
Idiot in Love

Two different people from two different background fall in love with each other. He thinks she is troublesome and sometimes, an idiot. After hanging out for quite some time with her, he begins to think that the idiot looks cute when she is stupid around him. He doesn't know when suddenly he begins to call her 'my idiot'. p/s English is my third language, so expect some grammatical mistakes/errors as this story is not edited and I have nobody to proofread it for me. Do check out my other stories:- 1. Not At First Sight 2. The Accidental Witch

HealingUnicorn · perkotaan
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183 Chs

Chapter 7: Moment

Yi Fei was immersed at the moment; she tried to memorize everything from the facial expression and the overall ambiance of the reception area. She was like a deer caught in the headlight.

He manager called her name, and she was startled. The manager led her to the office of the restaurant so that they could start their discussion. Yi Fei walked from the scene reluctantly.

What a heavenly view.

YI Fei went home after the discussion with the manager of the Wu Hotel. She entered the house and saw that NaNa was sitting cross-legged on a yoga mat in the living room.

"How was it?" NaNa was asking about the discussion with the manager.

"It was so heavenly. I could stay in the moment forever". Yi Fei still could not forget the moment when the two characters met each other. She decided right after she saw the scene that the beautiful girl will be one of the supporting characters in her novel too.

"What is so heavenly about your discussion with the hotel manager? Did we get a lot of discounts?" NaNa could not fathom out the odd reply from her housemate.

Their school will have their staff dinner next month. Yi Fei was in charge of the venue. Since Wu Hotel is the most prominent hotel in City L, the board of directors in their school had decided to host the staff dinner there. Yi Fei was supposed to confirm the venue by today.

"Heavenly ahh. You see when two people met each other, and suddenly everything quieted down. You see everything in slow motion and a song suddenly playing in the background of your head. Like in the movie". Yi Fei was too engrossed in her world that she did not see the puzzled look on her housemate's face.

"Chong NaNa, tell me honestly. Is your brother working in Wu Hotel? Does he have a girlfriend?" Yi Fei was desperate for information. Her fingers were itching to type.

"Work? The correct word would be 'own.' My brother's family owns the hotel. As far as I know, my brother is single now. Why?" NaNa answered truthfully because she did not have any reason to conceal about her family's wealth from her housemate.

"Why do you say 'my brother's family'? Aren't you a family too?" Yi Fei was pondering why NaNa said 'my brother's family' instead of 'my family.'

"Because he is my cousin brother, ah...Not my biological brother. I am an only child. Same as him." NaNa tried to keep her tone light and matter-of-fact.

"So…are you are saying that you are rich but still asked me for my instant noodle which I keep for emergency purpose and your brother is some rich heir with no girlfriend around?" Yi Fei started to have sparkling eyes.

"Yes, ah... Why? Are you interested in my brother? Do you want to marry into money?" NaNa laughed when she saw her housemate sparkling eyes.

"Finally…" Yi Fei clasped her hands.

"Finally…" Yi Fei twirled in delight.

"I finally have a male character that is rich in real life ha ha ha." Still clasping her hands, Yi Fei laughed like an evil witch while walking to her room.

NaNa looked at Yi Fei until her back disappeared from her view and shook her head. This was one of the reasons why she liked Shen Yi Fei. Unlike the others who were obsessed with money and good look, Yi Fei was unperturbed with money.

It was not as if Yi Fei disliked money; she preferred it better to earn her own. While the other women were gold-digging rich men, Yi Fei, on the other hand, will dig her own gold.

For the next few days, NaNa could not rest well because of a certain someone who keeps on asking questions about her brother. Whenever that someone asked a question, there would be some suspicious glints in her eyes. The person then will take out her notebook with Roronoa Zoro on the cover, to jot down the things she said.

Also, for the next few days, a certain someone did not go out of her room, but NaNa could hear someone a witch-like laugh from inside the room.

NaNa knew that her housemate was the famous Master Unicorn in the online novel circle. She read all of her previous works. So, she knew that her housemate must be very busy pouring all her ideas into her new story.

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