
If my oc was in the demon slayer story

GhostofChristmas · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

The throne of Upper rank 1

As Kokushibou would try and regenerate from the attack he would be shocked as multiple flames in the shape of a dragon would be launched straight at him as he would slice them away only for them to explode on impact as Kokushibou would avoid it by jumping back as Neo would laugh

"Upper moon 1 Kokushibou being afraid! hahahahaha what's wrong Michikatsu tsugikuni I thought you we're stronger!"

He would have a wide grin as 8 eyes would sprout out his head as they had lizard like features as he would then slice the smoke in half only for Kokushibou be at his face and would slice at his throat only for it too be blocked by the hilt of his blade as his grin got wider as the hilt and blade touching would make a thud noise as he used his other blade to drive it into his liver as Kokushibou would see the attack coming as he would stomp his katana down on the ground ripping out Neo's arm as Neo would be shocked by the sheer strength as Kokushibou would launch a 5th form at him as his cheeks and eyes got sliced away alongside his arms as he would back up and chuckle as Kokushibou would smile

"Upper rank 2 Neo Garcia you're nothing but a pussy and a cheap fucking knock off!"

Kokushibou would speak out as Neo heard these words as his grin disappeared as he appeared Infront of him decapitating him instantly as Kokushibou would be shocked as he would then wake up as it was Neo's blood lust alone that made him feel like that as Muzan was reminded of the time with Yorrichi as he chuckled as Neo charged at Kokushibou only to be pinned down by a 17th form as Neo would Regenerate back he would dash towards him slicing at his legs only for Kokushibou too jump up and avoid the entire hit as he would then fall down and would bring down a 15th form alongside him as Neo looked at him as he would take in a breath and would slice upwards as Kokushibou would block the attack with his sword as there swords clashed as Neo had a big smirk

on his face as Kokushibou would be smiling as well as he hadn't faced a opponent who could rival him in power usually it would be him dominating them or just Yorrichi and Muzan who will no diff him as there blades clashed Neo would try and overpower him but would fail as he would then just back off and would look at his surroundings as there was a wall as he would charge into it landing on his feet on the wall as he took a breath as steam came out of his mouth as Kokushibou would prepare his own breath style as well as Kokushibou would launch a moon dragon ringtail towards Neo as Neo would jump of the wall straight towards Kokushibou as a flame dragon appeared as it let out a roar as Kokushibou would be shocked as the attack he launched was disintegrated into ash by Neo's blood demon art as small dragons flew Straight into the moon blades exploding on impact as Kokushibou would launch another moon dragon tail but this time in a horizontal path as Neo would just pass through the middle as he would then lose one arm by one of the moon blades as he would then launch the giant dragon at Kokushibou with one arm as Kokushibou would just slice it in half while Neo also gets sliced into bits by the attack as he would smile as Kokushibou would be declared the winner as Kokushibou as Neo would be unable to regenerate quickly enough as Kokushibou thought too himself

"This was a battle i could've lost if i was inexperienced and didn't have the ability to use my techniques over and over again this guy really is something he has the potential too surpass me"

as Neo would Regenerate back and get back up and smile

"You truly are quite the foe lord Kokushibou"

Neo would say as Kokushibou would just chuckle and turn away and disappear as Muzan stared at Neo with a big grin as he thought too himself

"This Neo guy is truly quite the catch being this strong to almost match equally to Kokushibou at such a young age Nakime play a song I'm in a good mood today!"

he said as he would close his eyes and hum a rhythm as Neo would be in a room full of pillars and flames surrounding the area as he would be sitting on a throne of Nichirin blades with a crown made out of human teeth's as he would be relaxing his face on his arm as he chuckled

"I could've beat him but i didn't want his dignity too be lost Infront of lord Muzan I would've erased him"

he said as he would sigh and get up and practice his sword skills creating new forms for his dragon breathing as the scene would shift to Jason kneeling down Infront of Kagaya Ubayashiki as Kagaya would speak to him

"Jason your brother betrayed us betrayed the demon Slayer corps anything you want to say about it?"

