
Aggrieved Zhengzhou...

She head back to the city according to little venom si-xu has been living in a Inn for the past year Zhengzhou has grown alot.

She was stunt after knowing that she has spend almost a year in the forest without meeting little Zheng.

She is wondering how's little fella doing without her she is not worried about him with si-xu and his contract beast he must be safe.

While she was happy with the fact she will be able to go back and meet little Zheng in the city in a certain room.

A little toddler and teenager stood infront of each other the toddler had two front tooth and his hand placed infront of his chest.

While the teenager hold a bowl of rice porridge in his right hand while rubbing his forehead with his left hand.

"Young master please listen to be master will surely came back please eat your food or else when master get to know that you has not eaten for past three days she will be heart broken"

"You are lying, take me to mother" although the words he say is incorrect si-xu can still understand what he is trying to say.

"Please young master eat something" in the end the poor si-xu was not able persuade the stubborn little Zheng making sigh.

He look outside the window and thought 'master when are you returning it's getting hard coax young master he is really smart'

As if the God has listen to his prays someone suddenly open the door both pause for a sec.

Si-xu immediately take fighting position little Zheng quickly climb on his contract beast back the little bird was about fly away.

When he suddenly stop hearing the familiar voice everyone were stunt for few sec before looking at the person who has spoken.

Hailin look at everyone whom she has not seen for almost a year she reveal a wide smile even thought they can't see her face.

They know she must be very happy she look at the little Zheng he is wearing light green colour robe his face is round, fair and chubby making him look adorable.

She went to him and pick him up in her arms the boy was still in daze after being picked up he wrap his hands around her neck.

He is still in daze and has not came back to his sense he subconsciously called her "mother" she beam with smile.

"Yes little zheng it's mother I'm sorry I came back late" his eyes lit up as he hug her more tightly afraid that she will be gone in next sec

"Hmm let me see how much you has grown up" he straighten his back to make him look taller si-xu laugh at his action.

Only then si-xu remember something very important "master, young master has not eaten for past three days"

She pause and look at him "why? What happen, is his stomach not good" she frown as she look at the boy in her arm uneasily.

Si-xu shook his head "young master said if he didn't see you he will not eat" she look at him and ask.

"Little Zheng is he saying truth" he lower his head and spoke "I just want to see you" her heart melt at his reply.

She hug the little boy and even give him a kiss on his cheeks the boy blush lightly but he was very happy.

He don't look like the boy who has reguse to eat stubbornly "si-xu bring the porridge I will feed him"

Si-xu bring the bowl of porridge to her she take a spoon and carefully feed him little Zheng didn't made things hard for her.

He obediently sat on her lap and eat the porridge he even asked gor more offcourse he has not eaten for three days.

So he more than usual after he was done eating he fall asleep even after falling asleep he didn't dare to leave her sleeve.

He seem to be afraid that she will leave him if he let her go she felt little guilty she smile at the boy and suddenly felt hungry.

When she start she shock everyone in the room her appetite seem to be have raise several time even she was confuse.

"Master you had not eaten for more then year ofcourse you are going to feel hungry it's very normal"

She pause she really had not eaten for more then year it's no wonder she felt so hungry but again how's she is alive.

Logically speaking if a person not eat for few days they will die but here she has not eaten for so long rather being hungry.

she feel nothing else this make no sense for her little venom suddenly felt that he has chosen the most idiot master to serve.

"Master you eat food to get energy and qi also give energy the amount of qi you has receive for the past year is alot so you receive energy from qi that why you are still alive as long as you cultivate more you will reach the level where you don't need to eat or sleep anymore"

She was quite shock to know about it but she quickly calm down after taking a bath she fall asleep and sleep for two days straight making other worried.

Only her contract beasts are not worried about her little zheng don't understand much thing he saw her sleeping.

He simple thought that she is tired and didn't dare to disturb her on the third day she woke up and eat simple lunch.

After eating she told everyone that they are leaving the city little Zheng was happy children simply love new and exciting things.

They all sat on the eagle who seem to be little unhappy little Zheng is his master so is logically for him to give him ride.

But as for other it's not his responsibility but he don't dare to say anything after all the women is his master mother he can't offend her he can only keep his dissatisfaction to himself.