
I, Who Kept a Low Profile, Pulled Out the Sword in the Stone

[Magic Student] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Beginner Mage]. [Granite Child] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Granite Giant]. [Alchemy Student] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Beginner Alchemist]. [Holy Knight Apprentice] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Holy Knight Technique]. [Martial Arts Apprentice] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Martial Arts Master]. This was a cultivation world where superhumans constantly appeared. Spells, mystery arts, technology, and the cultures of east and west intertwined. Robert arrived in this world. The people of this world regarded bloodline with utmost importance. He had wanted to study hard and strengthen his abilities, but he got attacked by a superhuman organization when he went overseas.

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40 Chs

Valkyrie's Transformation

Penerjemah: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Damn it, if I catch that b*tch, I'll lock her up in the terrifying Snake Cave!"

"Save me! Please remove this stone from my back!"

The people underground were in a state of panic. The gang members had no choice but to flee. They had only one thought, to quickly leave this place and find a safe haven. 

There were people who were injured and some were even killed. Everyone was so focused on running for their lives that they did not help anyone else in need.

"They're finally coming out!"


At the last second before the ground collapsed, a few gang members managed to escape. It was a near-death experience and they could barely catch their breath. Then, they saw Shireen and Valkyrie in the distance. 

"It's you again, you nasty b*tch. Was the last time not enough for you? My younger brother was killed by the falling stones. I wanted to settle the score with you!"

"Today is the day you die. I am going to take your life. I want revenge for my younger brother and I will grind you into a meat paste!" 

A man with a strong build furiously said as he pushed aside a stone slab. 

He was originally only 6'5 but had grown to 9'8. Strong muscles covered his entire body. It was as if he's a small giant.

The most eye-catching thing about that man was his white fur. It covered his entire body and he looked like a huge polar bear!

"My brother died a horrible death. His entire body was flattened. That girl is too ruthless."

The man's hatred was immense. It seemed like he was going berserk!

"Should we help him?"

"Help with what? Have you forgotten what that machine can do? Its power has not even been fully unleashed yet. Let's just sit back and watch. We can figure out the strength of the two."

"The big guy might get killed, but I agree. We should not involve ourselves. Hehe, I have long disliked that vulgar guy. I have never seen him wash his hands before eating. He always has the stench of a beast on him. People who live in the same room with him are really unlucky."

"However, for this girl to have such a powerful machine, I believe that she must be a noble from Rome. Have you thought about the consequences if we oppose her?"

"You're so timid. Haven't you heard? The Holy City of Rome had been attacked by cultists. The church's power had weakened. They do not have time to deal with us."

"That makes sense. Let's catch that girl together!"

"No rush. Let the big guy test the power of that machine first. It's best if both of them get injured. Then we can reap the benefits."

"That girl must possess a lot of treasures. We'll split them equally."

"That's a good idea."


"This feud will never end. Shireen, you actually caused the death of his brother."

The man's rough voice was very loud, so Robert heard what he said very clearly.

However, these gang members are no better themselves. They did evil deeds, burned, killed, and looted. None of them were good people. It would be better if they died.

"Big brother, it was actually me who chose the landing point of the cannonball last time. Hehe."

Ellie stretched out her delicate little hand and pointed at herself as if she wanted to be praised.

"Oh, really? Good job Ellie!"

Robert was smitten by Ellie's cute face.

The little loli giggled.

"Robert, although the landing point was chosen by Ellie, I was the one who gave the order to fire the cannonballs."

Seeing Robert and Ellie getting intimate made Shireen jealous.

"Yes, both Ellie and my future wife are great ."

Robert said to Shireen.

"That's more I like it."

Shireen revealed a satisfied smile.

"Sister, were you jealous just now?"

"Who told you that I was jealous?"

"Is that so?"

Ellie looked confused.

Shireen patted Ellie's head.

"Of course. Your sister would not lie to you?"

If the gang members outside saw this warm moment inside the car, they would not know what to think about it.

"I'll kill you!"

The tall man began walking towards the car. With each step, his feet sank into the ground, leaving a deep footprint.

The ground was shaking.

"Valkyrie, how strong is that person?"

"Very strong. He's from the beast tribe and was originally a mercenary from Eastern Europe. Three years ago, he came to Max District to avoid being arrested. He's an international fugitive."

"He has the polar bear bloodline. His strength was only at warrior level, until last year. For some unknown reason, his strength escalated to demon level."

Robert was listening attentively.

"System, display his information."

[ Name: Muhammad Kilang, nicknamed Rough ]

[ Age: 52]

[ Level: Demon (Due to the instability when he goes berserk, his strength could fall back to the warrior level at any time) ]

[ Bloodline: Polar bear bloodline (extremely unstable strength) ]

[ Skills: Raging Steel Claws, Giant Bear Bite, Falling Fist... ]

[ Analysis: In a berserk state, his strength increases rapidly every second. An unknown force is providing him with the strength he has. The force comes from his abdomen. The host is advised to finish off the enemy as quickly as possible. ]

Upon hearing that, Robert did not plan to go easy with the guy.

"Valkyrie, attack his abdomen with all your power. It's the source of his strength."

As soon as Robert gave his order, Valkyrie immediately responded, "Yes, master."

"Master, request to change into battle form."

These words were meant for Shireen.

"Since we know the opponent's weakness, attack it with all your power. Valkyrie, I remove all of your restrictions. Aim for his abdomen!"

"Command received. Restriction removed. Final form activated."


A mechanical sound could be heard.

Everyone was shocked.

Valkyrie's body split open. The components were quickly dismantled then reassembled and the transformation process began. In less than a second, Valkyrie changed from a car to a humanoid combat robot that was 59 feet tall.

"It transformed! Doesn't this only happen in sci-fi movies?!"

"Poverty has limited my imagination. It's not that there are no humanoid combat robots in this world. Just that I'm too poor to afford it…"