
I, Who Kept a Low Profile, Pulled Out the Sword in the Stone

[Magic Student] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Beginner Mage]. [Granite Child] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Granite Giant]. [Alchemy Student] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Beginner Alchemist]. [Holy Knight Apprentice] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Holy Knight Technique]. [Martial Arts Apprentice] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Martial Arts Master]. This was a cultivation world where superhumans constantly appeared. Spells, mystery arts, technology, and the cultures of east and west intertwined. Robert arrived in this world. The people of this world regarded bloodline with utmost importance. He had wanted to study hard and strengthen his abilities, but he got attacked by a superhuman organization when he went overseas.

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40 Chs

The Little Loli’s Name Is Ellie

Penerjemah: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"What will happen to me?" Robert asked with a puzzled expression. He felt awful after seeing the little loli panic.

"Do I look like a bad person?"

"Then, should I leave?"

However, it was impossible for Robert to leave. If he were to left such a cute little girl alone on the streets, terrible things might happen to her. Not everyone was as kind as him.

Robert was determined to bring the little loli to a church. There would be people there that could help her. If he were to rely on himself, it would be inadequate.

At least at the church, the little loli would be safe.

The church could issue a notice of a missing person and when the little loli's family sees it, they would know where to go to look for her. It's killing two birds with one stone.

"Big brother, are you really okay?"

The little loli looked at Robert from head to toe in disbelief. 

"Little girl, I am fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

The little loli's words were intriguing.

It's not as if she had any ill intentions towards him.

Robert walked over and reached out his hand to help the little loli up from the ground.

"Let's go, little girl. I'll take you to the church. You just have to wait there until your family comes."

The little loli nodded. Now, she's sure that Robert's fine. She looked at Robert intimately. 

"Big brother, carry me."

Robert was unable to deny her request. He squatted down, reached out both of his hands and picked up the little loli. She smelled very fragrant. The perfume she used was definitely not a perfume any typical person could afford. He was more certain than before, that the little loli was not an ordinary individual. She's very likely to be the granddaughter of an influential family.

Robert carried the little loli and walked towards the church.

"Big brother, you're special. You're the only one who treats Ellie so kindly." The little loli had a very sweet sounding voice, so sweet that it made Robert grin.

So the little loli's name was Ellie.

It was a very cute name.

Robert continued to speak with the little loli.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I have a special power. This power will protect Ellie's life. Anyone who harbors ill intentions will be injured if they come close to me."

"Earlier, a few other big brothers and sisters approached me. As soon as they came close to me, they were sent flying and suffered very serious injuries."

"But big brother is fine. This proves that big brother really cares about Ellie. I still don't know your name, big brother."

After hearing what Ellie said, Robert suddenly realized that she was indeed from a prominent family.

He had heard rumors that these families would cast extraordinary spells on their descendants to protect their lives and preserve their bloodlines.

However, it was not easy to perform such spells.

It was said that in order to maintain such power, certain materials would need to be consumed within the family's secret realm every single day. These materials were very expensive and only the wealthy could afford them. 

Ellie definitely came from a unique background.

"System, check Ellie's power level."

[ Legendary- Upper-level magic: Orchid Shield (Can detect any hidden malice of those close by. Once detected, it will be reflected using the power of light. The greater the malice, the stronger the rebound. ]

In this world, magic was also divided into three levels: warrior, sorcerer, and legendary. It was then further divided into three stages: lower, middle, and upper.

Consumable magic could only be used by the royal nobles.

Ordinary families would not be able to afford the expensive consumable materials.

Not to mention, this was legendary magic. The price of the consumable materials needed would be beyond a regular person's imagination.

As soon as Ellie finished speaking, Robert introduced himself, "My name is Robert."

The little loli then said, "My name is Harlan Jack von Brough Ellie."

Robert felt that he had heard of that family name before. However, it was not important. At this moment, the most important thing was to bring Ellie to the church.

"Ellie, your family must be very rich. Why were there no bodyguards with you?"

Robert was afraid that the little loli would be bored, so he took the initiative to start another conversation.

Ellie looked like she wanted to say something but then hesitated.

"Big brother, I'm only telling you about this. Actually, my sister and I secretly ran out because our family would force us to stay in the secret realm to cultivate."

"My sister and I were really bored, so we escaped this morning when no one was paying attention."

Robert now understood everything. It was highly likely that Ellie and her sister got separated on the street.

From the memories left behind by his predecessor, he had some understanding of the secret realms.

Some powerful families would have a secret realm for their heirs to cultivate in. It was comparable to rich people not wanting their children to go to public schools and instead, chose private schools.

Robert was certain that she's not a simple person.

"Ellie, you'll be safe there. Stay inside. No one will harm you."

A small church could be seen and Robert pointed at it.

"I know, that's a church."

"Ellie is so smart."

Robert put the little loli down at the church's entrance. He pushed the door open and saw that it was empty inside. There was not a single person in sight.

Some people might have gone out, but it was unusual for a church to be completely empty.

"Is anyone there?"

Robert held Ellie's little hand. They walked over to a chair and sat down.

"Welcome, believers of the Lord."

After hearing Robert's voice, a very beautiful Nun walked out from behind the church.

"She was separated from her family. Can you help us post a notice for a missing person?" Robert told the Nun.

"Of course. Since you are a believer of the Lord, I will naturally help."

"Thank you, Sister Nun." Ellie smiled gratefully.

The Nun suddenly got excited. She licked her lips and stretched out her palm towards Robert.

"The service fee is 10,000 gold coins."


"The church takes money for helping people?"

He had never heard of such a thing.

"How can you demand money for helping?"

Robert's question did not faze the Nun.

"It is because the notice will be written on a piece of paper that has been blessed by the church. The blessed notice will be immune to the wind, rain, and fire."

The nun then continued.

"There is another way. If the little girl gives me a strand of her hair, I can use my own special power. As long as your family is still in the city, I will definitely be able to find them. However, 10,000 gold coins would not be enough. This spell requires 20,000 gold coins."

Robert cursed silently. It was clearly a rip-off.

"You forced me to do this."

Naturally, Robert refused to be extorted.

He wanted to teach the Nun a lesson.

"Ellie, tell her your full name."