
Idling On

After living on that toxic planet in constant misery Jack was gratified to find a new home with the rest of humanity in an entirely new world Magical and wonderous as it turned to be Jack did not follow the rest on their path for strength, wanting to live peacefully, away from war, away from schemes, and nowhere near his scary Trait Could such wishful attitude go unpunished? Follow his steps as he faces reality, barren of mercy and hope, taking one identity after the other, in pursuit of what? Nothing more than a peaceful idle life

WordlyMysteries · Fantasi
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9 Chs

A Festive Beginning

Earth, the once blue planet had changed

No more were the trees dotting the land, neither was the river flowing and ebbing freely, even the blue sky had turned charcoal, not much different from the expressions of dwellers living under it

The reason for all this? One needn't ask, just a look in the mirror would suffice an answer

With their factories, expanding cities, and extravagant use of floral and water resources the ruling race that came to call itself humanity pushed the earth that housed them to this miserable end, now all they could do was go about their day gloomily while waiting for life to die out

Or so was the plan, until a voice called out for them

[End Of Test #20525]

It was heard by all who walked the earth, even more as every other creature, critter be they or animal, froze and looked up to the sky

[Result: New Race {Human} Emerged as the Apex]

The Apex? Certainly, they ruled the earth with no contenders

[Transfering {Human} To Apex Races]

That was the last of the unknown voice's words, just before a bright light blinded our eyes, taking away every other sense with it

Was it moments that it lasted or centuries, none of us remembered for we had nothing to measure time with, but when we could feel, see and hear every single human knew that we were far far away from our home planet, for this land before us was a green paradise….as well as a green hell


"Its just up the stream ahead, quit daydreaming and hurry up"

"Huh? Yeah, right behind you"

Shaking the nostalgia out of his head the young man trudged up the rocky ground, trying to keep up with a quick figure way ahead of him

"Haaah, so, tired"

"Come on, help me get them all packed up"

By the time he reached the top the other person, a girl with short blond hair, already gathered a hefty amount of flowers, motivating him to start picking them himself without taking a little break, otherwise she would boast about doing all the work by herself again

"What were you thinking about earlier? You seemed out of it"

"Just remembering the day we came here"

"Oh, its been a while hasn't it"


He looked up at the blue clear sky with a smile

"Three years to be exact"

A deep breath followed those words, taking in the fresh air that he never once experienced on Earth

"Cough cough!"

"What's wrong?"

"Chocked on a petal"

"Hahaha, silly guy"

With smiles and laughter the two picked enough flowers for their need, going back downstream after giving the land a bow in thanks of its bounty

They walked for hours before coming up on a town, joining the crowd of people making their way in with some sort of baggage of their own, some held fruit, some logs, one party even hoisted a deer with seven antlers, a species entirely new to them

"That deer looked quite delicious, right Jack?"

"I think it looked pitiful"

"Come on, that's something a woman would say"

"I'm just filling in for you"

A punch to the shoulder came in retaliation to the remark, still, a smile lingered on Jack's face as he followed the boyish girl

"Back already I see, thought you would take a bit to find them"

"Don't underestimate her nose mom, she can track down any scent from miles away"

"While I don't like the way Jack put it he is right, I can track down anything for you aunty"

Dropping the flowers near a small patch of earthy soil the two spoke with the brunette woman sinking her hands into the ground, a pulse seemingly originating with her as the center

"This should do it, I prepared the soil so you can now lay the flowers"

Taking her hands out she walked away to take a break while the two started spreading their harvest on the small patch


"It isn't as if you hadn't seen it before"

"I know aunty but every time it looks amazing"

The girl couldn't help but admire the miraculous scene before her, stems growing out of the flowers as soon as they touched upon the earth, rooting themselves into a new home and blossoming within moments

Jack's mother was all smiles at the compliment, happy to know her handwork was appreciated

"Done you two?"

"Yeah" "Yes"

"Good, enjoy the festival then, I will fetch your father"

Jack shook his head in response

"I will go get him mom, you rest"

"I am not even tired honey"

"It's okay, we will go aunty!"

With the girl's back up Jack succeeded in convincing his mother to rest some while they went to the entrance of the town to greet his father

During their walk the girl couldn't help but ramble about his parents

"Your so lucky Jack, your mom is still so young, your father is in the scouting brigade, meanwhile my parents have one foot in the grave"

"You shouldn't be talking about your folks like this"

"What's wrong with saying that they are old? Not to mention both your parents have good Traits, mine can't even use theirs without having to sleep the next moment"


The new topic brought Jack to silence, looking down with some regret

"Oh, sorry Jack, didn't mean to bring it up"

"It's okay"

"You don't have to look so down, maybe someday you'll find what you're looking for?"

"I hope not"

He shivered as he replied, just thinking about the item needed to activate his trait made his skin crawl

The chatting came to an end as they arrived at the gate where numerous people still walked about, an unusual occurrence any other day, but today wasn't just any day

"There are sooo many people, I can't seem to spot uncle"

"New Beginnings Festival is our only holiday after all"

Celebrating their coming to this world became the only memorable for humanity, leaving their history behind on the old dead planet and hoping for a better beginning in this new one

"There he is!"