Ubayashiki would speak to him as Jason would just sigh and speak

"Forgive me master for his betrayal but you don't need to worry about anything i shall take care of that imbecile and kill him if i find him"

he said as he would close his eyes and open them as his eyes started to glow light blue as Kagaya would just smile and pat his head

"You're free to go now Jason sorry for wasting your time"

Kagaya said as he would leave with the assistance of his daughters as Jason would get up and take a deep breath

"Well guess I'll be training till midnight then"

he said as he would walk away as the scene would shift to Emilia hearing the news of Neo's betrayal as she would concoct different types of poisons mixed with other poisons and wisteria as she would pour them into her scythes chamber and make wisteria bombs as she would growl in anger and smash the table where she was walking on breaking the viles as glass shards would be pierced into her hands as the venomous smell would get into her lungs and body as she would cough out blood as Shinobu would enter the room in a rush as she heard her coughs as she looked at what was

going on as Emilia would look back at her as veins were popping out of her head as the poison would escape from her mouth with the coughs as she would reach out to her as Shinobu would get 3 syringes and extract the poison and stem the blood flow by tearing parts of her Haori as Emilia would still be coughing in agony as everything stopped as Shinobu would inject her with anti venom as it managed to cure her of her poison in her body but not her lungs as they we're damaged beyond repair as Shinobu would look around as she found a weird mask that looked futuristic as she was confused on what it does as she would then snap back to reality and place it

on Emilia as she would take a deep breath as the mask latched onto her mouth and nose as it now helped her breath as she would gasp for air as she looked at Shinobu who would be relieved as the mask let her breathe as Shinobu would take her to the resting area and lay her down there as she would take out the glass shards from Emilia hands and would inject her with tetanus shot and more too have her live as she would groan in pain as she would try and get up but would pass out as

Shinobu sat beside her holding her hand like her older sister as the scene shifted too Jason in a forest covered in blood with his blade covered in blood as well as his eyes would glow a light blue as a demon would be running away from Jason as he would reach the tip of the cliff as Jason pursued slowly his never changing face as the demon would be shivering while shouting


the demon said as it would fall into deaf ears as Jason would disappear and reappear Infront of the demon with the blade on his neck as the demon's eyes would be shown as he was the current lower rank 1 as Jason would take a breath and would go for a slice but would miss as the demon slipped down the cliff as Jason would chuckle and walk away as he would go hunt more demon's as he was then face to face with the upper rank 5 and 4 Gyokko and Hantengu as Jason would stare at them with a cold stare as they both would feel the stare as they turned around to see who it was as the next thing they felt was there head flying in the air as blood splashed everywhere as Gyokko would instantly die as Hantengus clones would appear as they we're all instantly dealt with as Jason would then slice of Zohakuten's neck as well as he saw the little Hantengu running for his life but with no effort as Jason's eyes we're extremely sharp as he sliced of Hantengu's neck in one sweep as he would release steam from his mouth as he looked around as he was now surrounded by demon's who thought he was too tired now but to there disappointment they we're killed instantly before they even Realized anything as Jason would slice down to clean his katana as he would walk away as the sun came up as he would clear the area he was in from demon's by the time the sun fully came up as he would arrive at the headquarters covered in blood as Tengen would approach him

"You don't look so flashy what happened? did you fight a upper rank who kicked your ass?"

as Jason would giggle and would nod his head no

"I did meet 2 upper ranks but they we're nothing but show offs i killed them off in one sweep but one of them regrew it's head and grew out 4 other demon's but still no match for me and this blood is from all the demon's i killed in one night"

he said as he would walk away from Tengen as Tengen would be left in shock as he would look back in shock as he would chuckle and go back home as Jason would report back to Ubayashiki as he would smile and pat his head as Jason would smile as well and walk away and take a shower as he would then go rest after his shower till it was night as night came as Emilia would be out trying to find demon's as she found a lake as she would approach it but would back away instantly after taking one step as a tentacle would slice of the trees Infront of her as she would chuckle and look around on what's happening as there was a red and orange color demon as it would lick it's lips and say

"My prey has finally arri-"

before he could complete the sentence he would feel something enter his mouth and go down his throat as it would explode as it was a wisteria bomb that just exploded in the demon's stomach but he Regenerated quickly as he would groan as the kanji in his eyes showed upper rank 4 as Emilia would be confused as she thought the upper rank 4 was just killed as she would just shrug and charge towards it as the demon would send a black ball flying towards her as she would avoid the attack by side stepping as the attack would just erase all the trees it hit as the demon would throw another giant black ball at her as she managed to dodge it and scratch it as it would open leaking out a black substance that was like acid as Emilia would throw one of her chains connected scythes towards the demon as the demon would cover himself in a black ball as it would hit the black ball it would release wisteria gas as she would take a breath with her mask as she would use

