

In a world ravaged by demonic calamities, Aiden, a man who lost everything, his sister vanished in a mysterious abduction, his parents scarred by the hellish energy that brought demons to Earth. Amidst the chaos, Aiden is cast out by his foster family, cheated of all he held dear. But fate grants him an opportunity: to save his ailing mother, locate his missing sister, and ascend to unparalleled strength as something more than a Contractor, humanity's last hope against the infernal onslaught. A tale of resilience, retribution, and redemption unfolds in the ashes of a shattered world.

Wize_king · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
130 Chs

Smarter Demon.

Landon's voice suddenly sounded out with more seriousness than Aiden had ever heard before.

"Aiden Frostfall, slowly move back, or else you will die in the worst way possible, whatever that thing is holds the blood of a fallen seraphim, but luckily it doesn't seem to be interested in you."

As Landon spoke the being suddenly redrew its gaze from Aiden, its myriad of eyes looked up as it floated above view.

"Hu," Aiden slowly let out a breath, as he calmed down.

"What the fuck is a seraphim?" Aiden asked as he wiped off the sweat that had somehow formed on his forehead.

With a grim voice, Landon replied, "I think the term you'd be most familiar with is an angel, a fallen angel."

Hearing this Aiden frowned, "You mean Angels from the lost Christian religion?"

"You know about the Christian religion?" Landon asked in surprise.

"Yeah, we studied that in high school history class, but I didn't really pay attention, is that really what an Angel looks like?" Aiden inquired.

Letting out a breath Landon chuckled, "It appears that the Christian religion is not completely lost." Saying this he added.

"There are many types of Angels, and a seraphim is just one of them but don't be fooled, that thing is not an angel, whatever that thing is it's not worthy to be called a seraphim, it's just a demon with a faint bloodline connection, this just makes it smarter and more formidable nothing more."

Hearing this Aiden was silent for a while, as he wondered if something like this happened daily here,

Thinking for a bit Aiden suddenly had a sudden thought, "Let's go and check it out," he said.

Hearing this Landon chuckled, "Yeah let's wait what? You want to go after that thing?" He asked in shock.

"Yes," Aiden answered without hesitation.

"That's the whitest idea I've heard all day, what part of can and will kill you do you not understand?" Landon asked before darting in.

"Besides aren't you breaking the rules of this place by going outside?"

Aiden didn't answer, instead, he changed from his night clothes into one of the black uniforms in the closet.

"Aiden I'm warning you; you mustn't go after that thing, it might be a fake but it's too strong for you, it might look weak but it's way stronger than that demon you saw at the stadium."

"I just want to look from afar, that's all," Aiden said excitedly as he opened the door and walked out.

Meanwhile back at his room on the higher bunk, at the same time Aiden left Ethan opened his eyes and sat up.

"What was that feeling?" He muttered as he looked towards the door with a serious expression on his face.


Meanwhile, under the cover of night, a figure could be seen leaving the dorm building.

He wore the black uniform provided by the Silence and covered his face with a cloth, what was revealed was a set of blue eyes that seemed as calm as water.

By now you could tell that this figure wasn't Aiden as this blue-eyed youth ran through the open field to the side of another building.

Looking around he made his way to the middle of the facility, and finally, he seemed to have reached his destination and squatted down.

The next thing he did was unexpected, he rolled up his pants revealing a scar underneath, the scar on his leg was quite normal, as it seemed to be from a cut of some sort.

The blue-eyed youth suddenly removed something from his pocket, looking closer you would discover that it was one of the arrows from the first test.

"Sli," he brutally stabbed the arrow into his scar, "hmm," even though he grunted a bit his tranquil eyes didn't budge, instead he watched as blood flowed from that small open wound like a fountain, the blue-eyed youth didn't seem to mind, instead he just kept widening the wound.

After a second or two a terrifying gash had formed on his leg, something that for a normal human would require immediate medical attention, but this youth treated it like it was nothing.

He put the bloodied arrow back in his pocket and suddenly dipped his fingers into the open wound, "gruu," he grunted a bit but he persisted, twisting his fingers as if he were searching for something in his pockets.

