
Idle Farming

In a world where ancient magic weaves through the fabric of modern life, Liam, a teenager with a unique blend of mystical and contemporary magical abilities, finds himself at the heart of a mysterious conflict. His life changes when he discovers his magical eye, a rare and powerful gift that allows him to see the unseen and understand the language of magic. With this ability, Liam navigates a path filled with dangerous creatures, arcane mysteries, and hidden agendas. As a member of a legendary group known as "the fixers," Liam and his digital companion, Aurora, take on cases that lead them deep into the shadows of the magical world. They are the ones people turn to when faced with problems that seem beyond the realm of possibility. Their reputation for success is unmatched, but so is the secrecy that shrouds their true purpose and identities.

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31 Chs

The Fixer Shadow

  Liam moves towards the group with deliberate caution, acutely aware of their heightened sense of vulnerability in the cavern's dark expanse. His approach is measured and visible, designed to convey no threat. Mindful of their potential fear, he carefully stores his spear in the inventory before entering the clearing, ensuring his hands are empty and in clear view.

  As he closes the distance between them, he maintains a respectful gap, giving the group ample space to feel secure. The dim light of the cavern, filtered through his digital glasses, reveals their anxious faces, a mix of relief and apprehension at his approach.

  Before Liam can introduce himself, the elderly man, who stands protectively in front of the group, breaks the silence. His voice, steady yet wary, cuts through the tension.

 "Who are you?" he asks, his eyes trying to pierce the darkness that shields Liam's features.

  Liam pauses, understanding the importance of this initial interaction. He recognizes the need to establish trust and convey his intentions peacefully. 

  Liam, recognizing the gravity of the situation, greets the group with a reassuring smile, aiming to ease their palpable tension. He scans the faces before him, his gaze finally settling on a plain-looking woman in her mid-twenties who matches the description of the artist, Elina.

  "Are you Elina?" Liam asks, directing his question to her. He doesn't wait for a confirmation, instead swiftly adding, "Someone has commissioned me to find you." His words are clear and straightforward, reflecting his honesty and the earnestness of his mission.

  At the mention of her name, Elina's expression shifts. A mix of relief and apprehension washes over her face. She looks like she wants to speak, perhaps to ask a flurry of questions, but instead, she hesitates, her eyes darting towards the elderly man, seeking guidance or perhaps approval.

  The elderly man, who seems to have assumed the role of the group's protector, observes Liam with a contemplative expression. After a brief pause, filled with unspoken deliberation, he finally speaks. 

  "Who hired you?" he asks, his tone measured but carrying an undercurrent of suspicion.

  Liam, understanding the importance of building trust, addresses the elderly man with a directness that conveys both sincerity and professionalism. "I'm with a private business," he begins, his tone steady and clear. "Perhaps you've heard of our platform, EchoesUnheard?"

  The moment the name "EchoesUnheard" leaves Liam's lips, a visible shift occurs among the group. Everyone, except for the elderly man, reacts with a blend of surprise and recognition. Their expressions change from wariness to something akin to relief, as if the mere mention of the platform eases a burden they've been carrying.

  A collective sigh ripples through the group, their shoulders visibly relaxing. The name EchoesUnheard carries a significant reputation, one that invokes a sense of safety and hope among those who are familiar with it.

  Liam observes their reactions, a faint sense of gratification in his eyes. The reputation of EchoesUnheard precedes him, serving as an unspoken assurance of his capabilities and intentions. He watches as the group's initial apprehension begins to dissolve, replaced by a cautious relief.

  Their reaction to the mention of EchoesUnheard doesn't catch him off guard. In his experience, this was the usual response when people recognized the name. 

  EchoesUnheard had transcended its origins as a mere service platform to become something akin to an urban legend. Known as a network of fixers who operate with a complete disregard for legal constraints, they have carved out a unique niche for themselves in the urban underworld.

  In the minds of the people, EchoesUnheard represents a shadowy but highly effective organization. Mysterious in its operations and anonymous in its leadership, the platform has fostered an aura of intrigue and speculation. Despite this veil of secrecy, or perhaps because of it, EchoesUnheard has gained a formidable reputation. 

  The common thread in the whispers and rumors is the unwavering success rate of their interventions. Any case picked up by EchoesUnheard, no matter how complex or hopeless it may seem, is invariably brought to a successful conclusion.

  Liam, observing the group's mix of surprise and subsequent relief, understands the weight that the name EchoesUnheard carries. To these people, stranded and desperate in an unknown cavern, the knowledge that someone from this legendary platform is here to rescue them offers more than just a promise of safety. It's a symbol of certainty in an otherwise uncertain situation.

  Elina steps forward, her voice breaking the silence that hangs over the group. Her gaze shifts between the elderly man, Gregory, and the dim figure of Liam. "I think we should trust him," she begins, her voice laced with a hint of hesitation. "If he really is one of the fixers... then we can believe in him."