She pointed him to a certain group amidst the crowd

"Which one"

"The one with the cloak and coolie hat"

"They are all wearing a cloak and coolie hat"

She punched him again in reprimanding for the snarky remark, earning herself a look from the people around

"Look what you made me do.."

She said blushing as people shook their heads at her boyish act

"Well at least father noticed us now"

While rubbing his shoulder Jack pointed with his chin at the cloaked man walking toward them with light and agile steps

"Learn to take a punch Jack"


Punching his other shoulder the man chuckled and started walking back with the two of them

"Your mother sent you to get me didn't she"

"Well someone has to or you will go drink yourself unconscious with the rest of the brigade"

"Can't I enjoy myself even at our only festival?"

"You can, after we all have lunch"

Jack replied like his mother causing his father to burst out in laughter

"You follow after your mom in everything, starting with this brown hair"

Shuffling his son's hair the man hastened his steps toward the patch of land where his wife was still resting


While his parents were rendezvousing the girl pulled on his sleeve with a whisper


"I smell blood"

"Blood? Like human blood?"

"No, some other blood"

"Well, the brigade just returned from a scouting mission so they might have some lingering on them after killing something on the way"

The girl frowned a little but found the explanation plausible, forgoing the matter and enjoying the festival

Soon people could be seen dancing with drinks in hand, some singing with a very pleasant voice, some doing tricks that could only be described as magical, giving the atmosphere an overall joyfully mood

"Alone again huh"

Coming back from her short dance the girl stepped under the shade of a house where Jack was watching the ruckus from afar

"If I didn't know better I'd think your depressed"

"I just don't like noise"

"You really don't take after your father much"

Speaking of the man they could easily spot his head bobbing with the rest of his comrades in a drunk dance

"Anyway, I think it's gift time"

Holding out her hand she looked at him eagerly, inciting a teasing smile

"Who said I prepared one"

"Stop stalling and give me the present"

Shaking his head in defeat he dug into his pocket retrieving a small box wrapped in large petals

Quickly snatching it away she unwrapped it revealing a wooden ring lodged with grain sized rocks

"The rocks are special, they help to cleanse your smelling palate"

He explained but she seemed happier wearing the ring than hearing its ability, still she gave it a small sniff to try things out

"Ohh, your right I feel like everything is more notable now, though there is a reeking smell of blood in the air"


Jack was confused by the last remark and wanted to ask where the scent was coming from but she spoke first

"Now for my gift"

Her smile widened at the mention of it

"You gave me a ring, and mine just happens to follow up on it traditionally"

As she spoke she bent down slightly, bringing their heads to the same level, and slowly, seemingly ever so slowly she drew closer to his with pursed lips

Jack could practically feel his heart beating, caught off guard at the sudden change of atmosphere making freeze in place


His eyes were wide, truly shocked, only they weren't staring at her but behind

"Watch ou-" Crunch!

Blood splattered, tainting half his vision red, his mind so stricken with fear and shock that he didn't even bother to try and defend against the second head coming down his head


Gales of wind along his father's shout awoke him from the short stupor, just in time to feel himself getting whisked away, escaping death in the last second

What followed was a scene his immature mind would never forget, a scene of his fellow humans' massacre under two headed dogs pouncing out from every nook and cranny, ripping their flesh with relish, devouring their blood on the spot and howling to the clouding sky

His head was clutched by his father as the man made a high jump to avoid something that stabbed at them, running along wooden poles with his bear feat in hopes of escaping the battle

A heavy downpour started while they ran, it took a moment for Jack to realize the rain was not normal, for it was red, blood no doubt

His father finally jumped down from the building poles, sliding across the slippery ground and making a heavy stop at the doorstep of their house


Throwing him in he ordered before running back out, probably wanting to save his wife as well


Instead of doing as he was told Jack stared out the door, blood from his only friend and town dwellers slowly dripping down his dull visage

"Father, mother..."

Slowly his mind was clearing up, getting over the trauma was not easy but the thought of his parents forcibly got him to wake up

"Help, I need to help them"

He tried to stand but his legs betrayed him, so weak he just fell back down

"This is not the time! Move!! Move damn it!"

Angry at his own cowardness, Jack punched the innocent ground, using his arms as leverage to get up and walk back out into the red downpour

Stumbling across the road with limited visibility he tried to get back where the fight had broken, ignoring the shadows moving in the rain, until he heard a familiar sound of footsteps speeding across the building tops


He called promoting the person to turn around and face him with a person in arms


Jack's heart sank seeing the face mauled beyond recognition, if not for the person in the man's arms being his mother he would have doubted his father's identity

"Take care of her for me"

Coarse were the words said back as his mother was thrown over, barely allowing him to catch her forcing the two to fall down, in time to see a shadow pierce the man on the rooftops and disappear


Jack got up, supporting his mother as he did, his head spinning left and right in hopes of seeing his father's figure somewhere unharmed under the rain

"...Let's go Jack"

The chocked voice next to his ear forced his own words to get stuck in his throat, burning sensation following as deep breaths were heaved to calm his emotions down enough for him to walk again, his mother leaning against him for support

It was a silent walk back, only the sound of rain, footsteps, and occasional sniffles, every other sound in the once boisterous town seemed to fade out