(These strangers are so annoying) Though Carl, while ordering the books from the library while thinking about the current situation.
It all started about two months ago or so, people who nobody had seen before started to pop out like mushrooms in the town.
At first, nobody noticed anything special, a few visitors that after being here for days at most disappeared and nobody saw them again.
But they appeared more and they were not so inconspicuous as their companions.
They started swarming the town with their loud voices and their arrogant attitude as if they owned the world.
In the beginning, the residents of the town were happy. After all, more people is more work, and more work is more money, shops can get cheaper materials, inns are full and prosperity was all over the place.
Later we learned that more troublesome than they are worth.
The prison started to get swarmed by these thugs who did everything that have been done and more; theft, threats, some of them even tried to hurt the residents of the town.
There are only three reasons that these people aren´t prohibited to enter the town.
First, not all these people are like that, there are also noble people who have helped the residents when they need it- One even when to the point to risk his life to save a child who was in the middle of a road when a carriage was passing, so not all these strangers are troublemakers full of malice.
The second reason is that these guys eventually disappear, even if they stay in the town for a few days eventually they would be gone as if they were never here in the first place. A few times, when the guards put them in jail, the moment they come to pick them up, they were simply gone. In the beginning, the guards were panicking thinking that they had escaped. It was only when a kind foreigner explained that they were gone for good and they wouldn´t return, the guards started to calm down.
And last and more important reason, they are weak. Ridiculously so, it came to the point that, forget the guards, even a child can beat them up. I know it because I saw it happening.
The sight of a foreigner being defeated by the baker´s son came to the mind of the old librarian and made him chuckle, that was a funny day.
Still, when the old man remembered his current predicament, he couldn´t laugh anymore. He sighed as he looked at an inconspicuous corner where one of these foreigners sat as he read a book.
In the town news fly, including the recent action of the guards who arrested at least ten foreigners in an inn, the same inn that he recommended to one of these foreigners.
The case isn´t complicated, Carl told to Allan that he could stay for a night there, then said the foreigner went with his friends to the inns and they made a ruckus which resulted in the guards coming.
The image of the young Sara, the innkeeper´s daughter, being harassed by these lowlifes made his blood boil.
At the same time, Carl was full of remorse for believing in Allan in the first place, thinking that he was a nice person only because he read a book.
Imagine his surprise when that said foreigner appeared in the library wanting to speak to him about the inn´s event.
Carl made himself a promise that no matter what that foreigner said he would not believe a word.
Still, as he looked at Allan immersed in the book, a book without any useful knowledge for a foreigner like him, he couldn´t avoid seeing a trace of himself when he was young and spent days and nights in the library, where he found his wife and had so many wonderful memories.
People nowadays don´t know the value of books, the many sacrifices that the authors had to do to collect the knowledge imprinted in its pages The very same effort that Carl did to collect the books themselves when he was young, one by one, until it became today´s library.
You have to know that when Carl was young, there were a little more than eighty books and that was a fact that made all the town residents proud.
It was Carl who, with uncountable effort made the library become the two-store building that is today. And so, when he sees people reading the books he brought with such concentration he couldn´t help but soften the look in his eyes.
Carl stood up and went to speak to Allan.
(I´ll listen to him and make him go- After all, I am going to close soon) thought Carl to himself as an excuse.
after Carl was in front of Allan, he looked at him and said:
"All right, I will listen to what you have to say"
The sight of Allan being so immersed in the book that throw him an annoyed glare when he was interrupted made Carl not know if he should laugh or cry.
"So, it was like that" said Carl after listening to Allan´s version.
Certainly, it was possible for that to happen. The inn incident was not the first to happen and absolutely will not be the last.
Carl was so blind by the foreigner's bad fame that he had not considered it to be only a coincidence.
Of course, Carl would not believe what Allan have said as if it was the truth, but it was not difficult to verify Allan´s version.
Carl only has to ask Sara when he called the guards. If Allan was still in the library at that time, then he was innocent. It was not as if the guards can teleport themselves to the inn, assembling the twenty guards that were in the place take time. Even with their strict training, it would take no less than fifteen minutes, maybe twenty, counting how busy were the guards these days.
If Allan was innocent then he has to help him to clear his name, especially considering that it was partly Carl´s fault. After all, without a clean record, Allan´s life would be a lot more difficult on the Island.
After Allan finished telling Carl his version of the story, Allan stood up from his chair and said goodbye to Carl
"Do you wan-" Started Carl before he bit his tongue. All this incident started because he recommended Allan a place to stay, it was not very appropriate to do it again.
"No, thank you, it´s late and I have to go" Said Allan.
Although what Allan said can sound confusing Carl understood what he meant.
Foreigners couldn´t stay for a long time, they tend to disappear for a few days from time to time. Still, it was perfect for Carl because he could talk with Sara during that time and check if what Allan said is true.
And with that Allan was gone.
Allan ´woke up´ and got out of the capsule.
It was eleven pm, and the sky was fully dark, only illuminated by the lamp posts in the street.
Normally he would have slept in the capsule and remained in the game for the night, which would have been more than a whole day in-game time, but Allan was tired of today's events and he wanted to sleep well.
The events he went in this day were more thrilling than all he had done for the month and he knew he had to be well rested for what will be coming, even if he hadn´t put a foot outside the town.
After cleaning his name, he will do some small jobs to buy himself a wooden sword and food for the day and start training with it.
He could check in internet for sword techniques but if he was right about the game, he will not need to do it.
One important point of the game is that in this game there are no classes, there are jobs, and there are two levels the player has, the personal level and the job level.
The main difference between a class and a job is that the moment you get a class you gain the initial skills of the class and when you level up you obtain more skills, but with jobs is completely the opposite, if you want a get a job you have to have the necessary skill for that job.
For example, if you want to have the blacksmith job you need to have the smiting and a bunch of other related skills to a certain level for you to get it. It is like a real-world job, you go to a company, but if you don't have the skills they need, you won't get the job no matter how you beg for it (believe me, I tried).
So, if you don't gain skills, why do you need a job? The answer is, you don't need it. Nobody forces you to get one. Its acquisition is optional. In fact, there are a lot of people who play the game complaining about that in the forums, "all they make you do is work", "a job is unnecessary", and so on. But is it really true? Allan in fact, has his own theory about having a job which, if he is right, would be extremely important in the game.
And with that Allan closed his eyes and slept.
Thank you tgaither24, Shane_VanNostrand and Ashdrss for your power stones.
All help is appreciated.