
I, Who Kept a Low Profile, Pulled Out the Sword in the Stone

[Magic Student] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Beginner Mage]. [Granite Child] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Granite Giant]. [Alchemy Student] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Beginner Alchemist]. [Holy Knight Apprentice] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Holy Knight Technique]. [Martial Arts Apprentice] underwent a bloodline evolution to become [Martial Arts Master]. This was a cultivation world where superhumans constantly appeared. Spells, mystery arts, technology, and the cultures of east and west intertwined. Robert arrived in this world. The people of this world regarded bloodline with utmost importance. He had wanted to study hard and strengthen his abilities, but he got attacked by a superhuman organization when he went overseas.

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40 Chs

Dear Wife, You Are The Smartest

Penerjemah: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"It's time to leave Rome. Let me take a look at our current location."

Robert took out his phone and opened the navigation map. After taking a look, he said, "We are now at the edge of the outer city. We can leave Rome if we continue walking in this direction."

After listening to Robert, Shireen's facial expression changed.

"We have to leave Rome already? I just snuck out of my house and haven't had enough fun yet. What a shame."

Robert could see that Shireen and Ellie must have been bored staying at their home for such a long time. Under normal circumstances, they could have stayed and enjoyed themselves more but now it's a different story.

"The attacks in the inner city are obviously a diversion by the cultists. Their goal is most likely to disperse the church's power and then engage in a war."

"If my speculations are correct, there will be a few more attacks in the future. When that time comes, even the outer city will be affected. It will be best for us to leave as soon as possible."

Shireen blinked her big, beautiful eyes. She had a surprised look on her face.

"How could that be? When I was young, the elders in my family told me that the Holy City of Rome is one of the safest cities in the world. There are powerful knights who are responsible for maintaining the security of the city. It was even said that under the ground of the Holy City of Rome, there's inexhaustible magic. It is no exaggeration to say that the Holy City of Rome can operate indefinitely."

"Furthermore, a few years ago, spiritual energy began to come into existence in this world. After the transcendents awakened one after another, Rome realized the importance of defending their city. There are a few secret places in the Holy City of Rome that have powerful defensive magic set up. It was even said that it could withstand the attacks of the demigods. The Holy City of Rome was supposed to be indestructible. Therefore, even if there were cultists infiltrating the city, it would not shake Rome's foundation."

"Shireen, how do you know so much?"

This was the first time that Robert had heard about the Holy City of Rome having such powerful defensive magic. It was really impressive.

"I heard it from my family elders."

Shireen blinked, she looked very cute.

"I'm still worried. There were so many cultists who infiltrated the Holy City of Rome this time. There were at least tens of thousands of them."

"Did you discover the cultists, Robert?"

Even now, the church could not figure out how many cultists had infiltrated the city. Robert knowing about it made him very suspicious.

"Of course, I just happened to meet one. He looked like he only had the strength of a bronze-level, but in reality, his true strength is that of a platinum-level."

"A warrior-level extraordinary being actually has the combat strength of a magic warrior. This itself is very unusual. They must be hiding something. Moreover, it's not only one or two of such people, nor hundreds or thousands, but tens of thousands."

"What you said makes sense. The people of the church definitely do not have the time to check on those bronze-rank extraordinary beings. These cultists obviously managed to avoid the church's inspection." Shireen suddenly figured out the core of the matter.

She paused for a moment and then continued, "If that's the case, then the church has been slacking. If someone had checked on even one of these bronze-level extraordinaire, the terrifying attacks would not have happened."

Robert wholeheartedly agreed with Shireen.

"The church has indeed been slacking. The long-term peace has caused them to stop moving forward. They're still stuck in a beautiful fantasy."

Just as Robert finished his sentence, Shireen raised her hand and placed it on her chest.

"Don't worry, Robert. I will protect you and Ellie. With me around, no one can hurt you."

"Shireen, I still don't know how strong you are."

Robert stared at Shireen curiously.

"I'm a level 8 Saint. You're just a level 4 Platinum. You'll need 30 years if you want to catch up to me. Hehe."

Shireen looked at Robert and said confidently.

Robert looked at Ellie.

"Ellie, what level is your strength now?"

"Big brother, don't feel inferior if I say it out loud. Ellie is a level 5 Star Diamond. If big brother worked hard, it's not impossible for you to catch up to me."

"Stop, I beg you guys to stop talking. Let a weakling like me stay by myself for a little while."

Robert's heart fell.

It was a great blow to his dignity.

"The two of you are so strong. How did you get separated?"

"It was all because of the suppression magic that the Holy City of Rome had set up in secret. The suppression magic forces those extraordinary beings whose strength exceeds the Star Diamond level to suppress their strength. Once the church finds individuals who exceed this level, they will be interrogated. The church was only concerned about the safety of the city, but this is too much."

"What's even more infuriating is that once you're locked up, you have to pay the church a high price if you want to get out."

"The stronger you are, the more fees you'll have to pay."

Shireen explained bitterly. The church's actions disgusted her.

After listening to Shireen, Robert told her what had happened to him and Ellie previously at the church.

"Shireen, when I brought Ellie to the church to ask for their help in finding you, I was almost cheated out of 10,000 gold coins by a nun. Fortunately, I managed to react quickly and got us out of the situation."

Shireen shook her head and said, "The nun must have seen Ellie's expensive clothes. That's why she tried to rip you off. The richer you are, the higher the fees will be."

Shireen felt that the church's actions were shameless.

She also felt that, to a certain extent, it'd be better if the church did not exist. 

If the church did not exist, then the cultists would not have attacked the Holy City of Rome in the first place.

Although the church benefited the people, it also brought chaos because they had been secretly maintaining the Western world. 

"Everything exists for a reason."

"My my, Shireen can actually say such philosophical words. It's really impressive."

Robert teased.

Shireen pinched his arm.

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

"It hurts, it hurts, let go. You're not stupid, I'm stupid. You're the most beautiful, the most adorable, and the smartest woman in the world!"

Robert was in so much pain that tears were streaming down his cheeks. He quickly begged for mercy.

"That's more I like it. Do you dare to say it again next time?"

"I dare not, I dare not, my dear wife."

Ellie watched this scene from the side and giggled.