
I, Who Kept a Low Profile, Pulled Out the Sword in the Stone

[Magic Student] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Beginner Mage]. [Granite Child] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Granite Giant]. [Alchemy Student] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Beginner Alchemist]. [Holy Knight Apprentice] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Holy Knight Technique]. [Martial Arts Apprentice] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Martial Arts Master]. This was a cultivation world where superhumans constantly appeared. Spells, mystery arts, technology, and the cultures of east and west intertwined. Robert arrived in this world. The people of this world regarded bloodline with utmost importance. He had wanted to study hard and strengthen his abilities, but he got attacked by a superhuman organization when he went overseas.

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40 Chs

Valkyrie’s Methods

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Valkyrie's transformation into a giant humanoid combat robot stunned everyone.

The moment it completed its transformation, Valkyrie retracted its right hand into its arm. Then, a laser blade that was emitting a red glow was extended out instead.

The red laser blade was more than two hundred inches long. 

"Laser blade! 100% power activated!"

"Valkyrie, attack the enemy!"

Valkyrie held the red laser blade in its hand. It quickly ran towards the man and attacked him.


Valkyrie jumped into the air and aimed at the man's head, slashing him with the laser blade.

Robert had said before that the man's weakness was his abdomen, so attacking his head would not be very effective.

The man saw that Valkyrie was determined to kill him. When he saw the red laser blade, he could feel that his death was near. He was petrified. 

"Roar! Ultimate Giant Bear Armguard!"

He raised his arms above his head like a shield, barely blocking Valkyrie's attack.


Even though his thick arms were very strong, at its highest power, the red laser blade could easily cut through steel as if it was cutting tofu. 

White smoke came out from his arms, and there were burn marks on them.

Seeing that it was impossible to withstand another attack, the man growled again.

"Earth Guard!"

Following his explosive roar, the man's body grew bigger again. The muscles in his body were at their maximum limit. His feet sank deeper into the ground. Countless pieces of earth around him began to vibrate and gathered above the man's head, forming a shield.

A flow of yellow energy could be seen around the soil.

More and more earth began to gather. It grew from a thin layer that only protected the top of the man's head to gradually covering his entire body. His body was filled with yellow energy. 

It was only a thin layer earth shield, but the red laser blade was unable to cut any further.

Valkyrie instantly pulled back the red laser blade.

It looked like a temporary retreat, but in fact, it was a new attack. Valkyrie began slashing horizontally, aiming at the weakest part of the earth shield.


When the red laser blade touched the earth shield, it only gave off a slight vibration. Valkyrie's attack was once again blocked.

Inside of the earth shield, the man's body grew even larger, giving off an oppressive pressure.

Even the gang members were surprised.

"This man hid his power so well. Back then, I thought he only knew some basic bear moves."

"Did you guys not sense his power getting stronger and stronger?"

"Fortunately, I only argued with him verbally. If we were to really fight, I would be easily defeated."

Valkyrie launched several more attacks. However, the man blocked it every time with his earth shield.

The gang members began discussing among themselves.

"Should we help him now?"

"Let's keep watching. I can feel that both sides are reserving their strength. Let them continue to fight for a while."

"It's still uncertain who will win."

Valkyrie's attacks had failed several times. However, it had discovered some clues while fighting.

"Master, requesting permission to remove the final restriction. The opponent's power is becoming stronger by the second. The source of his power is not only from his abdomen but also from his feet. I can feel it. Since the opponent's power is earth-based, the soil has been providing him an endless supply of energy. My current attacks have no effect at all."

"Also, I've detected a few terrifying beings that have the same power as him from not far away."

After listening to Valkyrie, Shireen immediately said, "I'll allow you to use your ultimate power. Do you need my help?"

Valkyrie was equipped with an artificial intelligence system. It was designed to fight like a human and a machine.

"Master, I can take care of the opponent alone. I will make him regret being our enemy."

Valkyrie began using its ultimate power. Its entire body emitted a piercing buzzing sound.

The man who was protected by the earth shield stopped in his tracks. 

"Roar! It's not enough. Give me more power!"

He saw that the laser blade in Valkyrie's right hand suddenly doubled in size. What made him tremble was that the color of the laser blade changed from red to gold. Valkyrie was giving off an enormous amount of pressure.

Valkyrie's movements were also twice as fast as before.

It moved left and right, leaving behind two afterimages.

The blade landed on the earth shield. 


The collision of the golden blade and earth shield produced a very strong shockwave. 

Everyone covered their ears to prevent their eardrums from being damaged.

However, something different happened this time.

The golden blade caused the earth shield to actually fall apart. The yellow energy also began disappearing and countless pieces of earth fell to the ground.

"Not good, I can't block it anymore!"

The man was aware that he's no match for Valkyrie.

There was only one word in his mind


He could no longer avenge his younger brother. If he did not run, he would die.

The man immediately activated his life-saving secret technique. He used the last of his energy, turned around, and ran off at an extremely high speed.

Unfortunately, without the protection of the earth shield, the man was vulnerable. 

After the golden blade broke the earth shield, Valkyrie quickly slashed forward.

The sound of a corpse falling to the ground could then be heard.

It was particularly ear-piercing for the gang members.