

Iloveamy_waytomuch · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Pink dress by (Dendrophylax)


Amy's a bit cold after being pushed into water… maybe Bibi could help warm her up?


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

Amy was cold. Bibi had insisted if she just changed and took a shower, she'd be fine. Amy was about to go home, but Bibi insisted she went to her place. "I have to be in a car?" "This date is a mess".

Bibi seems to be enjoying herself, Amy thought. She'd forced Amy to try on a flurry of dresses. Some pink, some black ranging in sizes, shape and form. But none of them as pretty as Bibi. Amy settled for a pink dress (surprisingly) with a collar. Both points connected by a metal brooch with a tiny heart attached to it. She admired herself in the mirror, Bibi watching her from behind. "You know, pink is my favorite color Amy". Giving her a lascivious glare. Amy's face seemed to match the pink on her dress. "Peter wouldn't be so easily flustered, you're not like him at all". She mockingly pouted, stepping closer to Amy. Amy, now backed into the mirror turned to look away from her. All she saw of course, was her reflection and Bibi right behind her. "Amy?" Bibi said, pulling her face back to hers. She could feel Bibi's breath on her lips. "I want to see if your mouth matches the color of your dress" Amy felt her hands make her way to her waist, pressing their body's together. She felt warm, the arousal made her dizzy. It felt nice.

A-ahh- both Amy and Bibi were startled by the noise she just made. They had been making out for what felt like an hour? She wasn't sure, she felt dazed, maybe Bibi laced the cookies she gave her? She didn't care it was pleasurable, she parted her lips slightly as if inviting Bibi in. Her eyes widened as she did the same leaning in more. She seemed to be searching for something in Amy's mouth. Their tongues found a rhythm and so did their hearts. Everything seemed to be tinted pink as Amy's arousal sky rocketed. She let her desires take over soon adding teeth into the makeout session. Bibi pulled back for air as they both panted into each others mouths, inches away from pleasure. "Bibi? What are you doing" Amy asked as her hands trailed down past Amy's waist to her hips. "You'll find out soon enough" Bibi whispered. A shiver ran down Amy's body as she passed out.

Amy awoke in Bibi's arms, she realized she was completely naked. "Where are we?"She asked. "Oh we're in my room, the other one!" Bibi said, Let's continue now hm?

Pulling Amy towards her and kissing her deeply. Amy moaned into her mouth she responded by dragging her nails across Bibi's thighs. Bibi quietly whimpered into Amy's mouth pulling away from the kiss. Her face was red and Amy felt her heartbeat pick up. "Oh so you're a masochi-" she began to say in a sly tone. She was cut off by Bibi crashing her lips against hers. In minutes their makeout heated up tongue and teeth mixing in with quiet moans and whimpers. Quietly Bibi lifted her head up and looked into Amy's eyes. "Pretty" she mumbled, before quickly moving down. Amy, still dazed, looked down at her with a questioning look. Bibi parted her legs and planted kisses on the inside of her thighs, she wasn't much of a biter which surprised Amy. "Bibi? Are you going too…" Amy looked off to the side and bit her lip, her face was on fire. "Don't worry Amy, you're in good hands". "You'll probably taste better than Peter ever will". She quickly added. Amy peered down, Bibi's tongue rested gently against her hood. She smiled up at Amy "But I wonder if you taste better than those cookies?"

Amy closed her eyes in anticipation. She shivered as she felt Bibi's tongue run through her folds. She moved upwards playing with her clit eliciting whimpers out of Amy. Without warning Bibi inserted her tongue. AAHMMN- Amy became a moaning mess. She didn't think Bibi would be so skilled with her mouth. Every few minutes she'd move her tongue further up and push against her G-spot. Amy all but lost it. A-ahhmm fuck keep going Bibi. The words of praise added to Bibi's pleasure. It only made her want to fuck Amy harder. Amy had sweat dripping off her face her body heat made her dizzy. The scent of arousal blocked all other senses, she wanted Bibi, she needed Bibi. "Bibi, Go faster", without skipping a beat Bibi picked up.

She was so obedient Amy wanted her more. Mmmm- Bibi I'm close, she panted.

The whimpering was persistent the room filled with the sound of sex. Bibi lifted her head up and looked at Amy. "Bibi why'd you stop?" She pulled Amy in for a kiss. Amy shivered at the taste of herself on Bibi's lips. Bibi inserted her tongue into Amy's mouth while simultaneously inserting two fingers into her opening. Amy moaned into Bibi's mouth, eyes wide in shock. She slowly closed them in pleasure as Bibi pumped them in and out at a slow pace. In knuckle deep and curled up to hit her G-spot, and out. Amy felt a spark of pleasure build up in her stomach. Bibi, I- close- again- she struggled to speak, whimpering inbetween each word. Bibi looked up at her, and smiled slyly. "Here's pay back for what you did earlier". Amy watched her bring her head down and stick her tongue out. "Bibi, that's gonna be too much?" Amy said in a worried tone. "Don't worry, you can handle it."

Amy swore she saw stars. Bibi played with her clit while pumping her fingers inside of her. The sensation was all too much but perfect at the same time. She felt her body tense around Bibi's fingers. "Are you close Amy?" Bibi said in an erotic tone.

"Y-yes" Amy whimpered out. "Then I think you'll like this" Bibi said. Bibi sped up her fingers, the pace matched Amy's heartbeat. It felt so fucking good. I- Bibi!? Right there- mhm! Im cumming I'm gonna- Bibi locked lips with Amy pumping her fingers faster helping her ride out her climax. Amy moaned into her mouth her entire body tensing and relaxing in Bibi's arms. She pulled away from the kiss for air, still panting. She slowly opened her eyes, Bibi was licking off her liquids from her hand. AHHHHH? She yelled in shock, why was Bibi so hot?!?? Amy surged forward capturing Bibi's lips in a kiss. Bibi recoiled after a second in shock, "Amy, what?" "We're not done yet!" Amy said. "I still have to return the favor"



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