
Im just a Tailor In marvel

A Monster from one punch man is reincarnated. And all he wants to do is live a semi normal life. But your never too old for your wants to hurt. #No harem #No system also i own nothing.

RoyalAlpaca_1 · Komik
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7 Chs

" Can you do me a favor ? "

It's been about an hour and a half since the man had exited the amusement park, with new clothes and supplies in hand. The storm had stopped to a light trickle and allowed the sun to peak through the clouds just a bit.

While walking the old timer took this hour and a half to familiarize himself with his human body, as well as hash out the details to his newfound goals.

' Okay i think i have a plan. first i need to establish a temporary home, then I'll gather some money. I have no qualms with stealing money, though i rather not rely on that too much since i don't want to attract too much attention as of yet. So that means I'll most likely have to get a job and start saving, while weaving in some thievery here and there.'

The man thought, while ignoring the dirty water that would make its way onto his feet. his pair of sandals giving him no protection from the puddles he would occasionally walk into.

' Of course before i even think of stealing again i need to take a look at my monster form and the abilities that come with it in greater detail, preferably in private somewhere, i refuse to be in the dark about my own body. Though... i must say, im extremely excited to test it out. i can feel the strength surging through my inner being, my.... monster soul ? it's feels a lot stronger then before, it almost feels like its been upgraded and improved upon... if that's even possible after death.'

The man looked up for a moment and stopped walking when he saw a red light at the other end of the sidewalk. He would rather not get hit by a truck or something while crossing the street, so he decided to wait for the light to change. He took this chance to delve back into his thoughts.

' But its certainly not impossible. I mean look at my human form it's the perfect example.

yes in my last life before i underwent my transformation i was in relatively, good shape, but never to this degree my muscles are practically popping out of my clothes. And let's not forget about the fact that i had jumped to the roof of a two story building in this form. it's very similar to the human heroes of my old world, who could perform ungodly feats of strength all while retaining their humanity.

A good example of this is that bastard puri puri prisoner who killed me in an instant. I even heard a rumour about a bald civilian killing a monster with one punch at some point. so if we stick to this type logic how much stronger will my monster form be ? i was able to slay countless c and lower ranked heroes with it as well as snuffing the life out of about Thirty or so A ranked heroes over the years. until i got too cocky and fucking killed myself by taking on an S ranked hero . nevertheless it wont happen again and I'll make sure to fully master both of my forms. Now how should i go abou......'


screamed an old lady with white hair, the hood of her raincoat covering most of it. she was fitted with clothes suitable for todays weather. she was also pushing a shopping cart filled to the brim with bags, of bottles of all kinds

obviously to recycle.

she had finally snapped this bastard out of his daze, and she didn't give two fucks about appearing rude. she had already tried to get this bastards attention with a calmer tone but the fucker wouldn't budge.

' shit i zoned out '

The man quickly stepped to the side. giving the old lady the room she needed to rummage through the garbage. He then pulled the hood to his poncho down and revealed his mature face and silvery gray hair. He then proceeded to give a slight bow and an apologetic smile before speaking.

" Sister. i am sincerely sorry for inconveniencing you like that, just now i was too busy not paying attention to my surroundings to notice that someone was actually behind me, sorry, that was my fault."

The shocked old woman could tell that the apology from this handsome dog was genuine. so though she was still slightly angry, she had no choice but to let it go. giving a sigh the old lady nodded before saying.

" forget about it, these things happen from time to time. Just try to be more alert next time. What if i was a group of young hoodlums or a ruffian ? Hmm ?.your head would be bashed in by now. but other then that everything is cool so good day and stay safe."

she then went back to work with gathering bottles from the trash can next to her.

The man nodded in agreement.

" yes you are so right thank you for the warning, take care."

He said before walking away.

' WAIT WAIT. This is the perfect opportunity to gain some information about where im at and such.'

The man quickly turned around and walked back to the old lady before asking.

" Hey sister can i ask you for a small favor ? "

The lady eyed him for a moment before stopping what she was doing and subtlety placing her hand behind her back. gripping the rusty but oddly sharp cleaver she had on her at all times.

' here we go again. you give a person an inch and they try to take your whole life'

she thought to herself her face expressionless. she then spoke.

" If your going to ask me for some of my bottles or some money then the answer is no. If your gonna ask for me to fuck, or suck you off whether it's for money or not then you better think again before asking..... Brother "

she said with a disarming smile, and the grip on her blade growing stronger.

The man could easily make out her bloodlust, even if she hid it well. But he completely understood where she was coming from though. He was a stranger asking for a "favor". why wouldn't she be suspicious, or anyone in her situation for that matter. He took zero offense to it.

" I know this must be very weird to you but im going to be honest with you. A recent incident has left me homeless, broke, and completely oblivious to where im at right now and unaware of key information. leaving me to resort to thievery in order to put clothes on my back. this is why i wish to ask you some important questions so that i can proceed with my life."

the man said all this without a hint of deception, and all the seriousness in his tone. He again shocked this woman, was he mental ? No it was something else, though she couldn't quite put her finger on it, desperation ? maybe , maybe not. but the old woman wasn't an easy mark. she had one more way to assure whether she can even remotely trust this man and offer her help, she learnt this skill through years of experiencing the trials of life.

"what's your name ?"

the woman asked eyeing the man warily.

the man heard her question and decided to make a choice.

' i will use the name mum and pop gave me originally, before i became a monster.'

" My name is Orm. what's yours? "

The woman finally relaxed a bit and gave a sigh of relief. she then released the handle of her cleaver. ' fine ill help a little ' is what she thought, before stating her name.

" My name is Minerva. ill answer your questions as long as its not invasive. and explain a few things to you. But you have to help my gather my bottles. Deal? "

" yeah deal" said orm before proceeding to rummage through the garbage with Minerva.

Minerva said nothing else and got back to work.