
Ice-Ice Fruit in Marvel

Ethan Hayes had traveled to the dangerous world of Marvel comics. Thankfully, he was equipped with a system that allowed him to obtain the power of the Frozen Fruit—without the curse that typically came with it. “Damn it, Ethan!” Gwen Stacy shouted. “This is my newest black-and-white Spider suit, and now it’s torn to shreds!” Wanda Maximoff crossed her arms, giving him a stern look. “Ethan, that move with flipping the Eiffel Tower? You’re still not doing it right. And for the record, the door to my room isn’t closing tonight… You know what that means.” Natasha Romanoff, also known as the Black Widow, sighed in frustration as she glanced at the thermometer. “Why does it hit 40°C one second, then drop to 0°C the next? What’s going on with you?!” Audiobook version: https://youtube.com/@senatusquepopulus

Senatus · Komik
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65 Chs

Chapter 64: Damn It, You Tore My Ghost Spider Costume Again

"HYDRA?" Peter Parker hesitated, confused. "I thought HYDRA was eliminated by Captain America?"

Captain America, the national hero, was the idol of nearly everyone in the U.S. His victory over HYDRA during World War II cemented him as a legendary figure, even a godlike presence for many, including Peter Parker, who grew up admiring him.

When Peter was being bullied, he had often imagined that if he were Captain America, he'd be able to fight for justice. But now, having walked a darker path, Peter had no way of turning back. His desires had changed. Now, under Dr. Connors' guidance, he dreamed of becoming a god through genetic manipulation.

"HYDRA never really disappeared," Dr. Connors said, his eyes lighting up with intensity. "They've just been lurking in the shadows, rebranding themselves while expanding their influence across global politics to realize their vision."

Dr. Connors held HYDRA in high regard, even more so than S.H.I.E.L.D. To him, HYDRA was the most successful secret organization, its reach extending deep into every aspect of global affairs. S.H.I.E.L.D. may still have a strong presence, but HYDRA had already infiltrated much of it.

"If HYDRA is still around, are we in danger?" Peter temporarily set aside his hatred for Ethan Hayes.

"No, not at all," Dr. Connors replied, smiling sinisterly. "In fact, they can help us realize our plans. With HYDRA's resources, Osborn could easily fall into our hands."

Peter blinked in surprise, taken aback by Dr. Connors' audacity.

"Doctor, are you serious?"

"If I join HYDRA, I'll be stepping into a pit from which there's no return. HYDRA is an evil organization, hunted across the globe. Joining them means we can't leave. But if we succeed—if we truly unlock the potential of the human genome—we will become new gods. HYDRA's totem of belief."

Connors was using manipulative language to pull Peter further into his plans. Dr. Connors had already committed unforgivable crimes, making him a wanted man. There was no turning back for him. But Peter, with his skills and reputation, could still reclaim his life and become a celebrated hero like Ghost Spider.

"Doctor, our ultimate goal is clear: shed our old forms, integrate new genes, and become real gods," Peter said, his resolve growing stronger.

"Exactly. Mutants gain their powers through random genetic mutations, but we can control our genetic destiny, integrating the strengths of other species and superhumans. Once we master that, we can ascend to godhood," Dr. Connors said with a wild glint in his eye.

Peter nodded in agreement, but his obsession with revenge against Ethan still simmered. Connors knew Peter was a vital part of their plan, and his growing ambition both excited and worried him.

Meanwhile, in the sky above Manhattan, the slender and graceful Ghost Spider appeared, swinging across the city until she reached Central Park.

"I will find you, devil, and stop your evil," Gwen whispered to herself.

Central Park had been fenced off by the military, closed to the public. Gwen, perched atop a building overlooking the park, could see the aftermath of the ice demon's destruction—a third of the park frozen solid. The military presence was thick, and even she, with her abilities, couldn't get in without raising suspicion.

"Why hasn't Dad shown up yet?" Gwen muttered, thinking of her father, George Stacy. Normally, he would have been involved in such a major operation.

Gwen swung away from the park, scanning the city from above. As she moved through the night, a familiar figure caught her eye—Ethan Hayes.

"He didn't go to school today," she thought, her curiosity piqued. Ever since Ethan told her that he was the author of Fifty Shades of Grey, she had known he was hiding something. She suspected he had powers, perhaps even the powers of an Awakening Mutant. But there was more to him, something deeper.

