
I, Who Kept a Low Profile, Pulled Out the Sword in the Stone

[Magic Student] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Beginner Mage]. [Granite Child] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Granite Giant]. [Alchemy Student] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Beginner Alchemist]. [Holy Knight Apprentice] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Holy Knight Technique]. [Martial Arts Apprentice] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Martial Arts Master]. This was a cultivation world where superhumans constantly appeared. Spells, mystery arts, technology, and the cultures of east and west intertwined. Robert arrived in this world. The people of this world regarded bloodline with utmost importance. He had wanted to study hard and strengthen his abilities, but he got attacked by a superhuman organization when he went overseas.

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40 Chs

You’re Really Thick-skinned

Penerjemah: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"We've finally left Rome, far away from any danger."

The environment was completely different. It was not as solemn as the inner city, nor was it as modern as the outer city. It felt like they had entered a village.

"I did not expect there to be such a place outside the Holy City."

Robert let out a sigh.

"Robert, why are you sighing? There will be rich and poor areas everywhere. Just like how light cannot exist without darkness." Shireen said as she glanced at Robert.

"Yes, whatever you say." Robert did not expect Shireen to lecture him. He felt like she was keeping an eye on him.

Ellie giggled.

"Big brother, why aren't you refuting?"

"A man should keep his promise. I said that I would let your sister have her way."

Upon hearing that, Shireen had a prideful look on her beautiful face.

"At least you are sensible. If you dare to refute me, I will ignore you."

Robert looked like he just lost his will to live.

"Yes, whatever you say. My lady, how would I dare to refute you?"

If Robert were to always behave like this, then life would become much more boring. He was acting like a machine who only knows how to obey orders.

"Robert, you're so boring. Tell me a joke."

"A joke," Robert said.

Ellie suddenly looked a little scared.

"Sister, it's all your fault. Big brother is completely dumbfounded. If this continues, it'll be terrible."

"Return my big brother to me!"

Robert's sudden change in attitude gave Shireen a fright as well.

She did not want her future husband to turn into a fool.

"Robert, I'm ordering you to return to normal immediately."

Robert was unfazed by Shireen's orders.

"Sister, big brother really did become stupid. What should we do? Do you know any doctors who can treat brain damage? Why don't we bring him to see a doctor?"

Ellie was about to cry.

"That's a good idea. Then let's bring Robert to a doctor immediately."

Seeing things unfold, Robert continued to pretend.

"Hey, where am I? Who am I?"

"Ellie, Shireen, it's so good to see you. I was really worried about both of you. Earlier, I was captured by a black shadow."

"But no matter how much the black shadow tortured me, I endured. It will not stop me from coming back to see the two of you. I have crossed the desert, sea, river, and mountains. Finally, I can see you guys again."

Robert spouted his nonsense in a serious tone.

Ellie was very touched.

"Big brother, I didn't know that we were so important to you."

Shireen walked towards Robert and reached out her right hand. She touched Robert's forehead with the back of her hand.

"Robert, there are traces of black magic on you. If you don't remove it, your life will be in danger. The only solution is to get your head checked. Let's go, I'll take you to a doctor."

Shireen had long realized that Robert was trying to trick them.

"I'm not playing anymore. Shireen, you don't play by the rules."

Shireen giggled. Her smile was simply dazzling.

"Ellie, Robert is so silly."

"Yes sister, I agree with you."


The conversation between the three of them attracted the attention of others. They felt that this family of three was very interesting.

Many people were envious of Robert for having such a beautiful woman and lovely child by his side.

However, when some people saw Shireen, they immediately distanced themselves. They even ran away as if she was a plague.

"Shireen, why are those people afraid of you? Did you do something terrible to them?"

"It's nothing. The last time I ran out of my house, I met a few people who were selling newspapers on the street. I saw that their clothes were shabby and pitiful, so I gave them a lot of money. But then their boss came to me with a group of thugs and demanded that I hand over all my money. The boss even asked me to be his wife. So I taught them a lesson."

Shireen said mischievously.

"How much did you give them?"

"Not much, just a single holy coin."

"What?! A holy coin?! If it were me, I would have also tried to rob you."

Robert was shocked. 

According to the monetary system of the transcendents, the basic currency between countries was gold coins, which was equivalent to the banknotes in his previous life.

However, this extraordinary world did not only have gold coins as a currency. There was another, more expensive currency.

Holy coins.

One holy coin was equivalent to 10,000 gold coins!

Robert was at a loss for words.

Imagine earning one holy coin for selling newspapers.

"They knew that you were beautiful and kind. That's why those people tried to take advantage of you"

"It's just one holy coin. I always bring dozens of them with me every time I go out."

Shireen said nonchalantly.

"Rich woman."

Robert said without realizing it.

Shireen looked at Robert with a smile.

"Do you want some money?"

"Stop fooling around, Shireen. How can you say such things to me in front of a child?"

Shireen took another look at Robert. Her future husband was really interesting.

Robert got close to her and whispered, "Lower down your voice. Don't let Ellie hear you. Were you serious about what you've said just now?"


"Since you're so rich, why don't you buy two mobile phones? If you have mobile phones, you won't be separated from Ellie," said Robert.

"You're a fool. If we had mobile phones, we would have never met."

"That's right. Big brother, you're so silly."

Shireen and Ellie said one after another.


"It's already noon. The both of you must be hungry. Ellie, Shireen, I'll treat you two to a meal."

Shireen and Ellie looked at each other and smiled. They could tell that Robert's skin was really thick.

"Boss, what's the best food here? I'm ordering all of them. The lady here will pay."

Shireen almost fainted after hearing what Robert had said.

"Didn't you say that you wanted to treat us? Why should I pay?"

"It's the same no matter who pays."

Seeing them quarrel, Ellie giggled. 

Big Brother and sister were really close. She really hoped that they will get married soon so that she would have a sibling to play with.