

By the morning of their first day of school, everything was prepared. Asrael's school started earlier than Dante's, but they both still woke up at the same time.

The only trouble was getting Asrael to wear his black bunny onesie, he refused and gave the excuse that it wasn't school appropriate. It wasn't a good excuse since Arius had money and with money they could do whatever they wanted.

Asrael did end up putting the onesie on, and the only reason he was so obedient was because Dante had said, "You don't want to match with us? That's fine, yours is in Black." in a tone that was severely passive-aggressive. Asrael didn't know how to respond without being a jerk so he just silently obeyed, which surprised Dante.

Asrael had all black school supplies, and in order to drive people away, he wore black eyeliner. He didn't realize the trouble it would cause for himself. As for his brother, although Dante's style was more mature, he had a brightly colored backpack that was chosen by Arius.

"I'm not taking the bus." Said Asrael.

"Call Lufti, then."

"Can't, my reputation as their leader would be ruined!"

"I don't think they care if you go to school or not." Arius opened the front door.

"Are you so lazy that you can't drive me?"

"I have to stay here with Dante." Arius was the only 'adult' awake.

"Then bring him with!" After Asrael said so, Arius looked at Dante who nodded in agreement.

On the way, Arius Updated Asrael on what he found on the missing puppy case. He had checked the surveillance and ran his face recognition program on everyone from that day for any strange identities.

To his surprise, he found one. It was someone from an organization of assassins, and while Arius had a good feeling about it, it ended up being a red herring(BTW: Red herring is a term that means it was a clue that turned out to be a distraction, or just didn't lead anywhere). The organization didn't have an official name, but it was nicknamed The Death Vendors. Luckily, Arius did find another lead after searching for similar cases, and he was very close to figuring out where exactly the dogs had gone.

Before Asrael was dropped off, Arius briefed him on his identity, along with his decided age, 15. Arius did the math for everyone when it came to their ages, he didn't go by how they looked, but rather something else. Zuna had aged like a mortal until 13, and right now she was at least 500. He estimated that each century would add a year, and so Zuna should be about 18.

Well, there was a lot that Arius had to figure out, or at least it seemed like it. Truth was, he liked being busy, having something to do gave him a reason to exist. To say that he would investigate something based on just curiosity wasn't far off, in fact, he would find a reason other than curiosity. He liked doing ground breaking things.

When Arius dropped Dante off, he got out of the car and walked him to his classroom. He grinned upon hearing the teachers praising Dante's bunny onesie.

"Look at the little bunny!"


"What a good dad!"

"I think he's in Lin's class…"

Indeed, Dante was in Mrs. Lin's class, and Arius had shown up in her classroom to meet her. He and Dante were practically ambushed when they entered.

"You must be Johnson!" Mrs. Lin quickly appeared in front of the two. She was a responsible teacher, and made sure to meet the parents of all her students.

"I am, and this is Dante." Arius lowered himself to be able to lay his hand on top of Dante's floppy bunny ears.

"It's nice to meet you, Dante." The teacher smiled at the boy, and in return the boy nodded as if to accept her existence.

"Anyway, I have a lot to get done today, so I have to get going." Arius turned to leave before Mrs. Lin could try to make more conversation.

Dante furrowed his eyebrows cutely as he thought: "What to you have to get done? You're unemployed…"

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