"The ice demon appeared near Central Park, and now Ethan's around here? What's going on?" Gwen mused as she watched him from a distance.

Suddenly, Ethan seemed to sense her presence, looking up toward the rooftops. Gwen quickly activated her stealth mode, blending into the night shadows.

"Hmm, strange…" Ethan murmured, scanning the area. He had felt a presence but couldn't pinpoint it. It was as if it had disappeared into thin air.

Gwen breathed a sigh of relief, proud of her new ghost-like abilities. She had been perfecting her stealth mode, which allowed her to move unseen in the dark.

"I'll follow you, Ethan. Let's see what secrets you're hiding," Gwen thought as she quietly shadowed him to his luxurious villa.

Inside the villa, Ethan placed some documents into his safe. He hadn't had time to change the combination yet, but he doubted anyone would try to steal them tonight.

After ordering dinner from one of New York's finest restaurants, Ethan reclined on the sofa, closing his eyes in meditation. He couldn't shake the lingering thoughts of his earlier battle with Peter Parker. It had been a close call—Peter's spider legs were sharp and fast. If Ethan hadn't been careful, those legs would have pierced his chest.

Suddenly, Ethan felt it again—the eerie sensation of being watched. It was getting stronger.

He turned off the lights in the hall with a wave of his hand, conjuring an icy hand to flick the switch.

Gwen stood just outside, cloaked in shadows. She was annoyed that Ethan owned such an expensive villa and wondered what he could be hiding.

"If he's meeting some woman in there…" Gwen thought bitterly.

Using her Spider Telepathy, she sensed someone inside the villa, perhaps taking a shower. She steeled herself, activating her ghost mode to sneak in.

Just as she entered, the lights flickered back on, and Ethan stood, looking directly at her.

"Ah!" Gwen gasped in surprise, dropping her stealth.

"Gwen?" Ethan raised an eyebrow, genuinely surprised.

"Um, yeah, it's me," Gwen replied awkwardly, pulling off her mask and giving him a sheepish smile.

"I thought I sensed something. And now I know why." Ethan chuckled.

"So, you bought this place from Abel, the basketball star?" Gwen asked, her curiosity piqued.

"That's right," Ethan replied with a grin. "You're looking at Abel's last signed jersey upstairs."

"No way! I'm going to grab it!" Gwen exclaimed excitedly, running upstairs.

Ethan followed, amused. "Are you disappointed I don't have some mysterious woman in my bathroom?" he teased.

Gwen pouted. "Hmph!" She spotted the signed jersey and declared, "I'm keeping this."

Ethan wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close. "What's the price you're offering for it?"

Gwen, dressed in her black and white Ghost Spider costume, turned in his arms and wrapped her hands around his neck. "One costume for another—fair trade?"

"Fair enough," Ethan said, his lips meeting hers.

After a wild night, the villa was left in chaos, and Gwen looked down at her torn Ghost Spider costume.

"Hao, you tore it again! How am I supposed to go home now?!" she said, annoyed but still smiling.

Ethan grinned. "Those are my clothes you're wearing."

Gwen snuggled deeper into the covers, giving him a playful look. "Did you really skip school just to buy a villa?"

"Not just a villa—I also bought a company," Ethan replied.

Gwen's eyes widened. "What company?"

"The Osborn Group," Ethan said casually.

"What?!" Gwen shot up, completely forgetting her modesty. "You bought the Osborn Group?"

"Not all of it," Ethan clarified. "I bought shares from Mr. Connery. But yes, I'm now the second-largest shareholder."

Gwen's expression shifted, impressed. She knew Connery, and to hear that Ethan had bought his shares was a huge deal.

"You're amazing!" Gwen said, leaping into his arms again.

Meanwhile, in Central Park, General Ross stared at the frozen landscape with a mix of awe and fear. The ice demon had left its mark, and Ross knew this was just the beginning. He had to act before things got worse.

"There will be no demons ruling over us," Ross muttered, thinking back to his own creation—the Abomination, still locked away in prison.

As he considered his options, he recalled an old project—Project Sentry. Perhaps it was time to revive it.

"Maybe Stryker will have some answers," Ross whispered, walking away from the icy scene.


LINK: patr eon.com/SenatusPopulus


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