
I Will Be The Villain

[Read my new book Master Of Horrors!] “I’ll get back to my world no matter what even if I had to kill everyone here just to achieve it. “If that’s how everything will turn out at the end of my miseries then… I will be the villain.” … Lander, a normal worker and novel writer, found himself in the body of one of his mid-level boss villains, Duke Mauberon after a peculiar circumstance occurred to him. Yet, three years have already passed since the very start of his work. “Sir Duke, we finished off our preparation. It’s finally time to wage war in the world.” Slapped with the refutable fact that he got transmigrated, Lander, or, the current Duke, had to find a way to return to his home, Earth. Yet as he searches for methods to do it, Duke encounters strings of mysteries, challenging crises, and tremendous obstacles that get him tangled up in his goal. … “I’m worried about myself… I might go crazy while searching for a way home." Thought, is that really a problem? I was already crazy before I even came here...

Ordki_Hozei · Fantasi
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Interrogating The Killer

The Messengers

It's a real business obviously and a famous one at that, if we're talking about a legitimate business. It's a type of mailing company where you deliver a message through a postal office to deliver it once again to the person they want to be delivered to.

Everything is commissioned by the customers and they respect the utmost privacy which has been proven time and time again. Still, it wasn't enough to trust the business itself.

Yes, it isn't. Even though it doesn't have the same history as mine, this business was supported by the army and administration. For some reason, the academy and the churches didn't like it, but with the backing of two gigantic and legitimate organizations, there was room for doubt.

Obviously, people like Harold use this mail but I was different.

Never once I've delivered a letter or a message through the mail. I always did it by ordering my men to do it or myself.

For one simple reason and it's because of this. Raphael, the current owner of the messengers, is manipulating them all.

And this guy… is the villain in this arc.

"I've also been wanting to meet you, Raphael."

Shaking hands with the person I wouldn't guess if he's an ally or enemy, the three of us seated down on the same round table once more.

"Don't mind me. I just wanted to listen."

Raphael shrugged, "Well, it's not like our meeting requires secrecy. You can listen as much as you want. In fact, I would like you to hear this."

The two continued the conversation where they left off without minding my intrusion into their meeting. It's not like I was a stranger to Carpal but Raphael should've disagreed about someone entering here unattended, yet there's no struggle or annoyance on it.

Their talk was related to both company expansion in the South through here and vice versa. Once they were done with this expansion which had no definite answer as they talked about this matter, they talked about the candidacy which I took an interest in since it's all about Raphael had uttered after the expansion.

"I heard that this year's candidacy is an atrocity. And in this nation was the first death received. Isn't it a bit… well, on my side? It's very shocking. The reason it was is because he died right after the announcer declared the start of the candidates.

"You don't know how shocked I was." Carpal sighed, "He was right in my front when he died, you know? It was really… an experience to remember."

Raphael nodded, "You said it. Anyway, I've also run candidacy to the nation I was in. My hometown, Plain Line Nation, is where people are on my side, you see. I bet my win is already guaranteed."

Carpal chuckled, "I love your confidence, sir Raphael. I can't even have that. The last two candidates are in a league on their own. Maybe, in a month, the result will slowly show and everyone will take drastic measures just to ensure your win."

"Well, now that we're talking about drastic measures, we can continue it at this point," Raphael let out a soft smile, "Say, you interested in buying votes? The Governor position, I'll give it to you Carpal."

Both me and Carpal assisted Raphael on his way out after another hour of talking with still no progress. In the end, everything was left open, leaving the offer and their plans to be up for suggestions and change.

"How long have you been talking to him that he spoke everything so casually?"

Carpal watches Raphael's carriage slowly move away from the street, pondering for a moment before answering.

"A week ago. I don't know where it started but he started getting informal about everything. At first, he talked business but then it became casual until this day when he talked business again."

"It must've taken a very long time for him to tell this after you two clicked together."

Carpal looked beside me with a brow raised, "I was careful, you don't need to worry. His tricks won't work on me."

'That's the problem, you wouldn't know if you are being tricked or not, manipulated or not. He's higher leagues than Duke since he's a main villain, not some mid, mediocre villain.'

But I'm not Duke so there should be no problem.

"Hey, why are you so quiet?"

"I was thinking."

Looking up at the sky, I quietly added. 

"What is your schedule for today?"

