
I Will Relax in this World Alone

================================== Update: This Short Story Has Received Quite the Unexpected Amount of Readers, Really.. I dont know if i should be happy or not, well, thanks for reading my first ever book! Loner MC Fast Paced Informal Language (i think) Extreme Amount of Flaws. Genderbender TITLE IS A MASSIVE LIE ^^^ This Novel in a Nutshell. - Actual Synopsis - When you suddenly died because of something unusual? What would you do? If you are given 2 Choices of going to heaven or get reincarnated, What choice will you pick? Do you want anything? Do you need anything? I think we all have that one imagination where we just want to relax and have a slow life while also Having a Catastrophic Power. Its fun you know? Living a life without any problems whatsoever. Doing anything you like. And thats what happens with this Story Protagonist! Brought to you by Cythalia. ================================== NOTE : I'm not a native english speaker, so there will be errors here and there, Im new to making stories, this is my first time, although i had prior experience with making short stories, i never uploaded any of them and most of the time i only play with my imagination. - Social - Discord : cy7h

RvLDz7 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs

First Quest

"Are you okay?" - The Adventurer

He looked at me with a very innocent eyes, i can tell hes a good guy and genuinely concerned for me.

But i cant ignore this brain of mine that keeps screaming the word "Main Character" everytime i look at him.

I didnt say anything back to him afterwards and only continue searching for a quest, after a while, i really cant find a single quest that i find interesting, so i just picked a random one.




Gather 10 Aterna Flowers

Rewards : 2 Silvers



"I'll take this quest"

"Sure, let me see." - Receptionist

"Gather 10 Aterna Flowers, do you know what Aterna Flowers are?" - Receptionist


The receptionist started to explain a lot about the flowers and i cant bother to hear all of that, i just heard that its a type of flower that grows in Grassland area or Forest, the flower have a healing property, making them a popular potion ingredient, it have a white glowing color and green spot in the middle, there are a lot of other flowers that have the same appearance, but Aterna Flower is the only one that glow, its dim though, so you need to get close in order to tell if its an Aterna Flower or a different one.

After the receptionist stamped my quest, i began walking back and immediately headed towards the city gate, but before i exit the guild, the same Adventurer from before approached me and said that he would like to accompany me, he then started to explain that there are scary monsters inside the forest, and that i should get atleast one companion.

That made me laugh in my mind, i dont know if hes still concerned or trying to force me into being his companion, but either way, i really dont want to have a comrade or anything alone the lines, i prefer going on my way alone.

"I can take care of myself, Thanks for the concern."

I continued walking until i reached the exit door, right there, i opened my hood and finally showed my face.

"Also thanks for doing that earlier.." I Smiled.

Everyone inside the guild suddenly blushed, probably shocked to see my appearance, the adventurer earlier were also no exception, after that i just left without saying anything else.

On my way to the city gate, i kept thinking about what i had just did earlier, that was extremely embarrassing, why did i even do that..


"Is this the effect of getting used to a girl body?.."

I saw a lot of people looking at me on the side of the street, there are all kinds of people, some looked at me while blushing, and some looked at me while whispering with somebody else.

"Ughh.. This is embarrassing, should i put my hood back on?"

I walked until i reached the city gate, since you dont need to pay or show anything to leave the city gate. I thought it'll be easy, but.. No.

I keep getting stopped by Adventurers, mostly the arrogant one, they kept asking me to join their party or have fun somewhere else, which i clearly knows what that means and always declined their offers, when one of them started to force me, i punched them in the face.


"This is why i dont want anyone to see my face.."

Thankfully i controlled my power enough to only throws them a couple meters back.

After that i continued my way to the forest and started to search for the Aterna Flower, it didnt took long before i found one using Extreme Sense, and then one again not long after, another one, and eventually, i found 10 of them in less than an hour.

"Well that was easy.. Is it suspicious if i go back even though its only been less than an hour?"


"Ehh, i'll just gonna relax a little bit before going back."

I decided to exit the forest and into the grassland area, i laid down in an open spot, a little far away from the main road, i felt the breeze hitting my face and the sunlight shining everything in my surrounding, its beautiful. The clouds are thick, the weather is clear, and in the horizon, i can see mountains that extends across the sky, its a really good day.

"Wow.. This kind of scenery is something that you'd only see in stories or fictions... And im, right now, currently looking at them, with my own eyes."

"The wind is making me sleepy.."















A sound of a Horse Walking can be heard everywhere, I dont know how long i fell asleep, but when i opened my eyes, i was suddenly locked inside a cage. there isn't any light source, but since i have Null, i can clearly see that im in a moving carriage.

I used my Extreme Sense to see what was happening outside, and when i used it, i saw a lot of people and other carriages that is also locking up someone.

"*This many people and carriage, chains that bind my hands and mouth, im sure of it.. They're is a slave trader.*" I thought to myself.

Well this is interesting, i didnt expect that i'll get captured while i was sleeping, its easy to break out of this cage and kill them all, but wheres the fun in that. I knew they're gonna sell us to some auction, and there will be a lot of people in there.

"Kekkeke.. Interesting, interesting.. Its fine if i kill all of them right!?."

I broke the chains that was binding my mouth just from talking.

I cant see it, but im sure right now that my red eyes is glowing, i can feel it.. This bloodlust, its been a while since i felt angry at someone, even that dragon i fought in the dungeon wasn't able to make me like this.

For now, im planning to act as innocent as possible, so that they wont suspect a thing.

After a long journey, the carriage finally stopped, and the curtains that was blocking any light from entering inside the carriage is opened, i saw a man wearing shabby clothes climb the carriage and getting ready to open my cage.


"Huh? did we forget to put the mouth chain on her?" - Slave Trader A

"Doesnt matter, HEY! Get out.." - Slave Trader A

I quitely get out of the cage while trembling, looking scared and desperate, after i got out, many of the slave traders looked at me in a disgusting gaze, it looks like they're ready to do all sort of things to me at any moment now.

"Ooohh this girl is one hell of a beauty, its SS Tier. Do you think we can play with her a bit before going to the auction?" - Slave Trader B

"Dont do that, we cant just break our lovely money maker.. Im sure we'll gain a lot of profit from her, the nobles are gonna go crazy!" - Slave Trader A

I then got sent into another cage, this time i was with the other unfortunate people that also got captured, and i quickly realized that all of them are all demi-humans, this is not just any slave traders, they specifically only captured half blood humans, there are all kinds of them in here.

While all of the slaves were crying and begging for help, i just sit in the corner and thinking about how trash these people are.. They really need to have some proper lesson, at that point then, i unconsciously smiled while looking like an absolute psychopath, i didnt realize it, but the other slaves sure did.

We were caged for a few days until eventually the auction day came.

This is it, this is what i've been waiting for, the stage that was specifically made for me, and a bunch of livestock that is waiting to be killed.

The Cage were opened, and we followed the Trader that was holding us by chains. He made us to wait in line as we got auctioned one by one, i got put in the last line, probably because i was the highest quality slave they have today.

I can hear everything they said in the stage, people bidding, the excited voice of the manager, and much more.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Now we have arrived at the end of our show, and today.. We have something Special for all of our guest! Our Highest Quality Slave ever captured and auctioned, Bring her in!" - Slave Trader

I walked to the stage, and immediately met with a lot of people staring at me, they went silent at first, but then the first bid started.

"We will start at 50 Go-" - Show Manager

"100 Golds" - Noble A.

Haha.. I might really need to change the title LOL

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