With that he seemed to have succeeded as he stopped and pulled out something from his open wound, it seemed to be a circular object, like a metal ball.

The blue-eyed youth studied it for some time Before prying it open, "Tick," the metal ball opened with a tick revealing the things inside.

There were three things inside, a blue pill, a black pill, and some kind of circular device that seemed smaller than a thumb.

The youth suddenly opened the black pill and sprinkled the powder on his open wound, in the next moment something inconceivable happened, the powder seemed to stimulate the wound as it healed at speeds visible to the human eye.

In seconds this wound was healed leaving only a small scar in its place.

The blue-eyed youth wasn't done, immediately he opened the blue pill and sprinkled the contents on the ground where his blood had dropped.


A small sizzle sounded out, as the pill powder made contact with his blood.

After doing all this the youth let out a sigh as he examined the circular device on his palms, there didn't seem to be anything special about it except the small red button on it.

Not thinking too much about it the youth pushed the button, but nothing happened, he waited for a while but the results were the same.

"Is it broken? Or a signal problem?" The youth thought as he narrowed his eyes, without a stable communication source he wouldn't have a way to get mission updates.

His first mission was to infiltrate the Silence which he already did, but "huuu, no, slowly don't be so rough," an indecent sound could be heard from the device making the youth raise his brows.

He felt his eyes twitch, "Le Serpent," he muttered into the device and in the next moment.

"Ehh, who's zat creep, who zares to peek at Le Serpent?" A voice yelled out frantically from the other end.

"S-someones peeking?" A startled female voice followed, but she was ignored.

Ignoring the woman as well the blue-eyed youth said, "I'm here to give a report," he said and without even clarifying his identity recounted the events that happened so far.

The man with a French accent didn't reply immediately, but he eventually said, "We 'ave your location, it may come in 'andy, take note zat zis is not your primary target, just make it into ze 'igher echelons of ze Silence and we will find a way to contact you."

Listening to the French guy's words the blue-eyed youth nodded, but then he suddenly felt something and every hair on his body stood at its end.

He moved as fast as he could, hiding in a corner of the building, "situation three," he muttered into the device as he hid.

He chose this place because it had the most shadows making it a suitable hiding place.

Quickly the blue-eyed youth put his hands in his pockets and brought out the black and blue pills which he had already opened, "I hope this works," he thought as he threw the empty pills into his mouth.

As soon as he did that an unbelievable entity floated by, it was an abomination, as its very being seemed to be made of inky black ribbons, soaked in blood, and its movements tore and distorted space itself.

Thousands of eyes and mouths all looked around chaotically in different directions as if looking for something to devour, the blue-eyed youth couldn't move, and for some reason, his body didn't let him.

Luckily the entity didn't seem to notice him, which was odd, instead, it slowly floated to the middle of the field and stopped, as if waiting for something, and so they waited.

Seeing the entity stay in one place gave the blue-eyed youth time to observe, and the more he saw the less he understood.

"Tang, Tang," the youth suddenly heard the sound of chains rattling, but due to his angle he couldn't see clearly, he tried to stretch his neck but he didn't see anything.

This made him seem impatient as in the next moment the source of the sound was revealed.

"Prisoners?" Was the first thought that appeared in his mind when he saw the people in white clothing all chained up and moving in a straight line.

The long chain that bounded them was connected to the metallic collars around their necks with many strange symbols on them.

The symbols seemed to glow with a chilling light which was especially visible from afar.

Meanwhile behind the bushes at another angle of the facility was a man dressed in the same academy uniform as the blue-eyed youth.

His dark eyes stared at the spectacle in front of him with horror.

He knew this feeling, his gut could somehow tell what was going to come next.

Unfortunately, the chained humans seemed unaware of the danger that lurked in front of them.

As the humans neared the entity its movements changed from a chaotic circular movement into what seemed like spiritual.

Yes, a spiral of black ribbons that seemed almost hypnotic.

The speed of the spiral increased and seemed to create a hole in space, it was as if Aiden was staring at a real black hole as the space in the middle of that spiral blackened.

Suddenly a long human-like hand reached out from the hole and grabbed the man in front, pulling the people behind as well.

