall nature grass cover everywhere. He look at his hand and felt that he gained again new abilities that he didn't have. After trying it on a tree, it exploded it with shadowy mark everywhere. Seeing this new strange power that he has, he use it on mountain, and cleve it like it was nothing.

He soon realized what power he gain, it was the most powerful abilities that he had ever obtained, Chaos Manipulation.

With his new power, he changed his name into Genghis Khan, and decide to quickly unify all Mongolia into one and conquered everything even China in a matter of months.

After he conquered everything soon, he decide to something he had done before going to bed with a lot of woman. It although it wasn't the first time he had sex, he didn't care and place his manhood in woman and doing his jobs to conquer all. He wanted to see what his children would grow into but they didn't grow into his expectations.

After conquered everything, he left the throne for whoever has power to unify all the Mongol empire, but it didn't go well but he didn't care one bit again. He soon gained a new power that helped him gain access into a pocket dimension.

As for all women he slept with for all his time alive, they will soon give birth into the first generation of Quirk users in hundreds of years later.

Read the manga and didn’t reveal the story about how the Quirk were create.

So I create a story about how the people who got quirk were descendants from him.

redbluecreators' thoughts