
I, Who Kept a Low Profile, Pulled Out the Sword in the Stone

[Magic Student] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Beginner Mage]. [Granite Child] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Granite Giant]. [Alchemy Student] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Beginner Alchemist]. [Holy Knight Apprentice] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Holy Knight Technique]. [Martial Arts Apprentice] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Martial Arts Master]. This was a cultivation world where superhumans constantly appeared. Spells, mystery arts, technology, and the cultures of east and west intertwined. Robert arrived in this world. The people of this world regarded bloodline with utmost importance. He had wanted to study hard and strengthen his abilities, but he got attacked by a superhuman organization when he went overseas.

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40 Chs

Sister’s Whereabouts Discovered

Penerjemah: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"My full name is Harlan Jack von Braun Ellie."

Ellie trusted Robert very much. She immediately told the Nun her full name.

"You are... !"

The beautiful Nun who looked excited a moment ago was now panicking.

"Your Highness, I did not realize it was you. Please forgive me."

Facing Ellie, the Nun immediately knelt down on one knee and apologized.

The Nun's heart was racing.

No one expected Her Highness to come here. She had noticed that Ellie's clothes were very expensive, and was probably from a rich family.

The Nun had always been charging people according to their appearance. If the person was rich, she would definitely rip them off. The church was unaware of what she had done.

If her actions were exposed, she would not be the only one facing heavy punishment from the church. Her family would be included as well. 

"Big brother, was she trying to extort you?" Ellie noticed the quick change in the Nun's attitude. There must be a reason.

"Ellie is really smart." Robert reached out his hand and patted Ellie's head a few times. She closed her eyes and looked as if she enjoyed it.

Robert was not surprised at the turn of events. He knew that Ellie had a high status.

Things would not have turned out difficult for the Nun if only she did not try to rip off Robert. 

"Big brother, how are you going to punish her?" Ellie asked while tilting her small head. She was very angry at the Nun's behavior.

"Leave it to me."

Robert said with confidence. Ellie nodded. She had no objections to what he would do to the Nun. 

"I know I'm wrong. It's my fault. Your Highness, please do not tell the church about this. I beg for your forgiveness."

Robert walked in front of the Nun.

"Why don't you tell me what to do."

The Nun was stunned. She then responded, "I'm willing to help Your Highness find her family for free. I won't charge any fees. I'll bear all the expenses myself."

Robert did not actually intend to cause problems for the Nun. Since she had sincerely apologized, he believed that she had learned her lesson.

"Ellie, what do you think?"

Robert asked for Ellie's opinion.

"Big brother, you can handle it. I'll agree with your decisions," Ellie said.

Robert made an acknowledging gesture towards Ellie. It was clear that both of them trusted each other very much. If people found out that they had just met today, they would definitely be surprised.

"Since you've apologized sincerely, your punishment is to donate all the money that you've swindled to the poor. If you do this again, the next punishment won't be this light, understand?"

The Nun hurriedly nodded. She dare not defy Robert.

At first, the Nun thought that Robert was just an ordinary person because of his clothes. She did not expect him to be affiliated with Princess Ellie. Moreover, from their conversation, it seems that both of them were very close.

Who was he? Why did Princess Ellie trust him so much?

The Nun then proceeded to cast her spell.

First, she asked for a strand of Ellie's hair. After that, she cast a unique seeking magic. The strand of hair began emitting a weak light.

"Sir Robert, Your Highness Ellie, the spell has been completed. You just need to follow the guidance of this strand of hair. The stronger the light, the closer Her Highness is to her family."

This time, the Nun behaved much more respectfully towards Robert.

"Ellie, let's go find your sister."

After saying that, Robert picked up the little loli and began walking, following the guidance of the strand of hair.

The Nun plopped weakly to the ground after Robert and Ellie left. Her back was drenched in sweat.


"Big brother, thank you. You're the first person I've ever met to sincerely help me."

Ellie said as she pecked Robert on the cheek.

She then let out a cheerful laugh. 

"Big brother, other than my sister, you're the only person that I like."

Seeing how happy the little loli was made Robert happy as well. They continued chatting with each other along the way.

Both the inner and outer cities were not peaceful ever since the cultists attacked. As Robert walked by, he saw many people trying to escape with their families.

There were several injured people who fell to the ground. However, nobody was willing to lend a helping hand. They were only focused on escaping themselves.

"Big brother, they're so pitiful," Ellie said in a sympathetic tone. At the same time, she knew that it was meaningless to provide assistance to these people.

Robert nodded.

"Although they're pitiful, they're not worth your sympathy. If they had obediently stayed at home, the church would have come to their rescue and no one would have been injured."

"It's their own fault for not trusting anyone."

Although Robert sympathized with those people, he had no intentions of helping them this time.

The outer city was far less dangerous than the inner city. They were simply causing themselves more trouble by trying to escape.

"I understand, big brother. You're saying that if they run around on the streets like this, it'll be harder for the church to aid them. It'll waste more resources and manpower as well, right?"

Robert patted the little loli's head affectionately. She giggled happily.

"Ellie is so smart."

Robert also realized that Ellie was highly educated. She understood something so complicated with ease. She's very intelligent for her age. 

"By the way, how old are you?"

"Ellie is eight years old. I'll be turning nine after my birthday."

Both of them reached the end of the road.

"Ellie, Ellie, where are you?"

A girl's voice can suddenly be heard. 

It does not sound as if it was far away.

"Big brother, it's my sister. She's nearby!"

Ellie said excitedly. She picked up the strand of hair and it emitted a light stronger than ever before.

"Let's go find your sister."

Robert carried the little loli and walked towards the direction where the voice was coming from.