
Imagine Breaker in MHA

Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Geraint124x · Komik
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142 Chs

Chapter 45: Tartarus

Chapter 45: Tartarus

Author: Geraint

A/N: To support me, pls donate to my Paypal.

Link: paypal.me/Geraint124x


(3rd Person's POV)

Police arrives at the seen of destruction after the intense battle, Mirko watches them put a chain on Ichika while he's unconscious and then they carried him to a huge truck with several top heroes guarding him.

She looks frustrated while biting her lips as she sees her lover taken away to Tartarus.

Tears fell from her eyes,

"Ichika, you idiot!"


Ryukyu behind her looks worried since she's aware of their relationship.

Mirko wiped her tears with both of her wrist.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

"I'm fine. Let's go. We still have to stop the chaos in the city."

The two of them left together with the other Pro Heroes.

Few hours later, after arriving in front of the Hero Public Safety Commission building.

"What is this?"

The entire building was completely messed up as protesters continued to throw a lot things like paints from the entrance.

All the Pro Heroes who just arrived was completely shocked as watch the people raid the building.

"We have to stop them! Hurry!" Fat Gum was about rush to the crowd but suddenly, a white car arrived and stopped in front of them.

"Don't try. It's already too late."

The small white animal creature who is current principal of UA jumped out of the car.

"Principal Nezu! What's going on?"

"This is the cause of the hidden corruption being unfold in the public. People are very furious and we can't stop them now unless those people at fault will surrender themselves." Nezu with grim expression explained.

"Did Ichika did this?" Mirko asked.

Nezu nodded,

"Yeah, this is Falcon's goal all along. He use the attack on Tartarus as a mask and his real goal was actually the Hero Public Safety Commission."

"Wait! Where's All Might?! He was supposed to help us against Falcon!" Gang Orca remembered then asked.

"He has his own plan. Let's just believe on him." Nezu glanced at the Commission's building.


(MC's POV)

- Heavenly Realm -

*Wake up, it's morning already.*

When my consciousness returned, I just heard a very familiar soothing voice of a girl.

"Uuuuuuugh... Five minutes more..."

I felt like I want to rest more.

Making a lot of preparations this passed few days, I haven't had enough sleep.

"You're still sleeping?"

"Yeah, just a little more "

I turned to my side, feeling the softness of my pillow.

"Hehe... How cute."

Hearing her giggles,

"But... if you don't wake up, I will play a prank on you."

Opening my eyes, seeing a beautiful woman whom reincarnated me and I noticed that I was using her lap as my pillow.


"Hehe... Ping-pong! It's me, the goddess of beauty, love and fertility, Venus!"


"Wait! Did I died again?"

I immediately sat up in surprise and asked her.

"You didn't and that won't happen. You're basically immortal in that form."

"I see... then why am I here?"

"Since, you lost the battle, I want to give you something."

"Are you going to make me even more OP? I refuse!"

"I know. I realized that you don't actually want strength so instead, I will give you this."

The opened her hand and a blue glowing stone appeared in her palm.


"It's a low grade space stone."


"Here we go again. Giving me something very dangerous."

"It's not dangerous."

"What if someone stole it from me?"

"It's fine. Only you can use it anyway. If somebody took it, it will just become an ordinary stone so don't bother looking if you lost it. I have a lot in my backyard."

"Okay, nevermind!"

"I heard you're trying to make a body for your AI daughter but the technology is not advance enough there. You can study that stone for that purpose so you can make something better."

"I see... Thanks."

The low grade space stone went inside the back of my left hand and I felt sharp pain around my body, feeling the power of the stones.


"How was it?"

"Good. You have other stones, right?"

"Yeah, except Power and Soul stone. For power stone, you can find a lot in the higher realm where the main gods resides. And as for Soul stone..."

"A sacrifice."

"Yeah..." The goddess smiled and nodded.

"It's time for you to go back now. Let's meet again next time." She waves her hand.

I became curious when she looks cuter now than the first time I met her. She was a mess.

