
I, Who Kept a Low Profile, Pulled Out the Sword in the Stone

[Magic Student] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Beginner Mage]. [Granite Child] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Granite Giant]. [Alchemy Student] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Beginner Alchemist]. [Holy Knight Apprentice] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Holy Knight Technique]. [Martial Arts Apprentice] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Martial Arts Master]. This was a cultivation world where superhumans constantly appeared. Spells, mystery arts, technology, and the cultures of east and west intertwined. Robert arrived in this world. The people of this world regarded bloodline with utmost importance. He had wanted to study hard and strengthen his abilities, but he got attacked by a superhuman organization when he went overseas.

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40 Chs

Edward And His Cousin

Penerjemah: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"The meal was delicious. Thank you, big brother."

Ellie said after finishing her meal.

"Ellie, I was the one who paid for it. You should be thanking me instead."

Shireen did not eat much. On the other hand, Robert and Ellie ate dishes after dishes. They were simply two super foodies. Seeing them eat so happily was enough for Shireen.

Shireen then deliberately pouted and pretended to be very dissatisfied.

"But this meal was suggested by big brother. So of course I have to thank him."

"Thank you, big brother, for letting me eat such delicious food."

Ellie tilted her small head and said innocently.

"What kind of logic is this? Ellie, it seems that you have followed Robert for too long. You have picked up his bad habits."

Shireen lightly tapped Ellie's forehead with her finger. Although it sounded as if she was scolding her, the obvious doting look in her eyes could not be hidden.

"Ouch, it hurts so much. I think you're enjoying hitting me." Ellie covered her fair and smooth forehead as she glared disapprovingly at her sister.

"What kind of logic is that?"

Shireen realized that her sister was becoming more and more difficult to deal with. She was only eight years old. In a few more years, she might really lose control of her.

"I've seen it all. Big brother always teased you. Although you act angry, you actually like it. Am I right?"

Shireen became speechless. Good heavens, this sister of hers is trying to trick her again. 

You're really good at deceiving your sister.

"What was the saying again? If a man isn't bad, a woman will not love him. A proper bickering is a part of a joyful life."

"Ellie, you're still young and you do not understand the world of adults yet."

"Ellie, Shireen, don't worry. From now on, I'll only tease you two. I won't tease any other woman."

Robert had just eaten his fill. When he heard the conversation between the two sisters, he interjected just at the right time.

"So that's how it is. I understand. Thank you, big brother."

"Ellie, why are you thanking him again? Stop it."

Shireen pouted again. Was she really an adult? The way she acted was like a little girl. 

"Sister, you're scolding me again. Humph, it's not fair" Ellie pouted as well, expressing her dissatisfaction.

"Ellie, I'm just teaching you to differentiate between right and wrong. How can you blame me?"

"It's your fault first. I'm old enough. I know everything. You don't need to teach me."

The sisters' bickering attracted the attention of many people in the restaurant. They began looking at them.

They were shocked by Shireen's beauty and Ellie's cuteness.

Beautiful and cute girls would catch the attention of people no matter where they went.

However, when they discovered that there was another person beside the girls, it ruined the scene and became an eyesore instead. Many people were so jealous that they wanted to vomit blood.

"It's unreasonable. Why would such a beautiful girl fall for such an ordinary man? I'm obviously better than him!"

"Is this man a gigolo? Could that little one be their daughter?"

"Geez, I'm so envious. If I could have even half of the luck of that guy, I'd be satisfied even if I died."

The customers in the restaurant gossiped loudy. Even the people outside could hear them.

Robert wiped his mouth.

He stood up and proceeded to carry Ellie.

Then, he reached out his hand to Shireen. She smiled and gently placed her right hand on Robert's palm.

"Honey, are you full? Let's go."

"Okay, dear."

"Honey, look at how cute Ellie is. It proves that our genes are definitely excellent. We can't waste such excellent genes. Why don't we try to have another child?"

"Sure, whatever you say."

Robert held Ellie with his left hand and Shireen with his right hand. They then walked out of the restaurant while everyone gazed in jealousy.

Robert's ego was boosted.

"Thank you both for acting the scene out with me," Robert said to Ellie and Shireen.

"Hehe, those people were speechless. That's how you should teach them a lesson. I like that you called me your "wife" just now," Her face turned red as she said that.

"I can call you my wife again," Robert said excitedly.

"Who told you I wanted to be called your wife again?"

Shireen's face was still red, but she didn't refuse Robert's advancement.

Robert was in a good mood. 

They were far away from the dangerous Holy City of Rome and just had a good meal. The journey continued. Robert brought Shireen and Ellie to another town to see if they could find anything interesting. 

Just as they were about to pass by an intersection, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind them.

The voice was very familiar. Robert immediately recognized it. It was Edward. Edward Paul.

He turned around and looked.

Sure enough, he saw a familiar figure, but there was also a very beautiful girl beside him. The two of them walked towards Robert.

Edward was very surprised to run into Robert.

"Robert, it's so good to see you again."

"Edward? Good to see you too! Why are you here?"

Robert glanced at the woman beside Edward. She gave him a hostile gaze.

He recalled Edward's previous experience of failing to flirt with girls.

He was finally successful. While he failed to flirt with the nun, he managed to get an even more beautiful woman.

Looking at Robert, Edward could guess what he was thinking. He had to clear the misunderstanding. 

"Robert, let me introduce my cousin to you. She is Swenson, of the Cassius family."

Robert realized that he had misunderstood.

Robert then turned around and started introducing him to Shireen and Ellie.

"This beautiful girl is my girlfriend, Shireen."

"This cute little girl that I'm carrying is Ellie."

Shireen did not retaliate when Robert introduced her as his girlfriend. She smiled and held onto the hem of her skirt with both of her hands, then lowered her head slightly to greet Edward and his cousin.

"Hello. I'm Robert's girlfriend. My name is Harlan Jack von Brough Shireen. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Hello, uncle and aunty. My full name is Harlan Jack von Brough Ellie. Nice to meet you too. Since you are my big brother's friends, then you are my friends too."