

"What?! Let me go!" Lord Berserk struggling.

The guards need to hold him tight since he's too strong. They pushed him away.

"Wait," I said.

The guards instantly stopped walking away.

"Let me tell you something. I'm the dead crown prince. The crazy old man is my father. The princess is my sister so I won't let her marry an idiot like you. So, stop dreaming and go back to your fortress. I don't want to see you again."

Vampires' faces are normally pale. But his face is even paler.

"W... wait. H... hold on! You can't be!", he said.

"How pathetic. But it's true," I replied and move away.

I still can hear him screaming and scolding the guards. I don't care. He humiliated me, and my family, and tried to marry my sister. He deserved that.

"I need to meet my sister."

I walk to the library. Father told me that she was always there.

Knock Knock!!!

I knocked on the door before opening it. I could simply burst in but I can't. Not now.

"Are you here, sister?", I asked for her.

"Yes. Come here!"

Princess Evandale Eve Hart. My sister is two years younger than me. Her grey eyes and blonde hair might be able to attract all the guys. Maybe

that's why the lord agrees to marry her. But, I won't let it happen.

"Why did you come here? And where's your servant?", she asked.

"I don't need him," I replied and sit in front of her.

I am already in a good relationship with her since she always checks on me every day and I can't run from her. She is also a vampire. So, I just get along

with her. She knows how to blend with my lifestyle. At least I can protect her now since the crazy lord is about to marry her.

"I want to ask you something."

"Sure. What is it?"

"About Lord Berserk."

She seems shocked. I can see her being scared for a moment.

"Are you okay?", I asked.

"Yeah, carry on."

"Did you want to marry a guy like him?"

She didn't answer and just played with her fingernails like a kid being scolded. It's weird me out. What's happening?

"You need to explain to me everything. Don't keep it to yourself," I told her.

"Father wants me to marry him since you were not around and I can't sit on the throne alone. I need a King. But, I don't want it! I once tell

mother and father about it but they don't care!"

"They don't care? Do they know his actual attitude?", I asked.

"No. Lord Berserk is nice in front of him. He is good at acting. I can't do anything. I need to marry him! He even tries to rape me once!"

My blood is boiling. I should slash his head if I see him again. By this time, I know my eyes turn blood red already. But I need to remain calm.

"You don't need it."

"How? Did you meet him?"

"Yep, at the garden. He sucks blood from one of the servants so I stop him. If I can't break the rules so no one can. Since he doesn't know who

am I, he started being rude to his father. He called him a crazy old man. He even told me about marrying you so I told him to stop dreaming."

"Where's him now?"

"I sent him back to his fortress. We don't need someone like him."

"Woah, no one dares to do that before. The other vampires use to be scared of him. But you just wipe his ass away," she said proudly.

"I might hate to admit that this is my family. But as the firstborn, it's my responsibility to protect you. I just can't deny it."

"Thanks, brother. But, how you want to tell father about it?"

"I'll think about it later."

She smiled. Now, I need to figure out how to tell my father about it. He will be mad. Since I'm here, he never stops being mad. I don't know what's

wrong with him. I'm pretty sure war will explode if I also burst out of anger at the same time. This is the reason why I force myself to call him

father because if I don't he will be mad and shout all along. I don't want to argue.

. . . . . ╰──╮╭──╯ . . . . .

Maverick POV

"Mom, can I talk with you for while?", I asked my mother.

"Sure, come and have a sit."

I sit next to her. She was reading some books regarding the kingdom.

"I would like to tell you something."


"I fall in love with someone," I said.

She seems shocked but at the same happy for me.

"Tell me who is she? Did I know her? Where do you meet her?", she asked full of excitement.

"You meet her before. I meet her inside the Azure Kingdom."

"The Azure Kingdom? Did you mean Serenity Gloria? The daughter of royalty? Your friend?"

This is why I don't need to tell her anything more. She'll know it just like that. She read someone's mind with their expression.

"Yes, she's the one."

"I'm thinking of marrying her. Can I?", I asked without a doubt.

"Get married? Maverick, I would love to see you get married because you're my only son. But, it seems too early for now. You need to learn

about managing this kingdom first. Then we think about it again."

I'm the crown prince. Of course, I need to learn a lot of things. But, it can't stop me just like it. At least, send the engagement ring to her side.

"I understand. But, sent the engagement ring first," I said.

"I'll tell your dad about it. But, I can't promise anything."

I nodded.

"You love her, aren't you?", she asked.

"I love her dearly, mom."

"But does she loves you back?"

I looked down at my feet. She's not. She told me before. But, I can do everything now and mom will trust me instantly.


"Good to know. Just ease your mind. I try my best to coax dad to send the engagement ring."

I get out of the room. I hope this plan will work. She's mine!