
Im just a Tailor In marvel

A Monster from one punch man is reincarnated. And all he wants to do is live a semi normal life. But your never too old for your wants to hurt. #No harem #No system also i own nothing.

RoyalAlpaca_1 · Komik
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7 Chs

" It's better than nothing "

Currently 4:58 in the afternoon two people could be seen talking, sitting on a bench at the edge of a sidewalk.

Minerva has been answering Orms questions for the past hour and fifty eight minutes, and she was feeling mentally drained. This man asked all sorts of questions, some extremely important, while some seemingly so stupid she thought he might be retarded. But since he already helped her she had to give him his due, it was an unspoken rule.

Though she could only help but ask herself.

' where in the world did this guy come from ?'

the question's he asked you would think he lived under a rock his whole life, but oddly there were some things he knew about.

' he might be an immigrant. maybe ? whatever its none of my business anyway , there is no need to pry so let's just get this last question over with.'

Orm on the other hand was internally brimming with excitement and joy. He asked about many things some important some meaningless but he had received answers regardless, and in turn he learned a lot. The currency was a little different but had it similarities, the mode of transportation were the same in this world . It even had Orms favorite form of transportation, the almighty roomba. But all good things must come to an end, his two hours was almost up. So with a sigh he decided to ask the question he had been saving for last.

" Are there any heroes in this city, or superpowered humans ? "

He asked with a slight smile which Minerva happened to notice this time.


Minerva internally screamed. was he one of those vigilantly heroes or secret shield people she occasionally heard rumours about.... Did he know ??... rubbish no one knew about her grandbabies.

' Calm yourself Minerva he doesn't know anything just answer the question and leave,

she reassured herself.

" Not really but i have heard of devil's and ninjas running around the city from time to time but i don't know how true those rumours are. Well that's two hour's, it was nice speaking with you, though exhausting but i have to go now before i miss chow time at the hostel. Take care brother good luck ."

Minerva said before getting up and hastily walking away leaving orm alone on the bench.

' hmm, i must have hit a nerve. but that last answer was somewhat disappointing. though it does open me up to the possibility that this world just might have heroes.'

' though Minerva avoided the second part of my question, hey its better than nothing. Now that i have some basic knowledge about the city im in i can temporarily check that off the list. it's getting late so I'll have to find i a place to stay soon. I had asked minerva about temporary living earlier and she gave me the addresses of a few hostel's in the area. she mentioned that room's and or spots are first come first serve. so i need to hurry and check them out before im forced to sleep outside in the cold.'

Orm thought to himself before getting up and leaving the bench, walking to the closet hostel near him. All while having a smile on his face.