
I wouldn't change a thing

Alexandra Faucette is the CEO's assistant, and ThomasWolcott is the COO (the CEO's son). Peter Wolcott(Thomas's father) wants his son and his assistant to get along because he thinks they would do a phenomenal job taking over the company one day, but unfortunately, they despise each other. Nonetheless, due to a rumor starting saying that Alexandra is secretly engaged to peter while in truth she is just doing her job and gives advice to peter to ask his secret girlfriend Susanna to marry him and Thomas confronts Alexa saying she is a snake trying to take over the company and etc Alexa had enough…... it doesn’t help one bit So somehow peter thought it would be great for Alexa to be temporarily Thomas's assistant to dispel the rumor. Thomas wants Alexa out of the company, but before he does that he wants to boss her around, assign her tough tasks, basically to just drive her insane so he went to mock her for a however before he can do that …… Alexa QUITS not wanting to work there anymore because she was accused of doing something she didn’t do and becoming Thomas’s assistant was just the cherry on the top. When Peter found out that Alexa resigned he send Thomas to request her to come back but it doesn’t end well Peter finally tells Thomas that he is engaged to Susanna feeling mortified at how unfair he was he actually thought about apologizing to her but then he realized Alexa doesn’t work there anymore so decides not to Peter was having none of it he demands that he apologizes to her but he refused eventually, peter goes himself to ask her to come back to work at his company again, and apologizing on Thomas’s behalf in one way or another he manages to convince her But before she starts Alexandra wants an apology from Thomas for criticizing her for actions she didn't commit but he refuses (again) somehow they both negotiated on a deal that if Alexa doesn't quit herself after a month of working as his assistant and Thomas doesn't fire her for doing anything wrong, even if she is one second late. Thomas will apologize to her in front of everyone in the company. Who's going to win? Will things get out of hand? Will something bloom?

Lanya_Soran · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Chapter 11: Who should apologize first?

Thomas was walking to his office the next day when he saw Alexandra's desk empty, he smiles. He saw Adrienne coming out of his father's office and immediately asked

"Did Miss Faucette come today?"

"No sir she didn't...um sir Mr. Wolcott wanted to talk to you"

"Alright" said Thomas and started to go to his father's office

He knocked on the door(surprisingly) and he heard his father say "come in" on the other side of the door, when he entered, he saw his father pacing

"Dad, you asked to see me?"

"Yes....why won't you leave that girl alone?"

"Hm? what girl!"

"Son I know you very well so don't play dumb with me"

"Father Miss Faucette isn't any different from the other employees for me but if she is different to you then please tell me"

"Son look, Alexandra has been working with me for years now she became a daughter to me, she helps me with most of my work and problems, and at the hospital, the first person I saw was her, when I opened my eyes."

"I am only trying to protect you and the company"

"Forget about the company think about my happiness"

"Do you know what sort of plan Miss Faucette has ready, don't you know what a huge threat she is for you and the company, wow father love has really blinded you father"

"For goodness sake son I don't have a relationship with Alexandra and there never will be"

"I am sorry father but you have to prove that"

"There is nothing for me to prove"

At this point, they started shouting

"Last time I saw you two together, you gave her an engagement ring"

"Yes but it wasn't for her"

"Then for who was it? And why did you give to her?"

"Because she is a woman and I needed her opinio- OH FOR GOODNESS SAKE there is someone in my life"

There was a moment of silence after that.

"Someone in your life?"


"Ok...then who is it?"

"Good morning" said Susanna coming inside the office without knocking and went to hug Peter

"Sorry I came in without knocking I hope I didn't come at a bad time" said Susanna

"No no no darling you actually came at the perfect time" said Peter looking smugly at Thomas while Thomas on the other hand was speechless

"Dad-George breakfast is ready" said Martha and Alexandra

"Coming. what do we have?" said George coming down the stairs

"Take guess dear" said Martha

"Scrambled eggs and sausages?"



"Incorrect dad"


"Nope" said Alexa

"Hmmm, I give up, What is it?"

"Come on dear it's your favorite" said Martha giving him a hint

"George's eyes widened and said "hoecake?" excitingly

Alexa looked at Martha with an evil smile and she had the same evil smile both knowing what the other was thinking about the same thing

"Hoecake? i thought yogurt was your favourite breakfast?" said Alexa innocently

George was shocked his wife and daughter are basically saying that his favorite breakfast wasn't hoecake while it's common knowledge around the neighboorhood how much George LOVES hoeckes

"What are you two saying?? you both know very well how much I love hoecake.. unless YOU TWO ARE IMPOSTERS. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY WIFE AND DAUGHTER??!!" shouted George dramatically

"George calm down we are just teasing you" laughed Martha and Alex was tiring her best to stand straight while laughing

"Good now let's eat" said George and all three of them now sat and enjoy the hoecakes

"It's beautiful isn't it. I was wondering when you wore it did it hurt because of the size?" asked Peter

Looking at the ring on Susanna's finger while holding her hand

"Oh not all it's actually a little big" said Susanna

"Really? Then give it to me I will but one that fits tomorrow"

"No need dear, I prefer it that way thank you"

"Father" said Thomas, finally coming back to earth

Both Susanna and Peter looked at him. They completely forgetting about Thomas's existence there.

"Yes son?"

"What is happening here? Are you making a film?" said Thomas while looking around the room to find any cameras, directors, or people filming

"Son no matter what, in the end you are an airhead...well you know Mrs. Susanna Adams right? from the youngster shows"


'Son of a-' "Well it's been two years since we dated"

"Actually at the beginning of the next month it will be exactly 2 years" said Susanna

"Then why don't we get married on that day?" said Peter

"That's a wonderful idea, my dear"

"Ok father please continue"

"Well son, yesterday night I proposed to her and thankfully she didn't heart my heart and said yes"

"Are you two really getting married?"

"Yes, and the reason I didn't tell you up until now is because, I was afraid if Susanna rejected me and you have thought of me as a-"

"Ok I will see myself out"said Thomas cutting Peter off and went his office standing in there like an idiot and letting his anger out by pushing things off of his desk angrily

While Adrienne, Eliza, and Christofer were eavesdropping dropping

And Thomas suddenly shouted out of anger

And the other three looked at each other worryingly

Thomas sat down and calmed down a little

"I have to call Miss Facuette and apologize to her"

"Why should I call him and apologize" suddenly said Alex while still having breakfast with George and Martha

"What?" said George and Martha looking at Alexandra

"That snake should have called me herself and apologize first" said Thomas to himself

"You should call first and apologize" said Alex

"Wait I fired you so there is no reason to call you" said Thomas relived

"Wait I quitted anyways and you are the one who started saying ridiculous things, so there is no reason to call you, you should" said Alexa

"Sweetie?" said George worryingly

Alexandra suddenly pulled out her phone and called Thomas while was Thomas doing the same and they called each other at the same time, and you know what happens when two people call eachother at the same time or when the other is already talking with someone else, it says that the person is busy

"Alex?" said Martha

"Don't force me I will never do it" said Alex with little anger

"Alexandra" said George raising his voice

"Hmm yes dad?" responded Alex finally snapping out of it

"Are you ok?" said Martha

"Yeah, why?"

"You were talking to the air"

"I said it out load?....Sorry"

"No dear don't be but is there something you wanna talk about?"

"No dad don't worry I was just overthinking like always"

"If you say so"

"Well....I will be going for a walk I will see you guys later" said Alex and stood up from the table and took her plate with herself to the kitchen sink and went out

"Wonder where she is going?" asked George

"Who knows?"said Martha knowing fully well where she is going