  Gregory, his expression unreadable, turns to Elina. "I don't know anything about these fixers you speak of". He glances back at Liam, "Why should we take his word at face value?"

  Elina falters for a moment, searching for the right words. "It's just that... nowadays, no one would dare to falsely claim they're a fixer," she explains, her voice growing firmer with conviction. "The fixers have a reputation. They're known for their discretion and success. Impersonating them... it's not something anyone would do lightly."

  She looks back at Liam, "All we know is that they can be reached through the EchoesUnheard website. They're called the fixers because they fix things, impossible things. And their success rate... it's impeccable."

  "That's right," chimes in another voice from within the group, its owner stepping forward into the dim circle of light to join the conversation. He's a middle-aged man with a demeanor that suggests he's well-informed about the world beyond the cavern. 

  "At first, there were impostors claiming to be fixers, trying to capitalize on the name," he says, his eyes narrowing as he tries to discern Liam's features through the darkness.

  His voice takes on a tone of intrigue as he continues, "But as quickly as they popped up, they vanished. There was never any proof, but the rumors were clear—it was the fixers doing." The man's words carry a mix of awe and caution.

  "Since those early days, no one has dared to impersonate them," he adds, his voice rising with a hint of excitement. "It's as if the fixers themselves ensure their name remains untarnished, dealing with pretenders swiftly and decisively."

  After a moment of contemplative silence, Gregory, the elderly man, finally gives a slight nod of acquiescence. "Alright, come closer," he says, his voice carrying a newfound openness.

  Liam, who has been silently following their conversation from the shadows, acknowledges with a small, knowing smile and begins to close the distance between them.

  As Liam steps into the dim light, allowing the group a clear view of his face for the first time, a collective murmur of surprise ripples through them. Their eyes widen in astonishment as they take in his youthful features, the reality of their rescuer being a mere teenager dawning on them.

  Liam gazes back at the group, observing each of their expressions with a light-hearted demeanor.

  "I was getting a bit worried for a moment there," he says, his voice lighthearted yet confident, "but I'm glad to see our reputation at EchoesUnheard precedes us."

  Gregory, unfazed by Liam's youth, extends his hand with a firmness that speaks of resilience and experience. "I'm Gregory," he introduces himself. 

  Liam, still wearing his friendly smile, shakes the man's hand.

  The quiet but meaningful exchange is interrupted by a soft sound. Both men turn their attention to Elina, who stands with her hand awkwardly raised high in the air. 

  Liam's smile broadens, and with a playful tone, he remarks, "You don't have to raise your hand, you know. We're not in class or anything." 

  His light-hearted comment breaks the lingering tension, drawing a genuine laugh from the group and causing Elina's cheeks to flush with a hint of embarrassment.

  Gathering her courage, Elina voices her question hesitantly, "Is it okay... not just to see your face, but to know your name too?" Her inquiry, tinged with a mix of curiosity and caution, reflects the group's desire for openness and trust.

  Liam's laughter rings out in the cavern, echoing off the walls. "Of course, it's alright. My name's Liam," he says, his tone friendly and reassuring. "And besides," he adds with a wink, "I have a guardian angel who'll make sure no harm comes from sharing a bit of information."

  The guardian angel piques the group's interest, their curiosity about EchoesUnheard and its mysterious fixers growing even more tangible. The atmosphere is charged with a mix of wonder and uncertainty, as they ponder the implications of Liam's statement.

  Amidst the rising curiosity, Gregory coughs, a deliberate sound to recapture the group's attention. His expression is a blend of sternness and concern as he addresses Liam with a hint of skepticism. 

  "So, you say you're here to rescue Elina. Do you know the way out of this place?" His gaze fixed intently on Liam.

  The group's eyes shift towards Liam, their expressions a mixture of hope and anticipation. Liam, confident in his response, assures them, "Of course, I know the way out." 

  The group's collective mood lifts visibly at his words, a sense of relief washing over them.

  Inwardly, Liam knows that while he doesn't have an immediate exit route, his avatar, diligently exploring the cavern's depths, will eventually find one. The system screen, displaying the avatar's progress, is visible only to him—a private window into their potential path to safety. He glances briefly at the screen, reassured by the ongoing exploration, even as he engages with the group.

  Gregory pauses, surveying the group with a gruff demeanor that belies his protective nature. "Alright then," he declares, his voice tinged with a mix of resignation and resolve. "Since everyone's had enough rest, it's time we moved on."

  He then turns towards Liam, his eyebrows raised in a challenge. "Go on, kid. Since you're so confident, lead the way. I've had my fill of babysitting these folks," he grumbles, though the faintest hint of a smile plays at the corners of his mouth.

  Liam, catching the underlying warmth in Gregory's gruff exterior, can't help but smile. He steps forward, playfully patting the old man on the back. "Don't worry, old man. I've got your back," he says with a wink, his tone light and reassuring.