
I Woke Up As Uchiha Sasuke

One day, I suddenly woke up as the edge lord of the Naruto world, Uchiha Sasuke.

TrueStrike · Fantasi
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12 Chs

Chapter 9: Training Results (2)

With a deep breath, I finished the final kata for today and sheathed my katana. I then take the towel from Mikoto to wipe my sweat.

"Thank you Mikoto."

"You're welcome onii-chan!" Mikoto said as she grabbed onto my arms.

"Hn. Let me wash up and then we can have dinner." I said as we head toward the hot spring that I had asked Mikoto to put into the training ground.

"OK! I'll wash your back onii-chan!" Mikoto declared


Not too long later, I am soaking my body in the beautiful hot spring with Mikoto by my side. How time have passed, I thought as we relax in the hot spring.

Tomorrow marks exactly four years since I woke up here in this world. It still feels like just yesterday that I was freaking out and cursing every God and Dieties for putting me in this situation.

But now, here I am. I've long since accepted my situation. Adapted to it. Soon, Canon events will start. Less than 12 months left until I graduate from the Academy.

From the memories of my Blood Clone, things are pretty much still on tracks. Naruto have failed to graduate early twice. Still unable to make a Bushin in order to fulfill the graduation requirements. The other Rookie 9s still remains largely the same as Canon. Neji, Tenten, and Lee have just recently graduated.

As for me, I've prepared as much as I can holed up here in my training ground. Physically, I'm at least high Chunin level if not low Tokubetsu Jonin. I have my Gravity Seals on permanently at 10x normal gravity. If I remove my seals, I'm confident that I can match an average Jonin easily.

My only disadvantage is my reach, but there's not really much I can do about that. Fortunately, my reach will only be an issue against enemies that outclassed me by a large margin. Against average enemies, my extreme speed should ensure that I can get inside their guard easily enough.

In terms of Ninjutsus, I'm at least peak Jonin level. After years of stretching and pushing the limits of my coils, they have becomes quite wide and durable. And they will only get stronger as I grow.

I've master both my fire and my lightning Chakra nature. For my third Chakra nature, I had decided to learn wind and have mastered it to a sufficient degree as well.

After mastering wind nature transformation, I have been attempting to manually combine my elements to varying successes. I was able to recreated the two Scorch Release Jutsu that Pakura had used in the manga and anime. As for Magnet Release and whatever the combination of Fire and lightning is, I have decided to leave that for the future.

My focus now is to be able to use Scorch Release more naturally and to create more techniques for it. Maybe, I can even summon Pakura using the Edo Tensei in the future to give me lessons.

To this day, I have no regrets in choosing to train in the Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu Kenjutsu style. It's amazing how the style compliments an Uchiha, especially one who has already awaken their Sharingan.

The style teaches its practitioners how to observe and anticipate their opponents' movement to a level that is borderline pseudo-clairvoyance. Something that the Sharingan already does naturally with its amazing dynamic vision capabilities. It's literally a perfect match for each others.

It wasn't until I awoken my Sharingan years ago that I truly appreciate this relationship. At first, I was surprised to discovered that I had naturally awoken my Sharingan so easily one day while sparring with Mikoto. I had thought that I would need to experience a life threatening experience in order to push myself into awakening it. Like how Sasuke had done it in Canon during the Wave Mission arc.

It is well known that the Uchiha Clan's Sharingan requires intense emotions in order to awaken. I theorized that Sasuke has already awoken his Sharingan the night that Itachi killed the clan and tortured his mind. But due to the mental trauma inflicted, Canon Sasuke wasn't able to access it until the Wave Mission Arc.

In this timeline however, I am here in his body. Not only that but thanks to the Essense of the Ideal Self, I have healed any mental trauma that has been originally inflicted. Therefore, it became significantly easier for me to access it naturally.

I have since then, trained my Sharingan to the peak state having three tomoe in both eyes. As for the Mangekyou Sharingan, I might have to think of an alternate way of awakening mine naturally. Since I don't intend to kill Itachi but hopefully save him instead.

And finally, the last thing that I had set out to master 4 years ago. It took 4 long years and the sacrifice of thousands of Shadow Clones, but I can finally claim to be a Master of Fuinjutsu. I dare to declare that I am probably a match for even the Forth Hokage and Kushina in term of my theoretical knowledge of Fuinjutsu.

Using my Shadow Clones, I've conducted thousands of dangerous experiments to learn and understand the nature of Fuinjutsu. I've also created several original seals of my own that I'm quite proud of.

However, there is one that I'm most proud of. My current masterpiece.

Fuinjutsu: Eight Hidden Keys of Heaven.

Like the name suggests, this Fuinjutsu technique deals with the Eight hidden inner gates. What this seal does specifically is allows me to open all 8 of my inner gates at the same time.

Of course, it is already known that whoever opens all 8 of their hidden gates would gain powers surpassing kages but would then dies shortly after. This is because the process of forcibly opening these gates puts a tremendous amount of pressure onto the body.

Not only do you have to open these gates in sequence but they essentially have only two settings. They are either closed or fully open. And that is where my original seal comes in.

My seal, the Eight Hidden Keys of Heaven, function by subverting the 8 gates and instead installs essentially 8 valves instead. Using this seal, I have full control over all 8 valves and can open them simultaneously instead of in sequence one by one. And not only that, being valves, I do not have to open them fully in one go.

What this means is that my usage of the Eight Hidden Inner Gates will not be as explosive and violent as Lee and Guy. Instead, my power curve will be much smoother and controlled. Allowing for longer duration of usage as well as much less damage to the body.

Currently, my physical body can handle opening the valves at about 26 percent. In an emergency, I can probably push it to 35 percent at most for a minute before my body starts taking too much damage.

At 26 percent opening, it is approximately the equivalent of Lee opening up to his Third Gate. Except, while Lee's body and Chakra channels are constantly taking damage, I suffer no damage since the burden is spread out to all 8 of my gates instead.

It is with the creation of this original Fuinjutsu Technique that I consider myself having become a Master in Fuinjutsu.

Finally, getting up out of the hot spring, Mikoto and I finished our bath. Walking back upstairs with Mikoto, I contemplates what to do next. I have less than a month left until I graduate. There are only so much I can do training by myself and occasionally sparring with Mikoto.

What I lack is actual experience. Combat experience in order to fully integrate and use all of the various techniques I've learn over these four years. In theory, my specs probably put me on par with average Jonins or better but that doesn't mean I can actually fight at that level

With my mind made up, I now know what I must do. I can possibly wait until I graduate and become a genin to start getting the necessary experiences. By then, it might be too late.

I will have to leave the village early.

Hey Guys!

It's a double chapter!

Finally! These two chapter was really hard to write. I had also wanted to release them together so that everyone could read through it all in one go before we get on with some actions.

Anyway, See you guys next chapter!

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