"Breath of poison fourth form Scorpion tail strike!"

she said as she would throw her left scythe as it would make contact with the black ball and release wisteria gas as she would throw the right scythe at it as wisteria gas would be released as she did this getting faster and faster with each hit as the whole area was covered in wisteria gas as the demon would spin around in the ball as the ball would spin as well as it blew away the gas as the demon came out of It's ball as Emilia was already Infront of it as the demon would be shocked as it trapped her in a black ball as it would laugh and shrink the black ball thinking of crushing her as she would just sigh in annoyance as she would slice open the black ball as she would stab the

demon's neck once with her scythe as she would try to slice through it but fails as the demon would let out a roar of anger as Emilia would press a button releasing poison into the demon's neck as she would then be pushed back by a black ball hitting her in the ribs breaking them as she would cough out blood through the mask as she would drag her feet on the ground to stop her from flying further as she would breathe heavily as she couldn't move as the demon would laugh and launch himself at her as Emilia would duck down as the demon would crash into a tree as she would stab it once more with both scythes as she would inject a large dose of wisteria poison

straight into the demon's head as it became weakened enough to the point it was melting as it would let out a roar and whip her with his tail as she would go flying into a tree on her back as the demon would let out a roar of anger charging at her but melting away Infront of her as Emilia would giggle and would pass out from the injuries she faced as a bunch of Kakushi were sent to her location as she would be carried away in a stretcher with the Hashira Gyomei by there side as Gyomei was there to kill off any demon's coming there way as she would be carried away and reached the butterfly mansion to heal as she would wake up and take a deep breath as she would

then lay back down and groan in pain as her ribs we're still healing as Gyomei would sit next to her and pray as she would stare at him for a moment before she started to pray as well as the scene shifted to Jason in a train alongside Tanjiro Zenitsu and Inosuke as they would be going to another place to go hunt demon's as the train would stop abruptly as there was a silence before it started moving again as Tanjiro and Jason would have a delightful conversation about having demon siblings but one is partners with humanity and one is actively trying to kill humanity and find the blue spider lily which Jason had in his pocket as Jason would give Zenitsu some advice on how to overcome his fears and get Nezuko to like him back as he would try and teach Inosuke basic math's but in his own way

"If there are 3 demon's you kill 2 how many are left?"

Jason asked Inosuke as Inosuke would think and reply with


only to be karate chopped gently on the head

"Wrong it's 1 here I'll give you some homework you can do to learn all the name's of the numbers you damn idi-i mean my dear junior"

he said with a smile as he patted his head as they would all go to sleep as the journey was 3 hours long Jason could run faster than the train but he'd rather relax a bit as he would start to fall asleep as well before he felt something as he woke up immediately and would escort everyone out of the middle cart every single passenger and the kamaboko squad as the middle cart would be sent flying out of the tracks as it broke as the train was stopping as Tanjiro would wake up immediately as he smelt the scent of danger as he would look around for anything as the cart would explode as Tanjiro would get ready as Jason would get Infront of Tanjiro ready to kill the demon Infront of him as he would take a breath as he could see 2 orange draconic eyes in the smoke as he would be in shock as he would take a step back as Tanjiro would also be shocked as the 2 draconic eyes would then reveal the kanji upper moon 2 as the demon would laugh


the demon let out a cackle as Jason would unsheathe his blade as he would then look back at Tanjiro and say

"Run now young kamado live to fight Muzan and kill the upper rank 3 now go and run away I'll hold him off"

he said as he would chuckle and hold his blade tightly as the demon would laugh as Tanjiro would decline running away as Jason would yell


he said as Zenitsu would grab Tanjiro and Inosuke and would run away with them as Tanjiro would try and resist but would be overpowered by both of them dragging him away as Jason would be left behind as Jason would smile

"at least there safe now"

he said as a huge explosion would occur in the area where he was standing as Tanjiro would look in shock and yell out Jason's name