
I will be back soon....

Evening sun sets down. Weekend party gets fun on the way middle of jungle. Roman and his four friends Bony, Jorge, Vicki and Tom decide and started to enjoy the day end with whisky bottles middle of a small jungle. After some times past Roman asked his friends anybody heard any humming sound? They said no we don't hear. Then Roman said don't shout anymore slowly we will move from here. But his friends didn't stop asking the question. He said I heard a different sound. A lady singing a song. But they don't believe. They said okay if you heard a lady's voice come we go and look at her. After long discussions friends altogether went to the side of the humming. Little far from them they saw a cobra on the lady's body. The lady humming and singing and the cobra dancing with her. This situation is very much wonderful and thrilling way had to Roman and to his friends. They cannot believe their eyes. They freeze them selves.

Anyone unexpected moment Tom shot the cobra. Then the cobra fallen down. She started to shout who killed my lover? I won't leave you anyone. And I will be back soon...... to meet you all. Suddenly she changed her figure back to snake and went from there. After looking at her Roman and his friends started to shivering. They ran away from that place. But they could not forget what they saw in the jungle. Night full they couldn't sleep. They however wait till be morning. Early morning five friends met together and discussed about further details. There in the jungle that snake came to her lover's dead body and promised on the death king cobra I won't leave that five boys without revenge. That five faces are fixed in my eyes and mind. How they separated you from me like that I will separate them from their family and lovers. She cried with the death body in her lap. After some times she buried herself the death body. Now she decides to go to the city to find the boys. Changed her figure as a beautiful girl and went to beside the road and walked slowly. But she doesn't know anything about them. Her mind starts think what are their names? Where they living? Without know anything how can I find them? I should revenge the right person. Unfortunately if I revenged an innocent it will be cursed to my total cobra generation. So I very carefully want to choose the right person. How long even I will wait for them. Daily I will go around the city and I will definitely find them. Anyway she got a chance to look Tom one of the friend of Roman. All ready six months passed of the incident. So friends totally forgot about that and they started to enjoy their life as usual. Drinks, party, girls full of fun spent their days. Between in the gap she was saw Tom with his girlfriend Lena . She was noticed her very carefully. Next day cobra changed her figure like Lena and waited daily they enjoying hotel. Tom came as usual. They were very happy and kissed lip to lip. Suddenly Tom's body got totally blue. And he was fallen down. She escaped from that place. People come and took him to hospital. Then Lena also entered into the hotel. She can't understand what happened there. She cried I got little late to come in between what happened to you Tom? But he could not answer already he was passed away. Lena together took him to hospital. Reporters. Policemen all there. Reporter's camera without miss any signal places started to shoot. One of the camera man saw something has wrote in the hotel entrance door. He was shocked nearly go and looked that 'I will be back soon.....' who wrote this? Asked to every one they said I don't know. Police asked for check CCTV cameras. Then they saw a snake going out from the entrance door. People shocked' is this sentence written by the snake? They cannot believe even police too. Roman on the TV to watch news. He shocked by the news. He soon called to his friends and asked come on conference call. They looked at the news and got afraid nicely. They started to think about that incident. Now they had a question in their mind next will be who in her list? At last they came to a final decision. Tomorrow we will go and meet our Father in the church he will give any solution. Next day morning Roman and his friends went to church to meet Father. They said all subjects to Father and Roman said before she attack us we should safe us. Then Father said I heard about a Bishop in a village church. You gays go and meet him. Definitely he will help you all. They went Father suggested village church and met him and they said everything with him. Bishop said out of the science like this things will happen rarely. Already you have missed your friend. Now you four want to be safe from it's revenge. I will give you a chain with cross pendant don't remove it in any time. This only can safe you from the death. They did not know the snake was in the car boot. Now she was listening every matters they talked. She started to decide to however want to make situations to kill them . Okay I will do it she confirmed. Just two three months passed. Roman and his friends confirmed here after that snake can't do anything we are out of danger. They as usual enjoying the days. Bony has a weak point if looked a bike in new model he wants ride it . His friend josh bought a bike. He showed the bike to Bony. Then Bony asked the bike and went speed ride in the road. He suddenly saw the snake is in the handle bar of the bike. He couldn't control the speed of the bike and he got accident with the big tree side of the road. And he passed away on the spot. The snake escaped before come people to the spot. Roman, Jorge and Vicki were shocked after listening this bad news. Now they understood this accident was happened by the snake. They spoke together it can attempt to attack us in many ways so we have to be careful. Roman and his friends two avoided all the funs out of the house. Always they talked through phone. Didn't go to meet anyone. After few months one day morning Jorge reading a newspaper in his garden with cup of tea. After drinking the tea he got giddiness and fallen in the garden. House boy was watering for the flowers. Suddenly sound came side he turn and looked Jorge has fallen down and his body changed into blue colour . He called the other members of the house and took him to hospital. After checking Jorge and doctor said there was a poison in the tea. That's why he was passed away. And we can say clearly after check out about the poison and what kind of poison is that? But Roman and his friends are know about that. Without crying they couldn't do anything in that situation. After few weeks they slowly came out from that bad situation. Roman said next week my birthday but I can't celebrate without our friends Tom, Jorge and Bony. Then Vicki said but next year we will live or not we don't know. So I will celebrate your birthday grandly. Next week on the day of the birthday celebrations highly arranged by Vicki. Roman and Vicki celebrated the birthday function with sad moods. Few months later Vicki got married. His wife Mary first fed the wedding cake to Vicki. He was very happy to eat the wedding cake by his sweet wife's hand. when He swallow the cake he said this cake also sweet like you. After few seconds he try to feed the cake to his new wife but he could not feed when she opened her mouth to bite the cake fallen down from his hand and he too fallen. His family members caught him without fall down. Roman and others took him to the hospital. Doctors gave fast treatment but no use he was no more. Snake went her lover's grave and said already four finished in my list. One only left after send off him l will be back soon to see you. Roman decided alone with afraid I can't live here. So I want to go abroad and settle with my family that is the only way to live peacefully. So he started to do the arrangements for settle in abroad. Came the day to say goodbye to his country with his family. They now going to the airport middle of the way there is a accident in the road. Roman stop the car and went to look at the accident. Then the snake came into the car boot. Back seat his parents were stayed. Police come and clear the road Roman come again and starts to drive. Then the snake through boot's hole came to under the back seat. She saying with her mind voice you cannot escape from me I won't forgive anybody who spoiled my happiness . It slowly came to back side glass . Roman on the way driving just looked his parents though the front up mirror then he saw the snake is back side glass. He could not shout and drive properly. Main road vehicles are very speed. His parents are shouting Roman what happened to you? Why are you driving like this? Words not coming out to answer to parents. Roman totally out of his control. Car here and there moving. At last car got accident with big truck and Roman was very serious. With police and other's help Roman and his parents took out from the car. By ambulance police sent Roman to hospital. That cobra as a nurse came to that hospital. Doctors gave treatment. One of the doctor said he needs blood arrange it. She said okay doctor I will take care of him. She passed her poison into the blood bag by injection needle and hanged blood bag. She slowly came out of the hospital and went to her lover's grave and said I fulfilled my promise of revenge. My work was over. Now l will be back soon..... To join with you. She went top of the mountain and changed her figure as female jumped and suicide her self.....(This story is full of my own imagination. Actually it is impossible. But power of imagination is impossible things making possible.) Read and enjoy with my stories.