
If only you are a star {BL}

In this compelling novel, Stuart, a heartbroken businessman reeling from a recent breakup, encounters a chance meeting with Berry in a bar. Mistaking Berry for his ex-boyfriend, Stuart impulsively kisses him, setting off an unexpected chain of events. Berry becomes infatuated with Stuart, but his candid and sometimes explicit comments about Stuart's body create tension. Stuart soon learns that Berry is not just any chef but the world's number one culinary sensation. Despite his playful and carefree side, Berry's ability to be serious and his fiery temper become apparent, leaving Stuart torn. He repeatedly rejects Berry, convinced he can only love his ex-boyfriend. However, destiny has other intentions. As Stuart tries to distance himself from Berry, fate intervenes, drawing them closer together. Their relationship blossoms, but hidden mysteries surround Berry's sudden appearance in Stuart's life. The situation becomes even more complex when Stuart's ex-boyfriend reemerges, raising questions and challenges that threaten to unravel their newfound love. This novel explores themes of love, second chances, and the unpredictability of destiny as Stuart and Berry navigate the complexities of their relationship.

saskh_xle · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
152 Chs

Be my boyfriend then

Stuart stirred awake as the warm sunlight fell on his face, making him unable to continue sleeping. He rubbed his head slightly as he felt a headache before slowly sitting up on the bed. The first thing he noticed was that he was not in his room. The scent around him, the sheets he was laying on and most especially, the shirt he was wearing.

With his blurry vision, he raised his eyes and saw a figure running around the room and throwing things around here and there. He did not even need to look around to tell that the room was messy.

After blinking a few times, he could now see the figure more clearly. It was a man, a young man, with messy black hair, frightening pale skin and well-toned abs. He could see that because the man was naked.

Suddenly, the memory of last night flashed in his head, and as painful as the headache was, Stuart ignored it and only focused on one thing, and that was, he saw Kevin.

He knew that was a lie, he knew he just imagined it and that Kevin was never there, but he did not want to believe it. He did not want to believe that he spent yet another night crying and thinking about Kevin. He did not want to believe that he thought he saw Kevin last night in that pub but it was only the hallucinations and imaginations that his drunken mind made up.

He did not even know when he fell back on the bed and began to cry pitifully with one hand thrown over his eyes.

Berry's movement stopped when he heard a faint sniff from the man who was supposed to be sleeping. Instantly, his head turned to face him and he saw tears streaming down the man's face and disappearing into his pillow.

Berry immediately approached him and held Stuart's face in his hands. "H- hey. Why are you crying? What's wrong? Tell me…" Berry asked worriedly and Stuart opened his eyes. He dried his tears as he did not want to look pitiful in front of a stranger. When he was done, he stared at the man, wondering why he mistook him to be Kevin even though they had no similarities.

While Kevin had bright blue eyes that always shone whenever he smiled, the stranger had black eyes and no matter how much he looked, he could not see the same shine and sparkle in his eyes. Kevin had blonde hair which he loved to touch because they were soft and silky but the stranger had black hair. Kevin had thick eyebrows and the stranger also had them but Stuart did not find them as beautiful as Kevin's. While Kevin was soft all over, this man has well-toned and defined abs. Stuart did not like them one bit.

The only thing he could find was the shockingly pale skin that both of them had. Kevin also had pale skin but he always shone with a pink sheen whenever he was teased or mad. It always made Stuart want to tease him more.

No matter how much he looked at it, there was just no similarity between the two. He wanted to cry again because once again, he was heartbroken but he couldn't. at least not in front of a stranger. He could cry when he gets home and lies under the blanket.

"Hey, what's wrong? You can tell me". Berry said calmly as he tried to get Stuart to say something but the man just kept staring at him without saying a word.

"Nothing". Stuart finally answered, which made Berry shrug. "If you say so". Then he stood up and went back to what he was doing.

Stuart was a little surprised. He thought that the stranger would ask more questions since he sounded so worried. As much as he wanted to be relieved, he couldn't. Maybe because he had kept everything locked inside for so long and now he just wants to say them out to whoever wants to listen.

Clearly, that person wasn't this stranger.

"Stop staring. It feels weird". Berry said as he took a white long sleeve shirt and wore it. Stuart averted his gaze from Berry quickly. He did not even realize that he was staring till Berry pointed it out.

"What happened last night?" Stuart asked as he rubbed his hair. He still had a bad headache and he made a mental note to control how much he drinks in the future.

"Take those first before I tell you". Berry pointed to the stool beside the bed which has a small white pill and a glass of water. Stuart didn't need to be told twice as he deduced that the white pill was a hangover pill so he put the pill in his mouth and gulped down the entire glass of water. Only now did he realize that he was thirsty.

"Look at you. You swallowed the pill without even asking what it is." Berry tsked and shook his head while Stuart turned his head to the other side after realising his carelessness. "You have nothing to worry about. It was just a hangover pill". Berry chuckled when he saw Stuart's flustered expression. Stuart secretly sighed in relief. It would have been bad if that pill was dangerous.

He cleared his throat, "... So, about last night…what happened? What am I here?"

Berry froze and stopped buttoning his shirt when he heard Stuart's question. Then his lips stretched in a mysterious smile.

"Nothing much. You just approached me in the bar and kissed me. You also hugged me and refused to let me go which is why you are here. By the way, this is my house".

Stuart's eyes widened in shock. After hearing what Berry said, he was petrified, even more, when the memories of last night flashed in his head and they were exactly as Berry had said. He was so shocked that he couldn't speak for the next few minutes.

He had hugged, kissed, nibbled and refused to let Berry go because he thought he was Kevin.

Stuart immediately apologised, "I am so sorry. I thought you were my boyfriend". Stuart quickly explained but what followed his explanation was silence. He knew that it was because he spoke about his boyfriend, not everyone was accepting of a gay man.

"Boyfriend?" As expected, Berry was shocked and Stuart was prepared to stand up and walk out since he wasn't sure if Berry was homophobic or not but he was in for a surprise because Berry leaned forward which made Stuart move an inch back.

"You mean boyfriend? 'Kev' is a guy?!" Stuart nodded hesitantly and watched as Berry licked his lower lip nervously. "So, Kev broke up with you, which was why you were at that pub last night? So now, Kev is your ex-boyfriend and you are single?!" Again Stuart nodded, wondering what was wrong with this stranger.

Berry nodded thoughtfully before he looked at Stuart again and a smile stretched out on his lips.

"Be my boyfriend then!"