
I, Who Kept a Low Profile, Pulled Out the Sword in the Stone

[Magic Student] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Beginner Mage]. [Granite Child] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Granite Giant]. [Alchemy Student] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Beginner Alchemist]. [Holy Knight Apprentice] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Holy Knight Technique]. [Martial Arts Apprentice] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Martial Arts Master]. This was a cultivation world where superhumans constantly appeared. Spells, mystery arts, technology, and the cultures of east and west intertwined. Robert arrived in this world. The people of this world regarded bloodline with utmost importance. He had wanted to study hard and strengthen his abilities, but he got attacked by a superhuman organization when he went overseas.

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40 Chs

Don’t Think About Dirty Things

Penerjemah: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Brother Robert, this meal is on me. Sit down, it's my treat no matter what. Princess Shireen had already helped me so much, so I want to express my gratitude. No one should compete to pay with me for this meal."

After eating and drinking his fill, Edward saw that Robert stood up and was about to pay the bill, so he himself hurriedly stood up and said what he did.

"Then go ahead."

Robert smiled and agreed with Edward.


"Haha, Brother Robert, just sit down first. I'll go pay the bill. We'll leave when I come back."

However, when Edward went to pay the bill, he immediately felt his heart ache when he saw the total amount. This meal had cost him one month's worth of pocket money. It was because for this meal, all the ingredients used were top quality. They were all rare ingredients and normal people would never be able to afford them.

Of course, this amount was not worth mentioning if it could return Edward's family's business to normal. He then calmed down.

Besides, he also made new friends.

After paying the bill, they walked out of the restaurant together.

Robert stood at the entrance of the restaurant and said,

"Brother Edward, Swenson, thank you for the meal. Shireen, Ellie, and I have to go now. Next time, I'll treat you to hamburgers."

'Hamburgers? I've spent a month's worth of allowance to treat you guys, yet you're only treating me back with hamburgers?'

Although he was ridiculing Robert in his heart, Edward smiled and replied, "No problem, brother Robert. Let's meet up again next time. Also, Princess Shireen, thank you once again for helping my family out. I'll definitely go to the palace with my father to thank you one day."

"No problem. However, I've decided to stay with Robert. I'll go wherever he goes, so you might not be able to find me for a short period of time," Shireen said with a smile.

Edward and Swenson's expressions instantly turned grim.

'Killing single guys again?

'Please, give us a chance to live.

'You guys are too much. Killing single guys once is already enough.'

"Goodbye, Brother Edward. I'll see you again next time."

Robert walked away as he turned around and waved his hand.

When Robert and his group were out of sight, Edward immediately dropped his act.

He stared at Swenson and said, "Swenson, was he really the scum that you were talking about? The way he acted, do you really think he was being his real self?"

Hearing her cousin's words, Swenson's expression glommed.

She was also unable to understand why the Robert whom she had met today was so different compared to the Robert whom she had met a month ago. It was as if they were completely different people.

"Edward, you're saying that Rober was acting, right? That he was hiding his real self?"

Swenson was very depressed. The ordinary trash that she once did not care about had now become someone very intriguing.

Who was the real idiot? She suddenly felt a sense of humiliation, as if she was being played by Robert.

"Cousin, if he really was the scumbag you said he was, how did he get the favor of the royal princess?"

Edward fiddled with his fingers as he said this.

Looking at Edward, Swenson suddenly thought of something.

Her face was full of shock and realization.

"Edward, you are saying that Robert's ability to get close to the members of the royal family is already abnormal, right?"

Edward nodded.

"Only a few people know about this matter. My father told me about it. He said that the royal family uses very powerful magic. When the magic is cast on a person, it can detect any malice of anyone surrounding them. If the person with malicious intentions gets close, the magic activates and attacks them. The greater the malice, the higher the attack power. If the malicious intent is light, then it will break their limbs. If it's strong, then it is possible for them to lose their life."

"Robert being able to get close to Princess Shireen is already an unusual thing. He could even carry princess Ellie. It's shocking!"

After thinking about it, Swenson had no choice but to admit that she had made a mistake. She had no choice but to admit that Robert was not a scumbag.

"Then, Edward, should we tell my father about this and inform the royal family?"

Edward glanced at his cousin.

Then, he shook his head and said, "No one needs to know about this. Robert is obviously not an ordinary person. It won't do us any harm to have a good relationship with him for now."

He paused.

Edward lowered his voice and said, "Remember, cousin, this is also for the sake of our lives."

After hearing this, Swenson nodded.

It was clear that Robert was not an ordinary person. If he wanted to kill them, it would be easy.

Robert did not know that Edward and Swenson thought of him so highly. 

At this moment, he was holding the hand of the beautiful Shireen and carrying the cute Ellie as they walked on the streets of the town.

"Robert, that beautiful classmate of yours had come all the way here to look for you. Don't you plan to meet her privately? I know that men nowadays tend to cheat on their lovers."

Shireen was obviously jealous and she could not help but mock Robert.

"Shireen, I'm different from those men. I won't have multiple partners. I'm loyal to the person I like until death. I said that I like you and Ellie, so I'll definitely keep my promise."

Robert could sense Shireen's jealousy and he was enjoying himself even though they were bickering.

"Shireen, your worries are completely unnecessary. Swenson is the descendant of a large family. We are not on the same level. Besides, how could she fancy a good-for-nothing person like me? You are thinking too much."

Hearing Robert's words, Shireen nodded. What he said was true, she then revealed a smile.

She placed her hands on Robert's handsome face.

Their eyes met.

The passion began breaking out.

Their body temperature soared.

Robert was very surprised. This was the first time Shireen had taken the initiative to touch him.

'Could it be that he will finally get his first kiss?'

His heart began to pound quickly.

Robert closed his eyes in anticipation.


"Ouch, it hurts so much!"

The kiss that Robert was looking forward to did not happen. Instead, it was a heavy blow to his head.

"Pervert, are you thinking about dirty things? Don't think about it."

Robert rubbed his head and pretended to be in pain.

"Shireen, why did you suddenly hit me? I really didn't think about any dirty things."

Shireen looked at him as if she had something to say.