
I Will Become Hokage in One Piece

Rodney transmigrates into the world of pirates with the addition of the Naruto System. He acquires various ninjutsu, taijutsu, genjutsu, Bloodline Limit, and the Sharingan... A dazzling array of ninja techniques shines brightly in this world as he completes missions, exchanges skills, and aims to become the Hokage! Please give this novel 5 stars review and power stone ;) Read a few chapters ahead on readfanfic.com Read up to 30 chapters ahead on p atreon. https://www.p atreon.com/ThePirate Our community on discord: discord. gg /t66agbE

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192 Chs

Enraged Judge

Chapter 99: Enraged Judge

"Oh, my, what a big customer we have today! I didn't expect a high-ranking Maine Admiral to visit my little shop. Truly an honor." Shakky, smoking a cigarette, served Kuzan a drink.

"This is no small shop. By the way, Rodney, can't you stay quiet for a few days? You ruined my hard-earned vacation." Kuzan's tone was filled with resentment. He had managed to get these days off from Sengoku, but Rodney's fight with Geoji messed it all up.

"You Marine Admirals are all so idle, huh? Or is it just you and Kizaru slacking off, leaving all the work to Akainu?" Rodney couldn't help but make a snide remark.

Kuzan was indeed slacking off at work, napping during office hours, and living a carefree life. He rarely wasted his vacation days.

As for Kizaru... he had a regular nine-to-five job, clocking in and out, and after work, he served as a kindergarten principal. On Sundays, he'd do a PPAP Dance. His life was fulfilling, and he'd occasionally win an award for Best Actor. Yes, life was fantastic!

(TL/N: This is just a metaphor for how fulfilling the life of Kizaru is)

"I suppose you can't put it that way. We have different responsibilities," Kuzan said.

Kuzan was responsible for the first half of the Grand Line, while Kizaru was in charge of the safety of the Marine Headquarters, Sabaody Archipelago, and Mary Geoise, among other areas. He also managed the scientific and technical divisions. 

As for Sakazuki (Akainu), he was responsible for the New World and often led missions there. Few pirates survived under his command unless they were Devil Fruit users; otherwise, they were executed on the spot.

If we were to compare workloads, Sakazuki's was undoubtedly the heaviest, with Kuzan and Kizaru's workload relatively lighter, especially with a group of vice-admirals assisting them.

Otherwise, there was no way Kuzan could enjoy leisurely vacations or Kizaru could drink tea and clip his nails all day.

Let us take a moment to mourn for Akainu...

"Alright, forget it. I'll talk to Fleet Admiral Sengoku about this. I'm leaving now. Thanks for the drink, madam." Kuzan finished his drink in one gulp, leaving Rodney to deal with the situation.

"In that case, let's get this started. You old man, last time you refused to pay, now I'm going to make you cry!" Rodney said fiercely, searching Ichiji's body for a Den Den Mushi and handing it to Robin to operate.

With a cigar in hand, Rodney was fully prepared for the confrontation.

"Hello, Ichiji. Is the mission completed? Let me talk to Reiju," the Den Den Mushi, with two upturned whiskers, made a rather amusing appearance, and its tone was arrogant.

"Moshi moshi! Hello, Mr. Judge! After our friendly and pleasant conversation last time, I'm delighted to talk to you again. I wonder if you remember me?" Rodney's tone was playful, and he sounded quite pleased.

"You... you're... Rodney?! Why are you making this call? Where's Ichiji? Where's Niji and Yoji?" Judge became infuriated and wanted to know where his proud sons were.

"Oh, is that so? Is this what you call the highest technological marvel of the Germa Kingdom? Do you really think those three losers could catch me?" Rodney sarcastically remarked.

Robin chuckled on the side. When it came to being sarcastic, their Captain was a pro; he had a way with words.

"Impossible! Ichiji and the others are perfect creations. How could they fail? Their bodies are the pinnacle of Germa's technology. How could they lose to you?" There was a loud bang on the other end of the line, probably from slamming the table in frustration.

"Is that all? Are they Germa's highest technology? Really? Mr. Judge, they are all half-dead now. If this is a video Den Den Mushi, I'd love for you to see the pathetic state they are in. It's quite hilarious. Hahaha... Ahem, sorry, it's just too amusing. Laughing choked me."

Rodney's blatant laughter struck Judge's nerves, and he roared in anger. To be ignored, threatened, and still unable to retaliate frustrated him to no end.

"No way! This is absolutely impossible!"

"Don't you realize it? One person, three billion bellies; a total of nine billion bellies. Plus three Devil Fruits. If you're missing even one letter, you can go search for them in the stomach of the Sea Kings. Who knows, maybe by the time you get there, the entire sea will be united with them. Hahaha! Oh, I forgot to mention, you can't go to the World Government either. It was their first move, and my actions were in self-defense. So, the World Government can't touch me. So, either pay nine billion bellies and three Devil Fruits, or be prepared for a ticket tearing!"

After finishing his one-sided ticket-tearing threat, Rodney continued to smoke his cigar, exhaling a plume of smoke. Truly satisfying!

Kingdom of Germa

Judge pounded the table in front of him in fury. "This kid! Damn him!"

How many years had it been since he last experienced such rage? To be disregarded, threatened, and having no way to deal with the situation left Judge seething with anger.

No, he couldn't let this slide. He needed to find a way, and Robin was the key!

Suppressing his anger, he dialed the Den Den Mushi again.

"Moshi moshi. What is it this time? Mr. Judge, making this call isn't cheap. We suggest you gather the money quickly and bring it here. Otherwise, we'll have to resort to ticket tearing."

Who did this kidnapper think he was?!

Judge's nose almost went crooked from anger. "Where's Reiju? I want to speak to her!"

After a moment of silence on the other end, a faint voice came through. "Your old man is looking for you."

"Forget about him. I don't want to talk to him."

"Oh, then I'll hang up."

"Hey, the user you are trying to reach is not available at the moment. Please try again later. *Beep*"

The Den Den Mushi was hung up.

Judge: ?????

Reiju's response infuriated him even more. He was fuming, and without a table to pound this time, he felt utterly powerless. After screaming in frustration for half a minute, he dialed the World Government's Den Den Mushi. He had to reclaim the situation!

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