
I, Who Kept a Low Profile, Pulled Out the Sword in the Stone

[Magic Student] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Beginner Mage]. [Granite Child] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Granite Giant]. [Alchemy Student] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Beginner Alchemist]. [Holy Knight Apprentice] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Holy Knight Technique]. [Martial Arts Apprentice] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Martial Arts Master]. This was a cultivation world where superhumans constantly appeared. Spells, mystery arts, technology, and the cultures of east and west intertwined. Robert arrived in this world. The people of this world regarded bloodline with utmost importance. He had wanted to study hard and strengthen his abilities, but he got attacked by a superhuman organization when he went overseas.

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40 Chs

The Church's Actions

Penerjemah: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the iconic church's headquarters in the Holy City, a group of people was gathered in the Holy Court. The archbishop in a red robe, who represented the highest echelons of the church, and several other bishops in white were gathered here. The last time all the high-ranking bishops had gathered like this was during the selection of the Pope.

The wall in front of the court was engraved with the iconic emblem of the church. It was shining with golden light, giving off a majestic and divine aura.

Under the emblem was a red-robed archbishop wearing a crown. He was Lawrence Ferde, the man who was in charge of the knight orders of the holy city. He spoke slowly with a solemn face.

"Just now, Her Holiness Kael sent us a message. Although the content of the message is very short, she brings us exciting news. The Divine Sword in the Stone has awakened!"


The Divine Sword in the Stone has awakened!

No one present even noticed that such a thing had occurred!

Actually, it was not their fault. The Divine Sword in the Stone itself was a complete enigma. Even the pope could not see the Sword in the Stone, let alone these lower-ranked bishops.

Furthermore, the awakening of the Divine Sword in the Stone just happened to coincide with the appearance of a cheat-user like Robert. Even the natural phenomenon that was supposed to happen when the Divine Sword in the Stone awakened was silently covered up.

"Archbishop Ferde, is this news truly from Her Holiness Kael?"

A bishop felt that this matter was far beyond his imagination, but the current situation was special. Cultists had infiltrated the holy city of Rome. No one knew what they would do. Hence, he suspected that this news could be part of the cultists' ploy to distract the church.

"How dare you! I understand your concerns, but her holiness Kael is absolute. No one in this world can impersonate her. What I've said is absolutely true!" Archbishop Ferde looked at the bishops as he berated.

"If that's the case, then it must be true. After all, it was Her Holiness who reported it."

Everyone knew that Kael had once been the pope. In her era, the church ushered in a new golden age. Without Kael's contribution, the church would not be what it is now.

Therefore, everyone in the church respected Kael the most.

Kael's actions in the past were clearly recorded in the church's documents. Even someone who was not born in Kael's era could bask in Kael's holy radiance by reading the texts.

Of course, Kael's true image was far from the church's expectations.

No one would have expected that Kael was actually a battle junkie.

Moreover, the recent popes had all been ravaged by Kael multiple times.

All the bishops immediately put on excited expressions.

"The Divine Sword in the Stone has finally awakened!"

"That's great. I didn't expect to be able to personally witness the awakening of the Divine Sword in the Stone in my lifetime! I have no more regrets!"

Everyone was very excited and happy. After all, the Divine Sword in the Stone was the holy relic of the church. They felt honored to be part of the era where this legendary sword awakened once more.

"Quiet!" Ferde said to get everyone's attention once more.

"Her Holiness Kael wants us to find the master of the Divine Sword in the Stone as soon as possible. I don't need to tell you how important he is to the church. All of you must understand, right?"

However, at this moment, someone asked.

"Archbishop Ferde, right now, cultists are still lurking about in the city. How should we deal with them? The dozens of bombings must just be the beginning. If they take even more dangerous actions in the future, we have to be on our guard."

"I will leave that matter to the church's secret forces. Our task now is to find the young man with the VIP invitation as soon as possible.

"Remember that the Divine Sword in the Stone is of great importance to the church. It will affect the future of the church. This matter must not be made public. We must search for that young man without startling the masses.

"Of course, don't be discouraged if you don't find him. Just don't let any of this information leak out. Don't let anyone see anything out of the ordinary. Everything must proceed as usual. I believe that even if we do not meet His Holiness today, there will be a day when His Holiness will return to the embrace of the Lord and bring glory to our church!"

"Amen! May God bless us in our search!"

The archbishop and all the bishops were pulled out the rosaries on their chests as they closed their eyes and prayed devoutly.

"This is an important matter. I don't want anything mistakes regarding this matter. Before you leave, please sign your names on this contract. I hope you understand that the church's interests can not be compromised."

As he spoke, Archbishop Ferde reached his hand up into the air. A scroll from a bookshelf not far away automatically flew into his hand. As it was unfurled, the scroll emitted a holy light. If one looked closely, one could see traces of energy flowing on the surface of the scroll.

Seeing that Archbishop Ferde had signed his name, the other bishops also raised their pens and signed their names.

After everyone had signed their names, Archbishop Ferde waved his hand. The scroll closed automatically and flew back to the bookshelf. Unless someone broke the contract, no one would be able to open the scroll.

Then, everyone left in a hurry. They had to find the current owner of the Divine Sword in the Stone as soon as possible.

The church's orders were passed down from the line of command. Soon, many knights and nuns who did not have any tasks on hand walked onto the street and began to look for a young man holding a VIP invitation.

At this time, Robert was preparing to go to a sanctuary with the crowd. Seeing the scene on the street, he was a little confused. What was the church doing?

The most important thing right now was to deal with the cultists.

Why were they checking the identities of the tourists instead?

The church's people walked over and asked one by one. When it was Robert's turn, they asked a few questions and then left. Robert had felt that the VIP invitation was in the way when he left the church, so he threw it away.

Robert was actually very curious about the church's actions.

Coincidentally, a man who looked three or four years older than him walked past him.

The man had a lecherous look on his face as he kept staring at the girls who passed by.

When a nun was interrogating him earlier, this guy actually asked for her contact information. In the end, he was obviously rejected.

"Brother, what did that young lady ask you just now?"

Robert could tell that although this person looked like a pervert, he still had a noble temperament. He guessed that this must be someone with a decent background.

"System, I want to see this person's information."

[ Name: Edward Paul ]

[ Age: 23 ]

[ Realm: Platinum-level 8-stars ]

[ Bloodline: Ice Dragon's Blood ]

[ Identity: Heir to the Edward Family ]

[ Talent: Ice Dragon's Roar (Level 2) ]

[ Skill: Freezing Water, Iceball... ]