

"That's, um okay, I guess you can be our friend" Glimmer says in short bursts. "I never agreed to this" Adora says. "Adora, we just let you in our friend group, and you have a Horde background. She never had a friend, don't think we don't know that the freaky haired weirdo was your friend. She also has a background of a Guard" Bow states

"Fine" Adora whispers 'Well I guess I have to go and follow out my orders and "Wait" for Princess Glimmer to come back' Rey signals "Hey before you leave, how old are you?" Glimmer asks. 'Uh I don't know why, but I am 15 years old, and also I have a name' Rey signals

"What is your name then" Adora asks like she is the most friendly person in the world. 'Rey' Rey signals while walking away. "Rey, Rey, cute name" Bow states


Rey is behind Bow with a sword at his neck, then she signals 'Don't call me cute'. "Okay, calm down, why do you hate being called the c-word" Glimmer asks, not wanting to annoy this loose cannon. 'Well I just, don't like being called that' Rey signals while blushing knowing she overreacted

"Okay, won't call ya cute." They say in unison. 'Bye'

30 minutes later

Rey runs into the Throne Room and Signals that Glimmer is back. Then she goes to Glimmer's room and sees Bow trying to hide Adora. Then she taps Bow on the shoulder. "AH, oh Rey its just you, sorry for the over reaction, also I forgot to ask you earlier, why do you not speak but, instead use your weird hand language that for some reason I can understand" Bow asks

'I can't speak so I developed a language, and the reason you can understand me is because I want you too understand me duh' Rey signals "How does that work, can you make it so that only people who I want to understand me, to understand me?" Bow asks with stars in his eyes.

'I don't know, and no' Rey lies and then answers his second question "Aww man" Bow states obviously disappointed. "Did you guys just forget about me?" Adora asks 'You know you don't need to hide' Rey signals with raised eyebrows. 'They hate the Horde, not you, well not you specifically' Rey signals again 'I'm gonna go watch this show from the shadows'

"Hey we are not done talking, ugh why can't you bring me to hide in the shadows at least" Adora yells as Rey using the [Shadow Melding Style] melds into the shadows

Over the minutes Rey watches as Adora learns just now for some reason that the people of Bright Moon hate the Horde more than she though, as Bow tells her that it is normal for the people of Bright Moon to be a little suspicious

When he tells her that the people of Bright Moon will trust her when they get to know her and then when Glimmer teleports into the room saying I'm here and then telling that that her mother is coming and not to panic.

Rey chuckled a bit when Glimmer said they couldn't say, hey mom be found a Horde soldier, can we keep her. Then sighs at Adora whining, How Glimmer thinks it is really easy to just "'"Turn on She-ra"'".

Than sees that Glimmer and Bow are about to leave and goes with them. "AH, Rey where did you come from" Glimmer says in anger 'Just un-melded from the shadows and left with you, you can't leave me with her. Adora is weird, like dating that sword weird' Rey signals.

"Agreed" Glimmer states, "well let's go buy Adora time to, Be She-ra" Glimmer says.

5 minutes later...

Bow, Glimmer and Rey are buying Adora time, when Bow is about to go and check if Adora is She-ra yet, Rey suddenly stops Bow and signals that Adora is gone. "how did you know" Bow Whispers, 'Dude, I said that you couldn't leave me in there with her, I left my sword in there. I am one with my sword, I can see everything withing 25 meters of my sword, including underground.' Rey signals

"That's so cool, can you help me do that with my Bow and My Arrows" Bow whispers, 'No'. "Ugh fine I'll go tell Glimmer about Adora disappearing." Bow says, obviously mad at her.

"You're majesty, a Horde soldier has appeared in the outskirts of Bright Moon" A Guard comes and informs Angela. "Kid, you go and capture that Horde soldier" Angela snaps at Rey. 'Sorry, not in my jurisdiction' Rey signals. "Yeah mom, it's not in Rey's jurisdiction, and I like her as my guard" Glimmer states "Fine, we wait" Angela says, shocking the rest

I Don't know how long later...

Adora swore to be loyal to Bright Moon, the 3 had a group hug, and then sobbed a little from loneliness and then went to go rest in the shadows of Glimmer's room, because well, Glimmer could be attacked in the middle of the night. Also rest means just closing her eyes and performing the [Energy Rejuvenation Style] in the shadows, while also in sync using the [Intent Sense Style] which increases her senses for a persons intent towards herself or others.

Wow, these new chapters are getting long, mostly because of the episodes having more things to write about.

Turtle5707creators' thoughts