

Serenity POV


My head hurt again every time I try to remember something. I hate this feeling. I have a lot of things to know. But the effect of knowing just keeps on driving me insane.

"Why?", Claudia asked me, worried about me after seeing my condition.

"Nothing. I just had my migraine again."

"You must have to try to remember something again aren't you?"

I nodded. Claudia always knows everything. No secret can be kept from her. She's the one who made me want to live this life. Her cheerful yet caring personality made me realise I have someone to rely on.

"So, what's for dinner?", she asked again.

"Some chicken soup and barley bread. You want to eat now?"

"Sure. I'm starving the whole day!", she quickly sat at the dining table, and prepared herself to eat.

Claudia and I were two girls who don't know our origin. I lost my memory meanwhile Claudia was left alone when she was eight-month. The only thing she knows is, she's a witch. She was holding a witch's wand when someone found her. But she doesn't know how to apply witchcraft. The person who took care of her before this is a normal human.

We both need to work for our stressful life. Leaving inside the Azure Kingdom is such a horrible thing. We never had enough money to eat. The Azure Kingdom is the poorest kingdom among all the five-kingdom. Even though this kingdom has a good relationship with the Golden Kingdom, there's no golden here. But, this kingdom has protection from wars.

"How many bucks did you get today?", I asked Claudia who focus to eat.

"Only 15 bucks. I'm done leaving here! I work so hard but never get enough payment," she replied angrily.

I nodded. Didn't think to bring up the fire again. I know Claudia always works extra time for more money yet it never happens.

"What about you?", she asked.

"Same. Nothing much. Our boss seems to be bankrupt in a few months. I need to find a new job."

"Ever thought about what I said before?"


"About working inside the Golden Kingdom? We gonna get much money from there."

"What? Are you crazy? N-"

Knock Knock!!!

Someone knocking on the door so I can't finish my word. I quickly open it. Three people are waiting outside the house.

"Who is it?", Claudia asked.

"It's them."

"Let them in!", said Claudia excitedly, she always loves to meet them

Evander, Maverick and Azazel entered the house. As usual, they always visit us after we finished work. They sat at the dining table.

"Stressful day. I see," said Claudia.

"I don't think I can live here anymore," said Azazel.

"You don't need to live if you want and I can help you with that," said Evander without hesitation.

"You need to fight now Evan?", Maverick asked.

Evander didn't bother with it. Naturally, he always being rude. But, he always protects all of us. He's the bravest, most stubborn, rude yet most protective human being they ever meet.

"So, can I join your dinner?", Maverick asked since he was pretty hungry.

"Sure, why not? Come and have a sit," Claudia replied.

. . . . . ╰──╮╭──╯ . . . . .

"We didn't settle with the discussion," said Claudia.

"What kind of discussion?", I asked.

"About our journey to the Golden Kingdom."

I shook my head. I never thought about going to the Golden Kingdom. It's so unreasonable and dangerous. If we get caught doing something wrong, we will be sent to the Shadow Kingdom and begin our slavery day. Who wants to be the vampire's slave? As a normal human with zero ability, I never want that!

"No! Are you goddamn crazy? Do you know the effect? You want to be the vampire's slave or what?", I asked her.

"I ask my workmate and they said that the Golden Kingdom is finding workers who can deal with house cores. I know you can always deal with it!"

"Why the sudden call? Isn't they already have their maid?", it's weird to hear this.

"They need a human as the maid. Most of the faes and fairies already have another job. This is our only opportunity. We need to grab it!", Claudia seems more desperate with it.

"If I work as the maid, what you gonna do?", I asked.

"I'm gonna work at one of their daily basis factories."

"I need to think about this. And, what about Evan, Mave and Azazel?"

"I try to tell them about it. I'm pretty sure Evan gonna agree if you agree."

"Why are you so confident about it?"

"Because I feel like it."

"Erm, whatever. I'm off to sleep. Tomorrow might be my last day of work."

Claudia simply nodded. I can see that she hopes that I will agree with this plan. I can't deny that working at the Golden Kingdom is such a golden opportunity. But, the Golden Kingdom is the higher-rank kingdom. They're the ruler of this five-kingdom. A lot of faes and fairies live there. There's too powerful to compare to us. One single mistake will lead us to hell. The Shadow Kingdom is the prison kingdom. All of the law's offenders will be sent there and receive a fair judgement. But it is always not even close to fair. The Shadow Kingdom can do anything to them.

. . . . . ╰──╮╭──╯ . . . . .

The next morning, I woke up as usual. 6:30 a.m. I prepared breakfast and go to take a shower. As soon as I'm done with that, Claudia already ate her breakfast. With her gloomy face, I know she doesn't feel like going to work again. I patted her shoulder.

"Claudia," I called her name.


"I already think about your plan. And I agree with it," I said nicely.

Claudia's mood turns 360. She seems too happy. Joy appeared on her face.

"Oh my god! Really?! Are you serious?! You're not joking right?", she asked.

"Yeah, I'm serious. You can tell them this evening. We gonna work at the Golden Kingdom."

Claudia hug me tight. As long as she's with me, I simply feel safe. I hope the other three will also agree with this plan. I don't want to be separated. I don't have anyone. They're my only family. Family is never separated

"I'm off to work. Meet you this evening," I said and straight away went to work.

I work as usual. Sewing some dress to be sent to the other kingdoms. I was well prepared for what gonna happen today. I keep my mood neutral. I don't want to mess up this last dress. It should be perfect.

"You always sew it perfectly. I can't imagine this business with you," said my boss, Mr Eliot.

"Thank you, Mr Eliot. I only do what I can," I reply.

"But, I know you know that this day gonna come. This is our last day. I'm so sorry Serenity. I can't help you anymore. This business is about to bankrupt," he explained.

"It's okay. I understand it. We never gonna live an easy life here. But thank you for always being a good boss to me."

"I'm glad you don't mind. This is your last payment. I give you everything I can. Till we meet again," he handed me an envelope and walk away.

I took the envelope. It's so light. I know it doesn't have enough bucks. But I need to accept it. Mr Eliot is such a nice boss. I appreciated that he at least try to give me payment.