
I, Who Kept a Low Profile, Pulled Out the Sword in the Stone

[Magic Student] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Beginner Mage]. [Granite Child] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Granite Giant]. [Alchemy Student] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Beginner Alchemist]. [Holy Knight Apprentice] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Holy Knight Technique]. [Martial Arts Apprentice] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Martial Arts Master]. This was a cultivation world where superhumans constantly appeared. Spells, mystery arts, technology, and the cultures of east and west intertwined. Robert arrived in this world. The people of this world regarded bloodline with utmost importance. He had wanted to study hard and strengthen his abilities, but he got attacked by a superhuman organization when he went overseas.

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40 Chs

I’m Busy Running Away!

Penerjemah: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"You talking to me?" Edward Paul heard someone talking to him from behind. He turned around and saw Robert standing there.

Taking a good look at Robert, he found that this kid had an easy-going temperament. Robert felt like the kind of guy Edward did not hate.

"Bro, were you trying to pick up that nun just now? To be honest, it's too difficult." Robert remembered the behavior of this guy before.

"Bro, I take it that you've also been there before?" Edward Paul's eyes suddenly lit up. His favorable impression of Robert increased greatly. As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together.

These nuns were really too difficult to hit on.

"Umm..." Robert did not know how to answer. This guy actually thought that he was like one of them. This lecher thought that he had also been going around hitting on the nuns. Did he forget where they were at right now? Those nuns had spent their entire lives in the church, their minds had long been brainwashed. They would rather be a lonely old woman for the rest of their lives than be tainted by a man.

This guy was actually here to flirt with the nuns. He should already consider himself lucky that the nuns did not report him to the church!

Of course, this was also thanks to this guy's identity.

Edward Paul's luxurious attire told everyone that he was no average Joe.

"Bro, you don't have to say it. I feel you." Edward Paul comforted him. Then, he reached out his hand to Robert. "Edward Paul. You can call me Edward."

"Robert. Nice to meet you, Edward."

Robert also reached out his right hand as he shook Edward's hand.

"Bro, why did that nun look for you just now?"

Robert struck while the iron was hot. He quickly asked while he had Edward's favor.

"It's not a big deal. That nun came over and told me that there might be cultists lurking in the holy city of Rome. For everyone's safety, both locals and foreigners had to undergo a routine check.

"However, according to my observation, that routine check is just a cover. They must be looking for something."

Robert gave this guy a thumbs up, praising Edward Paul's keen senses.

"Bro, what else did you find?"

Edward Paul looked around, motioning for Robert to talk with him as they walked.

"The nun asked me to take out the invitation I had. After I showed it to her, I noticed a flash of disappointment in her eyes. In other words, I'm not the person she's looking for. She's looking for someone else.

"I also found that most of the people they checked were teenagers and young adults under the age of 25. This is too suspicious. If they were actually looking for cultists, why would they only be checking the young guys? So, I'm guessing that a certain youth must have done something big to attract the attention of the church. The church doesn't want to tell anyone about this, so they started to investigate secretly.

"The only thing I can't figure out is what that youth did to cause the church to mobilize this number of people. If there's a chance, I want to make friends with them."

Edward Paul's tone was filled with yearning and anticipation.

He did not notice the surprise that quickly flashed across Robert's face.

Cold sweat uncontrollably dripped down Robert's back.

As expected, he was discovered!

His mind immediately thought of Audrey and the others.

It must be their doing.

It seemed like it was a wise decision for him to hang up when he did. With those girls' methods, he would definitely not be able to keep his secret.

As expected of those girls.

Their methods were really unpredictable.

Of course, it was impossible to just change his SIM card right now. Not to mention that he had already been threatened by Audrey, he was afraid that the moment he changed the card, the four of them would appear in front of him. That would be a terrible prospect.

Although Audrey and the others seemed to be fond of him, he still had to be careful not of the possibility of him just dancing in their palms. However, putting all that aside, just based on strength alone, these four senior sisters were the only upper hand he had, outside of the system.

Robert planned to continue sticking with them, maybe even reaping some benefits from them. Either way, it was still great.

Robert immediately thought of something.

That's not right. Although it was true that he had been discovered, judging from how the church mobilizing this amount of people to find a needle in the haystack, it was obvious that Audrey and the others had no idea of his exact location. Otherwise, they would not have to go through so much trouble.

The reason was very simple. Robert thought that the Divine Sword in the Stone and the system must have played a role in interfering with Audrey's divinations, resulting in the current situation.

Thinking of this, Robert immediately relaxed.

As long as he did not reveal his identity, no one would know that the Divine Sword in the Stone was with him.

"Brother Edward, I still have some things to take care of. See you next time."

Robert had already gotten the information he wanted from this lecher. There was no point in staying any longer.

"Brother Robert, please wait a moment. Our encounter today must be a work of fate. Here's my number. Give me yours. If you ever come to Edward Manor to visit, I'll definitely treat you well."

Edward had a very good impression of Robert, so he wanted to make friends with him. As the saying went, "more friends, more connections". This was the creed of his life.

"Here's my number, brother Edward. Take it down." After exchanging their contact information, Robert prepared to run away.

There were cultists lurking everywhere in the holy city of Rome. It was too dangerous. His bronze-level body would not be able to withstand the torment. Thus, Robert decided to head to the outer city and leave Rome.

After careful consideration, Robert realized that he could not stay in Rome no matter what. There was the church's search, the threat of the cultists, and the covetous eyes of various big shots. If he did not run now, he would not have the chance to do so in the future.

Robert immediately walked in the opposite direction of Edward Paul.

"Brother Robert, you're going the wrong direction. The sanctuary is this way. Follow me, I know the way!"

Edward Paul kindly reminded him.

"Brother Edward, the holy city is really too dangerous a place to be in right now. I've decided to leave Rome. Take care!"

Robert turned around and waved at Edward Paul before walked off.

"Robert doesn't seem to like the crowd too much. Hehe, I'm the exact opposite of him. The more chaotic Rome is, the greater the opportunities. When I swoop in to save the day, I'll be able to earn the affection of the damsel in distress!"

Edward Paul chuckled and turned around to head towards the sanctuary.

The inner city of Rome was indeed filled with danger now. Some of the lower-leveled people would not feel safe if they continued to stay here. Therefore, they had the same thoughts as Robert. They left the inner city of Rome one after another. After staying out of Rome for a couple of days, it would not be too late for them to return after this wave of danger had passed.

Robert followed this group and left the inner city.

"Buzz buzz buzz..."

"Buzz buzz buzz..."

"Buzz buzz buzz..."

His phone kept ringing. Robert picked it up and saw that it was senior sister Audrey. She had called him several times in a row.

He had been so busy running that he had not even noticed the phone ringing.

"Buzz buzz buzz..."

At this moment, Audrey called him again.

Robert knew that if he did not pick up this time, the consequences would be very dire.

"Hello, senior sister? Is there something urgent you need me for? I'm busy running away."