"Well, I have a few city hall meetings with Pincon, Klazgow, and Rochdale City. And a few campaigns at those renovations since I'm there already."

Nodding my head once, I stated, "You should double your bodyguards. And ask someone to see if there's a bounty on your head at the underworld or other companies who do killing for a living."


Carpal seemed surprised to hear that word even though he was slightly aware of it since he might've done research about himself regarding the underworld.

Before his candidacy, it didn't even reach a hundred gold reward.

Who knows what's the difference now? Even small-time killers and assassins might take this job to do the thing.

Even though it fazed him for a moment, Carpal calmed down and curtly replied, "I will. What about you? Do you want me to look for it?"

"Don't bother."

I also have a lot of things to do with three of them to do with the candidacy. First, solidifying Carpal's candidacy of this nation which I was currently working in the progress.

Second, I will also start working on other nations' candidacies which as a result broadening my connections and information which is all related to my goal of returning.

Third is Raphael.

That guy finally showed up which is the time I wasn't expecting to. And the air around him only spelled one thing.

He's up for trouble.

"Sigh, we could've done this earlier."

"My apologies. Something came up that requires this now."

Harold, who was guiding me inside an administration office where its concrete and renovated walls were prominent, let out a small sigh as he explained.

"As you wanted, he's here staying at one of the private prisons in this office. Not like the rooms you people have gotten but very nasty and stained."

"What is he feeling about what he did."

Harold, who seemed to ponder about it for a moment, sighed and stated, "He was elated. He said he didn't regret killing that guy. As you know, he's not right on his mind."

'Well, I guess there are some people who aren't right in the end after doing the act. Make sense.'

Harold on the side, handled me the entire dossier of the killer and said, "Here's his background information. You can look at it while you are in the interrogation room. I'll bring him to you after receiving him. And also, we've also interviewed his wife. That's also there."

Stopping right in front of the interrogation room, Harold opened the door after using the keys in his hand and turned on the fortified lamps before leaving to receive the killer.

"Wait here."

Once inside, I took a seat before reading the papers for the killer and his wife. His basic information was instantly shown. His hobbies, his job, and even his kinks.

It was very thorough research.


There's really nothing interesting so far right until the end hence I moved next to his wife. The same background information was seen, and the same normalcy was viewed.

Both were pretty normal people. 

But the story of the killing… is becoming more sense.

'So that's what happened.'

Even the conclusion of the case was there and to my surprise, the investigation had the same result as mine. They even investigated the place where the killer usually went and also received reports there.


Finally, the door of the interrogation room opened with Harold and two of his men assisting the killer in his chair, handcuffing him right after he was seated down.

His two bodyguards left the room and Harold took a seat right beside me, signaling me to start on whatever I was here with.

"Kiel, I suppose?"

"I've told you everything I can give. That molester had touched my wife! Anyway, where is she anyway? Why haven't she visited me?"

Raising a brow, I intended with a weird tone, "Are you really asking that? You will never be able to see her again. She had set a new life for herself after she regretted being with you. I think she's right about her decision, though. If anyone was with you, they would do the same thing."

"You don't know a thing!"

"I do know a lot, actually. This paper further proves it." I paused and pressed solemnly, "You are a gambler. You lost a lot of money in a gambling den hence your wife found some ways to see how she would pay them all. She saw Willus and worked for him but no intimacy or scandal happened. It's all in your imagination and your drinking habits."


"Willus, that guy, I thought he was an indecent person but you really shouldn't judge someone until you know everything about them." Clicking my tongue, I stated, "Now, you can imagine how your life would be. Rotting in a cell. You'll go on a trial and live your life inside without any parole.

"A person without a wife, a gambler, addict, with his life being wasted away. Sad but anyways, it wasn't the thing I'm interested in."

Kiel, the killer of Willus, was grinding his teeth as he glared at me full of hatred. If he's not handcuffed, he might've pounced at me already but as if that posed a problem.

What I wanted was this situation.

It is to give his current circumstances and…

"Of course, your situation could be changed. You'll be able to be free in a few years with parole."

…see a way out of it.


Even Harold on the side was shocked about my words which made Kiel, who became stiff, become more perturbed about the situation.

"But I wanted something from you. I wanted to know who had given you the information that you got from Willus. It doesn't matter what it is, just tell me."