Everything went blank and I lost my consciousness.


Waking up, I saw myself in the a room filled with security devices. The room was white and I'm surrounded by rifles and lasers, making any strange movements from will be suppose to be my death.

Looking down to my body, I was strapped on a big chair made of metal while wearing a straight jacket that covers my whole body. There are some chains strapped on my arms and legs.

In front of me was a huge heavy machine gun pointed at me.

(I see... I got caught and send to Tartarus.)

Looking around,

*So, you're finally awake.*

Hearing Roboco's voice from speaker of the room,

"Amazing, Roboco! You hacked through this place."

*As long as it's not a google capha, anything is easy for me.*


*Do you think it's funny?*

It's seems like, she still mad at me.

"Nope, I'm just proud of you."

*Do you know why am I mad?*

"Yep, I broke a lot of promise from you."

My eyes was loiters around as I became guilty.

*Right now, Father is imprisoned 500 meters below the surface. They said that anyone imprisoned here will never again emerge alive.*

"Oh, really?"

*You're currently under heavy monitor and I just feeding them false information to their display.*

"As expected from my High-Spec Pon--"


Suddenly, a bullet passed through my side from the machine gun and hit the wall.

I know I'll be fine even I am hit by that bullet but the feeling it gives made shivers because it was my daughter who controlled it.

I can sense that she's still mad at me.

"Umm... Roboco?"


Imagining that she was pouting at me, I remembered about Lady Nagant.

"Roboco, is Kaina still around here?"

*Yeah, she's imprisoned above the surface. Her execution was stopped thanks to All Might.*

"What happened on the surface?"

*It's been three days since you got captured and the whole country is in chaos because of you.*

I can't believe that I was already sleeping for three days.

"Three days!"

*A lot of things has already happened while you're still sleeping here. Is Mirko's thighs some kind of Kryptonite to you? What a perverted Dad, I have.* Roboco sounds very angry again as she scolded me.

"Hey, hey. Calm down, Roboco. I'm sorry!"

*Anyway, about the Hero Public Safety Commission... All Might and Grandpa Sebastian are doing something for you. I've been helping them behind your back because of your plan were kind of foolish.*

"What? Don't tell me!"

*All Might sacrificed his hero image just to save you.*

I trembled in shock hearing what she said.

"What is he doing?! He's the symbol of peace! The whole city will be plunged in chaos if the people's trust in Heroes disappeared! The villains will use this chance to rampage around!"

*That's why, Father. You don't have time sleeping here.*

I smiled, remembering something.

"Roboco, I have a surprise for you."

*Oh, what is it this time?*

"Let's meet in my room in Might Tower."

Using my godlike strength to rip out of the straight jacket and straps.


I snapped the thick iron chains in my arms and legs like a fragile object, making a tingling sound when dropped on the floor.

Lifting up my left hand, I opened a portal to my room using the Space stone.

Seeing the wormhole like gate that appeared in the empty space,

"This... Hehe... does put a smile on my face." I mumbled with menacing tone.

*You're making me cringe, Father. Please stop it.*

"At least let have some fun with my monologues."

*If they just known that you're trying to act like some cool villain. I wonder how will they react.*

"It's fine. It doesn't exist here anyway."

*What about Lady Nagant? Aren't you going to bust out of her here? Did you know that Gentle Criminal is imprisoned here too because of you?*

"Eh? Where's La Brava?"

*She's a teenager. Probably, she's still under the custody of the police.*

Looking down, I saw myself wearing only a white brief which gave me a deja vu.

"If I continued like this, I will be really became the forbidden hero, Hentai Kamen."

*It suits you, Father. He is the hero that this world need the most.*


*I'm not joking. There will be saying, 'If you turn into a bad villain, a pervert superhero will attack you'. Crime rate will surely goes down.*



I went back to my room and put some new clothes before going back to Tartarus to get Lady Nagant and Gentle Criminal.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later even though everything was a mistake.)