
Chapter 13--Split Chapter

(Rian’s P.O.V)

That little devil mate of mine will be the death of me if she continues shapeshifting into a spider. I can’t believe that neither Killian nor myself noticed that she had “poofed” in the first place, fucking Killian.

“Ah shit, I left my shoe in your room.” Killian states.

“Well tough titties, you’re going to have to wait to get it until Morrigan is done organizing her stuff. Also, was it necessary to hit me in the face with your shoe? You could have just used your hand.”

“You were freaking the fuck out, so I did what I had to do. I’m just shocked we didn’t notice that Morrigan had ‘poofed’ like that.”

“I think from now on we are going to call her shapeshifting ‘poofing’ because it’s funny,” I say with a chuckle.

Killian nods his head in agreement as we continue our walk to the living room as the servants bring Morrigan’s bags to her.

“We will need to get in touch with King Cerberus to see if he has heard anything about what is happening in Eferhile.”

“Of course, Alpha. Cormac will be meeting with us tomorrow morning to discuss Morrigan’s protection and solidify the Luna/Gamma bond.” Killian states.

“Good. In the meantime, go ahead and go home Killian, there’s nothing else I need from you right now. I’ll see you tomorrow, at 8 o'clock.”

“Yes, Alpha. Also, Rian, I know that I didn’t get the chance to tell you this but I’m very happy that you found your mate and our Luna. She seems like a wonderful person.” Killian says as he walks out the door.

I smile as he shuts the door behind him. Yeah, my mate is pretty amazing even if she’s a little devil spider. I’m lost in thoughts about my mate when my phone rings and I see that it’s King Cerberus calling.

“Well, hello my sweet little Transylvanian truffle. I was just going to call you.” I say with a smirk and a slight coo in my voice.

“I fucking hate you wolfy. Stop with the pet names already! You’ve been doing this for the last 10 years and I thought you would have grown out of it when you became Supreme Alpha!” Cerberus huffs indignantly.

“Of course not, my caped cannoli. Anyways, I found my mate.”

“No way! That's amazing man! Who is it?”

“Princess Morrigan of Eferhile.”

Cerberus lets out a low whistle, “She’s a beauty that one, you’ll need to keep an eye on the men around her that’s for sure.”

“I don’t need to be told that twice. So, while we were having our leaving feast, there was a threat made by the dark Fae—or at least that is what Leonard thinks. So, I’m wondering, have you heard of anything going on? I know that you have sources to dig up this kind of information.”

If you want to know anything about anyone, you go to King Cerberus and his vampires. Their mind-reading skills are the best in the realm and you can’t hide your thoughts or intentions from them, no matter how skilled you are in your magic and blocking your mind.

“Hmm, not that I know of, but I will ask my nephew, Vladimir, about it since he is engaged to Morrigan’s sister Ilayda.”

“Thanks, Ceb, I appreciate it.”

“Of course, Rian, if this is another coup like what happened in Máni then we need to put a stop to it before they can execute their plan.”

“I agree. Well, Morrigan and I will come by for a visit so you can meet her, or you can bring your sparkly ass here for her Luna ceremony.”

“For the last fucking time, I do NOT fucking sparkle you overgrown dog!”

With that last statement, Cerberus hangs up. Cerberus and I have been friends since we were children, and our fathers were friends before us. We’ve always had a brotherly bond even though we were different supernatural species, he’s one of my best friends besides Killian and my Supreme Gamma, Cormac. I hear a knock at the front door and when I open it, I see a red-faced Killian.

“Umm, I forgot my shoe...in your room.”

I can’t help but throw my head back and laugh.

“How far did you make it before you realized that you were still missing your shoe?”

“I made it back to the packhouse before your mother pointed it out.” He says sheepishly.

I can’t help the laughter that explodes from me at this point, fucking idiot.

(Beatrix P.O.V)

The day after the leaving feast

I’ve been scouring our hall of prophecies to make sure that I didn’t miss anything about a tribrid or some special wolf-type thing born on the Winter Solstice. The Winter Solstice is a particularly sacred time amongst the spell casters and the Fae because this is the great stillness before the Sun’s rebirth. With the rebirth of the Sun, we become renewed, reborn in the Goddess’s image. A reincarnation if you will. While most people think that those of us who practice “dark magic” are evil, that’s not true. We were blessed with our gifts by the Moon Goddess and, in the case of the Fae, the Goddess Danu, and shouldn’t have to hide our gifts or be shunned because of them. Doing this research alone is becoming impossible, fucking Ganon and trying to make the dead king rise, I have no idea what was going through his head when he decided to do that. They’ve already executed him, and my heart and soul hurt for the loss because he wasn’t just my friend, he was my brother whom I loved with all my heart. He was my baby brother who I was supposed to take care of after our parents were gone and even though we are adults now, I feel like I failed in my promise to our parents.

As I’m searching through yet another stack of prophecies, I see something that catches my eye, a lunar and solar chart with the solstice on it. Well, Princess Morrigan WAS born on the solstice so maybe there might be something there. I shuffle the scrolls and pull out the flat piece of paper that I saw. As I begin to read, my eyes go wide.

When the Winter Solstice Princess has completed 20 cycles around the sun, a great threat will bear down upon the realm. This Solstice Princess will have powers to stop the threat, being of three equal species: a wolf, an elf, and a spell caster. The Solstice Princess will come into her powers after meeting her beloved and marking them as her own. The tipping of the scales will be in favor of the Solstice Princess, with ice in her heart for those who would harm her loved ones, she will cover the corpses of her enemies in ice.

Well, shit, Calida is NOT going to be happy about this, and this seriously fucks with our plans now.