The following set of events where bizarre and difficult to describe.

Instead of being deformed in that black hole the humans just floated and spiraled I'm midair, but even then they didn't scream.

Suddenly "slash," one of the mouths on the ribbon widened quickly and bit off a sizable chuck of flesh from one of the prisoners stuck its trap.

With a human-like smile, the mouth chewed and nibbled on that piece of flesh as though it was savoring a delicacy.

"Ahhhhhh," a horrified scream sounded out as if the prisoner had finally woken up from her trance.

But the nightmare wasn't over, this act repeated itself as the thousands of mouths repeatedly bit into the humans stuck in its trap, eating them piece by piece.

"Haa, no please Ahhhhh, no stopp, griuju," a woman was bitten on the neck causing her words to become unintelligible.

This inhuman act happened slowly and in hours these humans were tortured and eaten until not even bones remained.

Aiden watched this cruelty not even turning his face away for a second, he seemed calm but only he could understand the conflicting emotions he felt right now.

"How cruel," Aiden muttered under his breath, he could handle seeing a human being killed.

But being eaten like this, and by the looks of things, this whole spectacle was arranged.

"Calm down Aiden, the world of demons Is just like this, dark and brutal, you'll be seeing more of this from now on," Landon warned.

Meanwhile, the blue-eyed youth was still hiding in the corner as he watched the entity stabilize, slowly going back to that reality-bending secular motion.

"What the fuck is that," the blue-eyed youth whispered as he stared at this demonic creature in front of him.

He could tell that it was a demon but he had never seen anything like this, as he pondered the entity suddenly floated up.

It floated so high that it disappeared from sight leaving the barrier and blending into the crowds.

This shocked the blue-eyed youth so much that he exclaimed, "My god," it was common sense that no human could cross the barriers.

Upon hearing the youth talk the person from the other end of his device spoke, "Kid are you alright?" He spoke.

"I'm fine," the youth spoke as he walked out of the shadows, he still felt chills just thinking about that demonic entity.

Hearing this Le Serpent didn't ask what happened, instead, he said, "You have to be careful kid, the moment you reveal your true ability it's over, and we don't want to lose another agent."

The youth chuckled dryly as he listened to the man, "Don't worry I'll be fine, besides when have I ever been ca-" The blue-eyed youth suddenly paused midway as he felt every hair on his body stand on its ends.

Slowly turning back he saw it, that demonic creature, right now those thousands upon thousands of eyes were staring at him with a demonic light in them.

The blue-eyed youth was shocked he clearly saw this monster float up, "h-how is this possible?" He thought.

Meanwhile, Aiden who was in his hiding place was shocked out of his mind, he had clearly watched the demon float into the sky.

"How did it suddenly appear again? And who is this youth." Aiden asked himself.

At that time he had decided to go back to his dorm room, but he suddenly saw a blue-eyed youth walk out.

The youth seemed to be wearing the uniform provided by the Silence, there was only one person who had blue eyes in this facility.

"Felix," Aiden muttered before darting in, "what luck," he thought feeling sorry for the guy, but then Aiden felt a chill run down his spine.

Quickly he looked behind him only to see the same abominable creature, staring down at him, "T-they are two of them," Aiden stuttered.

His eyeballs moved towards the blue-eyed youth who stood there in shock staring at the demonic entity, but how come there was another identical entity right in front of him?

"It's not that there are two demons, somehow this thing's blood is strong enough to support a watered-down version of one of the seraphim abilities, omnipresence," Landon explained grimly.

Aiden didn't want to hear Landon blabbering nonsense, instead, he was thinking of a way out of this, how could he escape?



Aiden felt his heartbeat increase, the sight of the entity in front of him was the cause of this natural reaction to fear, Aiden looked a little out of breath but before he could say anything the entity spoke.

"You've seen us before yet you dare to venture outside, we can't tell if you're brave or foolish."

The way the entity spoke was strange, when it spoke it seemed as though multiple people were speaking at once making Aiden widen his eyes in terror, this wasn't just a smarter demon, judging by the way it spoke this demon possessed intelligence that was no weaker than that of a human.


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