
wedding disaster


you stood in a ripped wedding dress after you ex-fiancé decided that he wanted to get rid of you

I couldn't help the buzzing from my head as the ring from the blunt impact rang loudly against my eardrums.

"F-fuck." I said as I tried to move my hands to uncover my eyes only to have it bounded.

A kidnapping? How ironic. Removed a heel, and tapped it slightly against my palm and immediately I could feel the subtle vibrations from the "heel". Almost immediately, I used the small blade to cut my bounded wrists and ankles, the familiarity of the situation had me running through my memories of who could have possibly done this to me. No one knew my identity, and all my life I had kept my silence.

Yet again, here I was bounded and kidnapped as a to-be-bride. Remembering back to my fiancé I had been monitoring his actions and kept track of his competitors, so it's definitely none of them. Most were too cowardly to even attempt, but thinking back maybe the ego had gone to Mason's head after numerous successes that he thinks are of his own efforts.

He seemed like a decent guy, with decent background. Could've been easier if he stayed where he was as my identity cover-up, but instead here he goes trying to assassinate me to be with his mistress cum secretary.

When the humming of the car stopped I laid unmoving in the boot, hearing the familiar humming and the keys to the boot rattled, and soon I smelled fresh grass.

"Seven, what do you think you're doing?" I said emotionlessly and sat up looking straight into his eyes. When he heard the familiar tone and voice, I could see the subtle realisation with a tinge of fear. His eyes watched me as I rubbed my wrists nonchalantly, and hopped out of the car, grabbing the tool around his waist.


"No no keep it to yourself, you were just doing your job not your fault you didn't know who I am or who were working for, but next time maybe try to knock them out a bit softer cause I'm getting a major headache."

Walking into the abandon warehouse, a classic site for assassination. I couldn't help but remember the familiar reek from numerous death. The cleaning team should do a better job, but then again I remembered Seven's weird tendencies to collect vials of blood from victims.

"Come out Mason, don't you want to see your bride?"

"W-why are you released and not bounded? I didn't pay them so much for this."

Seven walked in behind me and stood in the corner understanding that I didn't want to be interrupted. I couldn't help but chuckle how cute and ignorant Mason was.

"Darling Mason, how sweet of you to finally show your true intentions, but as one of our customers I would have to say thank you for your business."

"Caroline.. what do you mean?"

"How interesting it is, I ignored your infidelity and this is how you repay me? To have me assassinated by one of my own men? How cute."

Holding the handle of the lasso, I whipped it around his neck and dragged him towards me. Seven just stared at me knowingly, as I pressed the button on the side and smiled when I heard screams of pain and terror.

"So how should we do this? Death by torture or electrocution, you know what? Why not we have Seven do it instead, he seems to be shaking in excitement.."

"Zero, if you insist." He took a step forward with a sadistic grin on his face.

Walking away from the warehouse, I took Seven's phone to call One.

"Seven you dumbfuc-"

"One. Pick me up from location 322, and get my things ready, I need a long bath. Today had been quite exhausting."

"Zero, what are you doing with Seven?"

Hearing shuffling and the start of an engine on the other side, I hummed a song and waited One to come.

"Nothing just putting down one of my dogs, it's been getting on my nerves for awhile."

Almost immediately I could hear whirring and One came running to me with a blazer in his hand.

"I think Helding Enterprise needs a new CEO, help me find a replacement."

"Yes Ma'am." Putting a foot up on the helicopter, I heard Seven's maniacal laughter and I asked One to move along.

If only he knew better than to bite the hand that feeds him.