
I will become the god

he is an outcast of royal family living his life as a slave under his brothers and sisters. abandoned by his first love . all because he is a child of king's lowest queen king's other queen want him dead chased by royal assassin he jumped from cliff seeing his death in front of him a thought appear "is this end ? " NO! "if i'm weak because i'm human then i'll surpass all human's limit " "I WILL BECOME THE GOD!"

shining_heart · Fantasi
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I will surpass human limit

magical wind is flowing in the empire of Aurora and a sound of being beaten is echoing around royal palace of the king of Aurora empire. soldiers of palace are beating a person and that person is younger prince of Aurora empire 'Shin' . he is being beaten even if he is a prince because his mother 'Charlotte' is fifth queen and also has a poor background.

soldiers are beating him because his brothers told them to beat him for fun. After beating him soldiers went back to their work. Shin is badly injured and trying to stand up but he can't collect his strength so he took a wooden rod from ground and tried again to stand up with the help of wooden rod. he is going back to his room by his weak steps.

In royal palace Shin is treated as slave and his brothers and sisters test their strength on him.

in this era every human have god's blessing ( beastly strength,element control,monster taming) but Shin don't have any blessing and everyone think that he is not even a son of king.

King Leonheart of Aurora empire is a well renowned around the world. His five queens are also famous around empire.

first queen Cecelia came from a noble bloodline and have powerful background. Her son Edward have god's blessing of beastly strength and think everyone is his slave. He like to beat Shin when he is angry or frustrated and also mistreat Shin's mother.

second queen Amy came from dragon knights family. Her daughter Elizabeth is most beautiful girl in whole empire and have god's blessing of water element. She think that Shin is nothing more than a dog for watching over palace.

third queen Alice came from royal knights family and hold most powerful elite knights troop under her command . Her daughter Bell is most talented girl in whole royal bloodline and have god's blessing of two fire,wind elements. She don't mistreat Shin but also don't think of him as her brother and think everything is his own fault.

fourth queen Julia have bloodline of powerful mage.Her son Oliver is lackey of Edward and have god's blessing of monster taming but can only tame insects.

fifth queen Charlotte don't have any powerful background. King married her because she is most beautiful women he had ever seen but after giving birth to a son who don't have any god's blessing other queens started a false rumor in whole empire that she was a prostitute and Shin is not king's son . After hearing rumors king doesn't want to effect this rumor to his reputation and he stopped rumors from spreading out of empire but also he took all royal privilege from her and Shin .since than Shin is living in forest with his mother as a slave.

Shin know that his mother was framed by other queens because king was more concerned about her than other queens but he can't do any thing to them because they are queens and hold more power and also he is 17 y.o but he don't even have god's blessing .

his first love Amelia also betrayed him for first prince.

he always think why God discriminated him. He train his body everyday but he can't compare to god's blessing. One day a miracle happened that nobody believed at first and that miracle is a marriage proposal for Shin from another empire's princess.

Shin is very happy for his mother and him because after his marriage he can gain royal authorities and can give his mother a comfortable life.

but other queens are also making a plan to assassinate him because they know if he gain powers then he'll surely reveal their bad deeds and it'll harm theirs reputation. So they sent their royal assassins to kill him before marriage.

Shin is on his way to his mother to tell her about marriage proposal. It's already night time and it's very hard to see in forest.

assassins are hiding in dark forest and waiting for a perfect time to kill him. Shin don't know about assassins and carelessly going into their trap.

suddenly Shin felt a warmth on his right hand and when he turn around to see he felt extreme fear. His right hand is gone and Shin is heavily bleeding. Assassins attack was so fast that he didn't even felt pain when his hand was cut off.

assassin appear behind him and surrounded him he but Shin calm downed himself and took a closer look to assassins batch. He noticed immediately that they are sent by queens .

assassins underestimated him and Shin took advantage of this chance and he throw a magic stone which created a extreme light then he run toward mountain. He is heavily bleeding and trying his best to not loss consciousness. Assassins are chasing him with speed . Shin is seeing mountain edge but he is being chased by assassins so he can't stop now .

Shin feel sad for his mother. He thought that now he can give everything to his mother but his all dreams are crumbling in front of his eyes . while running toward edge " i am sorry mother" he yelled and jumped from cliff .

seeing his death in front of him . He whisper "is this end of my life"

he yelled with his all might " if i am weak because i am a mere human and even god abandoned me"


"i will surpass all humans limit and stand against god"

while falling down from cliff he is loosing consciousness and with his last breath he said