
Chapter 28

(Rian’s P.O.V)

After Morrigan mind linked me about an hour after she left for her run, I knew something was wrong and that she didn’t want to tell me. I didn’t think that it would be that she was attacked by a rogue, considering we typically don’t have a problem with them since we were the unofficial royal pack. I couldn’t help but be angry at her for not mind linking me right away but I couldn’t help but be impressed with her magic and the fact that she could mind link the rogue in human form as well as in wolf form. I was carrying her back to our house in silence, too pissed off to speak without saying something I would regret. Stark wasn’t helping my anger either, his anger and mine were swirling together and it was clouding my mind. I knew Morrigan could feel it because I felt her trying to shrink back even though she was in my arms.

Try counting to 10, it’ll make you feel better.

I doubt that considering it’s not just my anger. It’s yours too.