
The start

The clouds dropping, and the sky watching.

The horrible thing that happened was out of the ordinary.

What is this thread, and what is it leading me to?

I thought to myself, walking down the dark alleyway while I felt something watching me.

The thread suddenly appeared out of thin air after I bumped into a man who looked like a young adult. He had blonde hair and silk clothes, and he smelled like orange chocolate mixed together. I apologised before walking away, but I felt his eyes still looking at me. When I made it home, then did I notice the thread, I thought that it was perhaps a small child that had slid a long thread into my pinky as a prank and that I had walked around with it in public, ah that's so embarrassing...

I took off my heels and walked past my mirror like always and into the bathroom and opened the drawer. I took out my make-up remover and reached for my cotton pad before I laid my eyes on the scissors. I took the scissors out and chopped off the long red thread, but I felt something. My heart started beating, and I started sweating, I felt as if I was hyperventilating and collapsed onto the floor. Before it stopped suddenly, I slowly got up and looked at the thread. It was gone like it had dissolved around my finger, I saw how the remains on the floor started to dissolved so I decided to follow the long thread before it had disappeared completely. It was dark and cold, and I felt chills while following the thread before it led me into an alleway. I stopped and started panting, and my hands started to shake while I saw the guy that I bumped into before lying in a corner on a pile of garbage. A knife was pierced into his stomach, and he was still breathing, I reached into my pocket and called the ambulance while my voice was shaking talking to the operator.